The Army Is A National Statecraft Asset

The Army is not a global governance asset. Men and women fight to protect their own countryman, their own national assets, not foreigners and their assets.

In order to induce The Red Army to fight The German Army, Stalin appealed to The Red Army’s patriotism for Mother Russia. His communistic world domination, global governance ideology did not, could not, would not rouse Russians to repel Operation Barbarossa. Patriotism can and did do that.

If sacrifice is required, it must be of the spirit or it will not happen. An army will not march into battle to save or expand the vagaries and perquisites of ideologists. They will march into battle to save and expand their families, neighbors, and such institutions as palpably foster their welfare.

The Mohammedan Army professes ambition for global domination and governance, has lurched towards the same on numerous occasions, and no doubt will do so again. Failing that — they will fail any time they float war for global governance — they have relaunched as a subversive force (Moslem Brotherhood), going kinetic only where they are supplied for that rampancy. Yet, The Mohammedan Army, even when rampant, even as merely subversive, always dissipates into ethnic and / or sectarian fighting forces.

The Mohammedan Army kill each other as a matter of habit, even so-called religious duty. This is not a world conqueror.

The Red Chinese Army, also ambitious for global hegemony, know their citizen base, like Stalin’s, does not support communist ideology but does support Chinese patriotism. PLA, unlike Stalin, do not face an invasion. Rather, they essay to make one, several in fact.

So they contrive a clever conceit: that the globe and everything on it is Chinese, and so, Chinese patriotic duty is to restore the fallen-away areas of the globe to Chinese (actually CCP) ownership. This argument exceeds in malarky-hood the one about the Brooklyn Bridge being for sale at a good price.

Yet, it demonstrates, again, the necessity to frame war, especially war for conquest, with patriotic rather than ideological justification.

Then forth, dear countrymen: let us deliver
Our puissance into the hand of God,
Putting it straight in expedition.
Cheerly to sea; the signs of war advance:
No king of England, if not king of France.

Men and women fight to protect their own countryman, their own national assets, not foreigners and their assets. This is a law of nature and nature’s God.

There is no global statecraft.
There is national statecraft.
It will never be otherwise.

My labors through the decades have been to produce a Christian Catechesis for The Sai (Mother) Era. Essentially, that is an intelligence matrix for multi-racial, multi-religious national culture.

Fear God, not The United States Government (USG),
or any other finite agency.

So-called progressives are regressive. In their minds, they divide the world up when in fact the objective situation is: One God, One World, One Race, One Caste. Had they strong minds, so-called progressives would concentrate and contemplate on that fact . . . and breathe sweet compassion instead of bad manners and effrontery.

Nothing changes. Different aspects of something impinge on an observer at this moment and another. The thing itself is constant from start to finish. You only ever deal with yourself.

The Coloring Books Of Adwaitha Hermitage are ur-iconography for The Sai Era.

Diversity is desirable
Equality is impossible.
Inclusion is unnecessary.
If there is inclusion or equality,
there is no diversity.

The Union Theological Seminary, NYC, and The Episcopal Church long have played decisive roles conjuring the crisis that threatens to overwhelm humanity. The Sai Avatars have taken birth to avert this crisis.

When someone insults or defames you or ignores you, accept it with a smile. “This is the way of the world; it is ungrateful, ill-mannered! They are doing me good, my strength is under trial, I shouldn’t yield to anger or resentment”, tell yourself such invigorating things, and be quiet, with a smile of triumph on your lips! There was a mendicant who was abused by a gang of mischievous young men. He said, “Carry on! Enjoy yourselves! I see that you are very happy at this chance. This is exactly what I desire for you.” When you don’t accept the insult someone casts on you, it goes back to the person who indulged in it. A registered letter that is not accepted, returns to the sender! Do not damage your mental peace, by receiving the letter and reading the contents. Refuse to receive it. You have a chance of correcting the wrong-doers too; but when you accept it, you join the mischief-makers. So, be warned! 

Donald Trump won the 2020 election for POTUS going away. He is POTUS until 20 January 2025 and presently in exile. That is the truth. Just stick to it and all will be well.

“Just realize they took the two most pathetic candidates in the history of the Democratic Party: a vice president who didn’t even win a primary in her own state; and a demented pervert, among other things, who can’t even tie his own shoelaces or know where he is. And they crammed them up our nose with a fork of fraud so blatant that it is visible around the world.” Sidney Powell, April 2021

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