How Do You Un-Fear A Nation?

Just one jurisdiction addressing nihilists, rioters, and their rich supporters reasonably, forcefully, and consistently would not speed amiss.

Moreover, it would help were there a song, not just a chant, that would lift the hearts of common people and fright the souls of fearful rioters. I am neither composer nor lyricist, so I do not feel able to make such a song, nor have I made one. I am thinking one might be here already, ready for the purpose. So far I have not thought of one, which is not to say there is none.

It wants a tune which sings itself, sings easily a cappella, takes lots of lung, being breathy, slow moving, mostly even rhythm and melody, mostly stepwise movement, and submits to any instrumentation. The sort of song common people love to sing to drive away the bats and brigands of fear.

And it raises up national courage, confidence, and command.

Fear, truly, is our only enemy. Remember those years of someone writing on comment boards, Be afraid, be very afraid? That was exactly the wrong counsel. Probably an agency IO. Very destructive. A jurisdiction doing the right thing by nihilists, rioters, and their monied supports is part of un-fearing America, and I think signs of that happening are visible, perhaps even in Portlandia. A great, uplifting song all can sing enthusiastically would readily help.

Note that French revolutionaries,

Italian fascists,

German fascists,

and Russian communists

produced inspiring songs people loved to sing because doing so raised their spirits. Vietnam War protestors had such songs. All these had ideals, crooked ideals, but ideals nonetheless, that inspired literary and musical creativity among them.

The Protestant Reformation, as is truly said, went forth on the wings of song. Luther himself was both hymnist and composer, writing the great Reformation Chorale itself as well as other Chorales.

Every peasant knew the words and tunes. Luther re-vulgarized Christianity, washed off ecclesial and monastic haut hauteur, thus re-revealing in His sweet glory the originating power of the Christ of History.

Nihilists, rioters, and their rich and influential minders have no ideals, they are neither communist not fascist. They have no inspiring songs, at least none that appeal beyond this or that of their cells. Patriots are just waiting for one such. Perhaps one will emerge soon. It cannot be too soon.

Some people do not murder their national anthem at public events.

Talk lovingly and sweetly without hurting anyone. Do not cast angry looks. We should express our love while talking. Love is a supreme power. Therefore, call everybody with love, saying, “Come, brother, come.” Ask him about his difficulties, “Do you have financial or health problem?” After understanding his problems thoroughly, provide necessary help to him. There are some who lead a lonely life as they are without a father, mother, relatives or friends. We should offer brotherly affection to them. We should encourage them by saying, “I am like your brother,” and talk to them lovingly, saying, “Oh dear one, you have no elder or younger sister? I am your elder sister; I am your younger sister.” Speaking to them in this intimate way, we should give them courage and succour. You are all the children of one mother, verily. That mother is God. Follow the maxim: Brotherhood of Man and Fatherhood of God. 

Donald Trump won the 2020 election for POTUS going away. He is POTUS until 20 January 2025 and presently in exile. That is the truth. Just stick to it and all will be well.

“Just realize they took the two most pathetic candidates in the history of the Democratic Party: a vice president who didn’t even win a primary in her own state; and a demented pervert, among other things, who can’t even tie his own shoelaces or know where he is. And they crammed them up our nose with a fork of fraud so blatant that it is visible around the world.” Sidney Powell, April 2021

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