East Point And The Mother Model

Those who will not undergo accommodation with The Mother Era are self-immolating. Those who will not countenance realignment of the nations, led by India, USA, and Russia, are having a nervous breakdown. Those who despise the glory of spiritual splendor are losing their powers altogether.

The mother fulfills many roles in a family and society. An ancient wisdom: The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world. She is not weak. And she is not nurturing in the sentimental sense that word is thrown about these days. She leans in for nothing except to kiss. She feeds, she protects, she cultivates. In all three of these roles, a mother is fierce, thorough, and selfless. She is the wealth of her father or husband, the model for her children, and the enemy of any who would harm her family.

A woman who does not answer this description, is not a mother. She is dangerous.

Infantry are called The Queen of Battle. An enemy is called he, but wisdom is called she. Her images often feature a battle helmet. Jean led her Soldiers into the confessional before she led them into battle. Good fortune, wealth, is called Lady Luck. These as well as Mary the Mother of Jesus are images of motherhood. Of such and so many are mothers’ roles.

In current circumstances, beset by hyperventilating females and cruel males, a mother keeps herself and her family removed from the terrible destruction inflicted by said personalities on institutions they infiltrate to harass, seize, gut, and wear as trophies. She tends her cabbages, as Luther put it when asked what he would do upon hearing the world would end the next day. A mother cultivates her trees and fields that produce nourishing fruits and grains.

A mother’s fundamental frame of reference is botanical rather than mechanical. Growth, not conversion of force, is her métier, her service. Cultivation for sustenance, not exploitation for money, is a mother’s hallmark. She makes food, not cash crops. She trades necessities, not frivolities, and certainly not bets. She insists on continuity and provides it. This is what we call a down-to-earth woman, a woman everyone can trust: a mother.

The era emerging is an era of the mother. This is a global phenomenon. Far from a Great Reset to a Fourth Industrial Age, The Mother Era is a great reemergence of spiritual, social, and personal freedom in context of fresh efflorescence and realignment of the nations, led by India, USA, and Russia.

The Almighty desires it.
Count on its happening.

Think now mother model and botanical metaphor rather than industrial model and mechanical metaphor and you position for safety in current and future circumstances.

Inside all the fuss is the question of authority. Americans say authority resides equally in the heart of each person. Malevolent boneheads say authority is whatever they can get away with doing. Research universities, corporate media, and intelligence agencies are in the sway now of malevolent boneheads. That means, those institutions lack authority. That means, demands and actions issuing from those institutions can and should be nullified by those who have authority, inside them, and are authority suffused throughout their entire personality. Namely, Americans.

Malevolent boneheads provide a service: they compel normal people to think things through and appreciate their own nature and strengths.

Myron Magnet has produced a lengthy essay titled Defounding America. Its first third to half comprises the most lucid and thorough statement I have seen regarding how we got to where we are as a nation. The second two thirds or half deals with solutions, next steps, and not so lucid or thorough.

Magnet does, however, touch upon what I consider the core bundle of solutions: drive down, decentralize authority and governance. Look locally and cooperatively for resolution of problems and creation of desirables. Learn and teach self-reliance. This builds self-confidence, which produces success as well as cheerfulness in life’s dramas.

Magnet’s weakness is failure to spot the Afro-Carib / Afrocentric aetiology and leitmotif in CRT (critical race theory). The history of this nonsense is long and trackable. CRT is self-destructive, as all addictions are. Had he not failed at observation, Magnet could have written an essay titled Refounding America.

The Argument is nothing. Your sincerity in making it is everything. Were there sincerity in your Argument, I would credit it. Not the Argument, your sincerity. This truth lawyers have difficulty grasping.

North Rose, Notre Dame De Chartres, The Rose Of France

This is fruiting, and then some, of ideas we proposed at the Maywood experimental program at Highline School District, WA, in the early 90s.  WA Superintendent of Public Instruction authorized opportunities for programs such as this one in the mid-90s, based on our labors, and a few districts tried but were restricted by hardware and software availabilities in those days.

A real era change is under way, from industrial model to mother model, from efficiency and production to continuity and cultivation.

I would be happy to see Congress authorize DOD to install an East Point across the Hudson from West Point, for women cadets.

David R. Graham

You know, Congress should establish East Point, across the Hudson from West Point, for woman cadets, West Point being, as is fitting, for men cadets. Plenty of land there to make that happen. That would lead the nation in schooling concepts, structures, and principles, as West Point has done historically. West Point on the west bank of the Hudson, East Point on the east bank of the Hudson. All Army. Army is men and women, missioned together. Physiologically, the left side of the body is feminine and the right side is masculine. They tango, dance, necessarily, by design.

Bob Hanson to David R. Graham

After four years in my rock bound highland home I think we should leave them alone. Women have a well earned place in the military and it is not the same place as the men. Take advantage of the individual strengths of the cadets, both men and women.

David R. Graham to Bob Hanson

Bob, I take your point. My thought springs from this observation: that when truly malevolent boneheads are installed to operate a system, major or otherwise, this should be taken as indication that said system has succeeded, has fulfilled its designed purpose and is in train of being replaced by a fresh system.

Practically everywhere we look now, systems / institutions we grew up with are in the hands of truly malevolent boneheads.

Ergo, something is coming to replace those systems / institutions, and it will not be more bonehead-ism but less of that and more of intelligence.

This time, very truly, The Corps Has. Trust and honor are gone by fiat of the premises of critical race theory. CRT will never co-exist with The Honor System, much less with The Honor Code.

You allude to part of what I am thinking: “Women have a well earned place in the military and it is not the same place as the men.” They would benefit from cultivation at their own academy, East Point.

Jarrett Stepman: Dallas Suburbanites Lead Revolt Against Critical Race Theory Curriculum

A lot of institutions are dying. They were made for an era — Industrial Era — that finished its work. Institutions constructed to support that work, and to operate on that era’s industrial model, are not needed and have been abandoned to self-destruction by malevolent boneheads.

A new era is emerging — Mother Era — during which authority reverts to its true home, inside the hearts of men and women. The metaphor for this era is botanical, horticultural rather than mechanical, which was the metaphor for the Industrial Era.

Seth Hancock: World Economic Forum: The Great Enslavement

Jesuit higher-ed association proposes anti-racism Examen that says White people are ‘fearful,’ should be ‘uncomfortable’

It is not the creeds that men profess – whether Christianity or Islam or other religion – which lend value to their lives. The highest value is the fact of their humanness. All faiths combine to invest man with a unique effulgence. The various talents with which man is endowed should be used for good purposes on the basis that individual good is linked to social well-being. Man today has to go through transformation at three levels: First and foremost is spiritual transformation. Second comes the transformation in the attitude towards society. The third change is at the individual level. When spiritual transformation takes place, there is an automatic change in the attitude towards society. When society becomes harmonious and prosperous, the individual also changes. This three-fold transformation is implicit in the name ‘Sai’. ‘S’ stands for Spiritual change. ‘A’ for Association change; this is change in one’s relationships with others in society. ‘I’ stands for Individual change. This triple transformation is what Sai desires.

Donald Trump won the 2020 election for POTUS going away. He is POTUS until 20 January 2025 and presently in exile. That is the truth. Just stick to it and all will be well.

“Just realize they took the two most pathetic candidates in the history of the Democratic Party: a vice president who didn’t even win a primary in her own state; and a demented pervert, among other things, who can’t even tie his own shoelaces or know where he is. And they crammed them up our nose with a fork of fraud so blatant that it is visible around the world.” Sidney Powell, April 2021

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