On Extremism

Sergiu Klainerman: There Is No Such Thing as “White” Math Gates Foundation: A Pathway to Equitable Math Instruction: Dismantling Racism in Mathematics Instruction When one takes a balanced diet, food is properly digested and the body is kept healthy. The body’s temperature has to be kept at a certain norm. If the temperature goes above…

East Point And The Mother Model

Those who will not undergo accommodation with The Mother Era are self-immolating. Those who will not countenance realignment of the nations, led by India, USA, and Russia, are having a nervous breakdown. Those who despise the glory of spiritual splendor are losing their powers altogether. The mother fulfills many roles in a family and society.…

A Firestorm Of Intolerance

Taken individually and even in groups, these are sick personalities — certainly mentally, probably physically — itching for gigs. Taken as a national phenomenon, this is a firestorm of intolerance racing across the land, devouring young and old, rich and poor, sick and well, families high and low, men, women, and children. We ask, Why?…

Critical Race Theory At West Point – IV

Yesterday, The College Fix published this by Anna K. Miller. She relates that the legislature of Idaho has significantly cut funding to their flagship universities because the same champion Critical Race Theory (CRT). As I have pointed out here, and others have elsewhere, West Point (USMA) is infected with CRT. A West Point graduate and…

Beat The Long Roll

So-called research universities, proliferating Centers for this delusion and that, and with CIA curating and promulgating (or not) their outputs, are the main battle force. CRT (critical race theory) is a skirmish line, heavy, but a skirmish line nonetheless. Through CIA media assets, research universities throw ahead one skirmish line of crazy nonsense after another:…

Global Leadership Belongs To The Family: India USA Russia

As usual, Kurt misses the point. Destroying sovereignty altogether is the point, not tolerating violence until it reaches one’s door. Soi-disant elites have a positive motivation, not a laissez-faire or proximately tolerant one. They are using misery and ripping to fulfill a desire they have: to reduce human population to a bare minimum, themselves, and…

Attack Against The Reality Of Sovereignty

Leftists attack sovereignty altogether: personal sovereignty, sovereignty of reason, sovereignty of facts, sovereignty of the families, sovereignty of property, national sovereignty, sovereignty of culture, sovereignty of the nations, sovereignty of the professions, sovereignty of the religions, sovereignty of language, sovereignty of trade and communications, sovereignty of God, sovereignty of governments, sovereignty of morality, sovereignty of…

Concentration Of Control: CCP CIA BRI

I think CIA / CCP installed the Biden junta in order to facilitate their BRI. CIA / CCP want to own global comms. That is where the money is, for them. Globalization of production is a secondary wealth-generator. Globalization, concentration of control of distribution is where the so-called real money is. It matters not, income-wise, whether production…

The Army Is A National Statecraft Asset

The Army is not a global governance asset. Men and women fight to protect their own countryman, their own national assets, not foreigners and their assets. In order to induce The Red Army to fight The German Army, Stalin appealed to The Red Army’s patriotism for Mother Russia. His communistic world domination, global governance ideology…

How Do You Un-Fear A Nation?

Just one jurisdiction addressing nihilists, rioters, and their rich supporters reasonably, forcefully, and consistently would not speed amiss. Moreover, it would help were there a song, not just a chant, that would lift the hearts of common people and fright the souls of fearful rioters. I am neither composer nor lyricist, so I do not…

It’s The Drugs – I

Were search made of officials’ and media’s personal medicine cabinets, anti-depressants would top the list by frequency and volume of intake. Then all the illegal psychotropics they imbibe, a cornucopia of them. Then the alcohol. And from these are expected judicious policies and decisions? Plenty of people wonder, Why? Why this effusion of blood, violence,…

The Unity Of Humanity Is Inside, Not Above, Not Beyond, The Plurality of Nations

Communication is evangelism, sharing.Trade is communitarianism, service.These are spiritual exercises. Leftists are right to believe that something more than scatter-brained nations is humanity’s condition and fate. They are wrong to believe that that something is above nations, beyond them, better than them, meant to rule the globe without them by dispensing with nations altogether. That…

House Cleaning

Everyone knows federal and state executive departments and agencies are excessively numerous. They outlive their mission, which is limited and contextual. In this way departments and agencies grow obsolete, but they continue to be funded, so, they persist. Their inhabiting minions find things to do to make it look like they are needed. Those things…

The Great Panic Of 2020

Because some jerks from the Charles River and NIH wanted to play with targeted germ warfare, other jerks from the Charles River and the White House wanted to virtue signal, and other, bigger jerks from the Housatonic River and Langley wanted to test their theories and capabilities for inducing simultaneous mass hysteria globe-wide. So, these…

Fanon’s Legacy Of Fanatical Fantasy

Afro-Carib is part of American DNA, so to speak, but not anywhere near all of it. There is much more besides that. To argue and shriek that Afro-Carib, Blackness (Negritude) is all of American culture, or the superior part of it, and should rule America is preposterous, a fantasy, not real, not happening now or…

Policy Makes Facts

Everything this junta does is un-American. Their facts are fictions, their policies are un-American. I suggest, therefore, that Americans read, talk, write, and walk among themselves creating American facts by creating American policies. Forget what the un-Americans are doing. Concentrate on creating actual American policy, across the board, for all areas of national interest. Broadcast…