Global Leadership Belongs To The Family: India USA Russia

As usual, Kurt misses the point. Destroying sovereignty altogether is the point, not tolerating violence until it reaches one’s door. Soi-disant elites have a positive motivation, not a laissez-faire or proximately tolerant one. They are using misery and ripping to fulfill a desire they have: to reduce human population to a bare minimum, themselves, and destroy the cynosure of people everywhere, American freedom.

They want the violence, want it to destroy the will to live, the sperm count, the loyalties of families and towns. They foment and allow the violence with a strategic purpose in mind: get people to destroy one another and themselves. Their politicians get rich with kickbacks from the murder gangs while the same politicians and soi-disant elites want the gangs to wipe out each other and normal citizens and residents of any skin tone.

And they are not elites. They are thugs. Furthermore, they are governments. And their top leadership at this time, and for decades past, is CIA, backed now by, and in partnership with, CCP. Kurt misses all of this or fears to write it. Sovereignty altogether — except their own — is the enemy of these thugs who are governments. There is no further an-American than that. They know it and they want it.

Fair point indeed. Question is, who feeds them their talking points and subjects for polling citizens? Who makes the venom? The venom is made daily by CIA and distributed daily to media and White House. Media and White House are just pass throughs, the more ignorant and illiterate the minions there the better from the POV of CIA and their partner, CCP.

CIA and CCP intend to own global comms. That’s where the money is, for them. Right now they are squeezing ports to jack prices, fear, and despair. The news is bespoke misdirection: keep the mouse distracted and spinning the wheel.

How did something called BLM suddenly appear as a multi-billion dollar NGO with back office sufficient to run a war? Like SDS did decades ago. Who can get riots going simultaneously all over a huge country, riots that are minority-made, not majority-made? And not only protect the perps but shunt them around the country for this riot and that, providing food, shelter, and pay withal. Who trades in fear and money at the same time? Who can go between these worlds, incite fear and still have plenty of money?

Only a government can do that, and in this case, CIA and CCP conducting joint operations against American sovereignty by keeping Americans upset about this and that ephemera by way of the news. Other US agencies tag along, but CIA lead the pack, every day.

Some commenters mention the country’s wealth being looted all the while behind bespoke distractions. More than that, the country’s sovereignty is being dissolved, also behind bespoke distractions. The sovereignty of all countries is being dissolved. At least that is the plan. CIA and CCP aim to straddle global comms.

Davos’ plays are not the big league their principals think they are. Europe relinquished global leadership two centuries ago. The Industrial Revolution concluded NLT 1916. Global leadership belongs to The Family: India USA Russia.

There is never security, only opportunity. Sovereignty is another matter. There is or can be that, if a people work and sacrifice at making and maintaining it. But security? No, never. Impossible in this world. The cause of death is birth. In between is trial and tragedy.

CIA do the thinking and issue the news bulletins — aka information operations — for them all. The news is what CIA — and now their partner CCP — want discussed, including here at Instapundit. The actual news rarely or never appears in the news, by design.

Christian Piquemal: Twilight in Paris

  • My comment: It gladdens me to see Claremont Institute on this. I grew up in that town. The French have experience with military persons actually conducting coup against central government. Most recent was from Algeria and involved French Foreign Legion as principals. IIRC, de Gaulle finally quieted them down. Movies were made about that, and Casablanca refers to some of its roots. Beyond that, here is another patriotism call against the national sovereignty-dissolving objective of the Euro-American political class. But whereas de Gaulle calmed the Algerian rebellion with patriotism, starting with his own, which was deep and genuine, Macron lacks patriotism to calm this uprising of military patriotism. So, this situation is new, as is the one in DC, which is CIA-led along with CCP, together. These guys really are serious about lowering human population numbers by any means necessary, including global civil war. It is a forlorn objective, and these military guys are right in saying that, if need be, civil war, far from effecting mass population die-off, will restore the nation by destroying her enemies, the de-sovereignty crowd.

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Have patience; in your hurry to enjoy cheap joys, do not fall into unrighteous deeds. Have faith that God will add unto you all the joys you desire for and deserve. People ask of men for favours; they extend their hands towards others and plead “dehi” (give). But, “dehi” also means, He who dwells in the deha (body), that is to say, God! So, don’t humiliate that Dehi by calling out dehi before others. Ask Him; say dehi to the Dehi; He will respond generously and graciously. Food got by foul means, and clothing procured through falsehood, will only injure you. Do not think that ease and comfort are the main things in life. Disappointment, disease, and distress are the lot of all, be it rich and poor, educated and uneducated, young and old. Let not your pure and immaculate hearts be rendered dirty by falsehood and wrong. Do not soil your tongue using it for uttering dirty words. Utter God’s name; it acts like a spark that burns into ash a big hill of cotton!

Donald Trump won the 2020 election for POTUS going away. He is POTUS until 20 January 2025 and presently in exile. That is the truth. Just stick to it and all will be well.

“Just realize they took the two most pathetic candidates in the history of the Democratic Party: a vice president who didn’t even win a primary in her own state; and a demented pervert, among other things, who can’t even tie his own shoelaces or know where he is. And they crammed them up our nose with a fork of fraud so blatant that it is visible around the world.” Sidney Powell, April 2021

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