Attack Against The Reality Of Sovereignty

Leftists attack sovereignty altogether:

  • personal sovereignty,
  • sovereignty of reason,
  • sovereignty of facts,
  • sovereignty of the families,
  • sovereignty of property,
  • national sovereignty,
  • sovereignty of culture,
  • sovereignty of the nations,
  • sovereignty of the professions,
  • sovereignty of the religions,
  • sovereignty of language,
  • sovereignty of trade and communications,
  • sovereignty of God,
  • sovereignty of governments,
  • sovereignty of morality,
  • sovereignty of love,
  • sovereignty of institutional infrastructure, and even
  • sovereignty of leftist cant itself.

Sovereignty is normalcy.
Give leftists credit for consistency.

National borders, having orderly ingress and egress, leftists want dissolved in order to dilute all possible sovereignties within and without those borders.

Currencies and communication channels, having fair and reliable availability, leftists want curated in order to preclude sovereignties from reemerging.

Reproduction and parenting, having love, families, and ordinary struggles, leftists want replaced with permits and breeding barns in order to obtain a small, select human population, while the rest go to wilding and extinction.

Sir Hugo Drax, moments before consignment to the void:

First there was a dream. Now there is reality.

Here in the untainted cradle of the heavens will be created a new super-race, a race of perfect physical specimens.

You have been selected as its progenitors - like gods.

Your offspring will return to Earth and shape it in their image.

You have all served in humble capacities in my terrestrial empire.

Your seed, like yourselves, will pay deference to the ultimate dynasty which I alone have created.

From their first day on Earth they will be able to look up and know that there is law and order in the heavens.

The more they attack sovereignty altogether, doing what they do best, the more leftists self-expose to ridicule and self-destruction.

Let them bring on their attacks. Americans are not Chinese and leftists are not superheroes. The sole colossal of leftists is stupidity.

VDH, October 11, 2015: A Liberal’s Ten Commandments

When you stand before another, his image is in your eye, and your image is in his; haven’t you observed this? ‘You are in me, I am in you’ – that is the truth this phenomenon proclaims. When you have faith in this, and when you cultivate love, humility, reverence for life, and tolerance, you are on the right path. When you are not on this path, you are certainly left out, when it is a question of sharing Divine Grace. The body is the temple of God, isn’t it? Well, what does the priest do in the temple every day? First, he cleans utensils and sacred vessels in the shrine. He sweeps the room and washes the altar. The senses are the utensils for the worship of God within; they have to be cleaned and assiduously kept free from dirt. Inner cleanliness is Godliness. That is possible only through sense-control and mind-control; or what amounts to the same sadhana – the dedication of all desires and activities to God.

Donald Trump won the 2020 election for POTUS going away. He is POTUS until 20 January 2025 and presently in exile. That is the truth. Just stick to it and all will be well.

“Just realize they took the two most pathetic candidates in the history of the Democratic Party: a vice president who didn’t even win a primary in her own state; and a demented pervert, among other things, who can’t even tie his own shoelaces or know where he is. And they crammed them up our nose with a fork of fraud so blatant that it is visible around the world.” Sidney Powell, April 2021

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