Beat The Long Roll

So-called research universities, proliferating Centers for this delusion and that, and with CIA curating and promulgating (or not) their outputs, are the main battle force. CRT (critical race theory) is a skirmish line, heavy, but a skirmish line nonetheless.

Through CIA media assets, research universities throw ahead one skirmish line of crazy nonsense after another: human potential, feminism, critical theory, modernism, gender studies, race studies, womanist theology, new age spirituality, critical race theory, trans studies, liberation theology. Their roll call is potentially endless. But they are skirmish lines merely. The main force is behind them: research universities.

Research universities are the proverbial Lenin’s rope American taxpayers, irresponsibly, sell any description of anti-American to use to hang Americans and their personal, communal, and national sovereignties. Research universities and their think-tank and philanthropic adjuncts — most of the latter directly in CIA tutelage — aim to eliminate American and other nations’ sovereignty altogether. For example, research universities are the maw demanding unlimited US federal debt spending . . . on their centers for this delusion and that, which produce usefully violent Anti-American snots, large small, by the proverbial sorcerer apprentice’s buckets full.

CRT specifically, a mere skirmish line, but heavy and dangerous, comprises big fat black females wanting to consume you. Their appetites and ability to engorge on your spirit and wealth are limitless. They are another product of research universities, who are the main force, through CIA and now also CCP, endlessly throwing ahead skirmish lines, such as CRT, to waste Americans and their sovereignty.

Note that recent arrests of traitors and foreign agents, all in CCP employ, likely with CIA connections, occur at research universities or their private adjuncts. Where do CCP send their best students and other spies? To US research universities, who welcome them, give them everything they come to steal.

Talk should focus on defunding research universities altogether, starting with West Point and other US Service Academies. With the partial exception of one small department, West Point is consumed now by CRT and overrun with boltons, Centers for this and that vanity project funded by rich alumni and persons interested in diluting core strengths of US military education.

Percentage-wise, ROTC-sourced Officers remain in service longer than do West Point-sourced Officers. Does that statistic reflect a reasonable ROI for taxpayers? Is the enormous cost — to taxpayers — of a CRT-fixed West Point graduate a good and reasonable ROI? Can a CRT-immersed West Point graduate swear The Oath of Office without lying?

West Point graduates are promulgating CRT across the Army, bottom up as well as top down. This fulfills an objective of CCP, and of KGB before them: destroy Americans’ ability to self-defend; make Americans so confused as to who they are that they cannot see their attacker and cannot distinguish between his successive skirmish lines and his main force.

Awake Americans are beating the long roll: defund research universities. Precision poisons and engineered pandemics should lose their breeding grounds and root stocks. Millions of Americans are available to invent the needful by way of educating themselves and their children successfully to defend and protect their country’s sovereignty.

John Green: It’s Beginning To Look Like Enemy Action

Jennifer Van Laar: Defector Provides Evidence That the Chinese Military Orchestrated the Creation of COVID-19 and Lab Leak

Paula Bolyard: Defector Claiming Chinese Military Responsible for COVID-19 Identified as Top Counterintelligence Official

Some people show great love for outsiders, but don’t show the same love towards their mother and father in their homes. First and foremost, we should love our parents and then other people. But we should not limit our love to our relatives and friends alone; we should love all. Only then God will shower His love on us. When we see somebody in trouble or an injured person on the road, we should not show indifference towards them. Howsoever urgent be the work we have, we should try to remove their suffering. Then God will manifest before us and fill us with energy. There is none in this world who can give us more love than God. We do bhajans and perform service activities only to attain love of God. God’s love fills us with great energy. It is only God who gives us this energy. Therefore, love God, and all people as all are verily the children of God.

Donald Trump won the 2020 election for POTUS going away. He is POTUS until 20 January 2025 and presently in exile. That is the truth. Just stick to it and all will be well.

“Just realize they took the two most pathetic candidates in the history of the Democratic Party: a vice president who didn’t even win a primary in her own state; and a demented pervert, among other things, who can’t even tie his own shoelaces or know where he is. And they crammed them up our nose with a fork of fraud so blatant that it is visible around the world.” Sidney Powell, April 2021

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