Critical Race Theory At West Point – IV

Yesterday, The College Fix published this by Anna K. Miller. She relates that the legislature of Idaho has significantly cut funding to their flagship universities because the same champion Critical Race Theory (CRT).

As I have pointed out here, and others have elsewhere, West Point (USMA) is infected with CRT. A West Point graduate and long-time friend is alerting his classmates to Miller’s article at The College Fix. He asked me to comment. This is what I wrote:

I’ve been trying to see this big picture, in systems terms.  What appears to me in that way is that when a system nears the end of its utility, its parts start to fail, and with that, it loses ability to hold off invasive agents.

Simultaneously, potential replacement systems are emerging, some genetically related to the worn out system, some not.

The internet leveled the world.  Its intent — from ARPA/DARPA — was to facilitate comms when comms were down.  Its method was to decentralize and universalize comms.  This system design leveled comms globally in short order when ARPA/DARPA let it go civilian. ARPA/DARPA Net became Internet, which went domestic and commercial upon the advent of the GUI and Netscape.

The increase in level-ized global comms produced heat, as any movement does. In this case, the heat is largely psychic, mental, and emotional.  And it is globe-wide.

Universities were first to use the ARPA/DARPA Net, when it went civilian.  They heated up almost instantly, mentally and emotionally foremost. The least quiver got heard around the world, making people cope with things that previously they would have known nothing about.

The universities themselves were set up for books and lectures, slow comms, slow information flows, and very stratified.  The net sped everything up and leveled it, but the universities were not designed for that, not in any way.

So the universities as designed are a worn out or eclipsed system of comms. They are open to attacks, especially such as come through the high speed comms they were not designed to manage or use properly.

The nations, too, are groaning under the weight and heat of ever more rapid and level comms.  Their alliance structures are almost all obsolete because comms are level and so fast as to be unmanageable by those alliance structures, which were designed for slow moving and stratified comms.

The service academies as well as the universities are in this condition: worn out, surpassed by the sheer speed of comms, and their ability to generate insta-mobs, open to invasion by an alien force, such as CRT.

There is a saying in India:
“When the end is near, reason goes back.”

Clearly, their invasion by and adoption of CRT demonstrate that reason has gone back at USMA and the Ivies, taken a hike.  That means their end is near.

What is emerging in their place — what should emerge in their place — is what has my attention.  I squint a lot to see it, but I know it is there.  It’s not perfect, no thing is, but it has rapid globe-level comms management ability built-in.

Replacement systems are being designed with the speed and ubiquity of internet comms in mind.  The aim is that of all technology development: increase utility while decreasing heat generation?

You will ask, what about the nation, our country, is it — are we — also worn out and up for replacement?  I think not.  Many of our institutions, especially the system of education (as a whole) and religious denominations (all of them), are worn out and up for replacement. Both institutions were designed for the Industrial Era, which succeeded and is giving way to its replacement, The Mother Era.

But the nation herself is in a different class of things, something of the tone of perpetual.  Her institutions, mainly school and religion, stand in need of replacement, new institutions designed for level, rapid comms that cool more than they heat and are not stratified.  This is entailing further decentralization and universalization, a sort of re-village-izing of the country, with effective authority pushed ever lower.

The day will come when, in affairs of state, one presses redress of grievances at one’s mayor and town council instead of at remote minions in the three federal branches.  And, in affairs of spirit, one presses for peace and knowledge from within one’s own heart instead of from the minds and tongues of others.

In view of the foregoing, is it even worth taking action against CRT at the academy?  By all means it is!  In that regard, finding the fulcrum for leverage is likely more expeditious than assault.  Finding a fulcrum is what I tried to do with the letter, as Friend of West Point, last October, to CEO and Prez of WPAOG.  Also, a letter may be more effective than an email.  You are better than just good at all those things.

Christopher F. Rufo: Critical Race Theory: What It Is and How to Fight It

Christopher F. Rufo: Standing Against Critical Race Theory

Virginia Allen: Legal Coalition to Sue to Stop Feds’ Critical Race Theory Training

Joe Kinsey: Iowa Is The Latest State to Regain Sanity, Ban Critical Race Indoctrination

As Sai’s glory began to spread far and wide, Mother Easwaramma came to Me one day and said, “Swami, I am pained to see small children of our village walking all the way to Bukkapatnam to attend school. Please construct a small school.” Conforming to her wish, I established a small school. After some time, she wanted a small hospital also to be established. She said she could not bear to see mothers taking the trouble of carrying their children to Bukkapatnam for medical treatment. I got a small hospital built. The small school I established has become a big university today. The small hospital I constructed has become a Super Specialty Hospital. These mighty tasks could be accomplished as a result of the Sathya Sankalpa (noble wish) of Mother Easwaramma and Nitya Sankalpa (Divine Will) of Sai. Her last wish was to provide drinking water to the village. She pointed out that the women had to take great pains to draw water from deep wells, which had dried up. I immediately provided drinking water to the villages.

Donald Trump won the 2020 election for POTUS going away. He is POTUS until 20 January 2025 and presently in exile. That is the truth. Just stick to it and all will be well.

“Just realize they took the two most pathetic candidates in the history of the Democratic Party: a vice president who didn’t even win a primary in her own state; and a demented pervert, among other things, who can’t even tie his own shoelaces or know where he is. And they crammed them up our nose with a fork of fraud so blatant that it is visible around the world.” Sidney Powell, April 2021

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