A Firestorm Of Intolerance

Taken individually and even in groups, these are sick personalities — certainly mentally, probably physically — itching for gigs. Taken as a national phenomenon, this is a firestorm of intolerance racing across the land, devouring young and old, rich and poor, sick and well, families high and low, men, women, and children. We ask, Why? Americans are accustomed to great awakenings and supported two of them. But those were for Godliness. This one is for deviltry and lots of it. What is the meaning of that? Why call a deadening an awakening?

FWIW, my observation is that an era of global history (Industrial Era) is passing away as a new era of global history (Mother Era) is emerging. The old era, worn out and spent after its success running the industrial model, is self-immolating and taking pretty much all its toys with it. That means especially the research university, the corporate media, and the so-called intelligence community. Led by the latter, these three started the firestorm essentially against themselves and continue to feed its progress with their own bodies, minds, and spirits even as the screaming flames consume far more than their ignition source intended and expected.

The passing of one era and the emergence of a successor is a spiritual event primarily but with religious, cultural, and moral components poured into activities of a necessarily political nature. Tolerance has to be the core virtue of a Mother Era. Tolerance and self-confidence. I should be interested in whoever dispenses those qualities as personal and institutional activity.

Gregory Bateson studied psychotics at the Palo Alto VA. His purpose was systems research. An assumption was that broken systems are useful for understanding and creating working systems. Crazy people emit a lot of useful truth in non-standard, counter-factual ways and formulations. For example:

Colonialism can be taken as crazy talk for industrialization, which made the world prosperous.  Racism can be taken as crazy talk for noblesse oblige and Christian charity generally, which brought civilizations and their comforts to savages all over the globe.  Supremacy can be taken as crazy talk for winning wars and making peace instead of allowing endless fighting.  Whites can be taken as crazy talk for fair-skinned women, who are revered in virtually every culture.  Privilege can be taken as crazy talk for the love and sanity which can melt the hardest heart and cool the most angry breast.

Black Lives Matter can be taken as crazy talk for characteristically African large-heartedness and humility, which enrich Americans through their Afro-Carib compatriots.  Antifa can be taken as crazy talk for Americans’ characteristic vigilance against invasion, propensity for accurate reporting, and purity of self-sacrifice, all habits of mind and character which keep Americans sovereign in their own land.  White male can be taken as crazy talk for saints and sages, they who quite literally make the world spin on its axis to produce this good thing and that.

Prayer for some benefit or gain should not be addressed to God. For, it means that God waits until He is asked! Surrender to Him; He will deal with you as He feels best and it would be the best for you. God does not dole out grace in proportion to the praise He receives! When you pray for a thing from God, you run the risk of condemning Him, if for some reason that prayer is not answered the way you wanted it to be, or as quickly as you wanted it to be. This contingency arises because you feel that God is an outsider, staying in heaven or some holy spot far away from you. God is in you, God is in every word, deed and thought of yours. Speak, do and think as befits Him. Do the duty that He has allotted to the best of your ability, and to the satisfaction of your conscience. That is the most rewarding puja (worship).

Donald Trump won the 2020 election for POTUS going away. He is POTUS until 20 January 2025 and presently in exile. That is the truth. Just stick to it and all will be well.

“Just realize they took the two most pathetic candidates in the history of the Democratic Party: a vice president who didn’t even win a primary in her own state; and a demented pervert, among other things, who can’t even tie his own shoelaces or know where he is. And they crammed them up our nose with a fork of fraud so blatant that it is visible around the world.” Sidney Powell, April 2021

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