House Cleaning

Everyone knows federal and state executive departments and agencies are excessively numerous. They outlive their mission, which is limited and contextual. In this way departments and agencies grow obsolete, but they continue to be funded, so, they persist. Their inhabiting minions find things to do to make it look like they are needed. Those things always entail inhumane activities.

What is obsolete can produce
only what is harmful.

Everything has a mission, a purpose. Every purpose is finite. Clothes are not meant to last forever. They cannot last for ever. Departments and agencies that persist beyond completion of their mission, their purpose, harbor minions reaching for infinitude. In truth, department and agency minions are exhausted, unable and unwilling, causing grief, because the work for which the department or agency they inhabit was created is not needed. Not a few federal and state departments and agencies never were needed. They were payola from inception.

When an official intones regarding our democracy,™ they reference their social status and income by way of an unneeded department or agency.

Something rots when it has fulfilled it purpose, completed its mission. Fernandez has no news on this. Everything rots. Rot is natural. What is news is effort to reverse rot, or, keeping what is rotten around on the presumption of future use, like containers of old food in a refrigerator.

Our system of education is rotten because it has fulfilled its purpose, which was to create prosperity via the industrial model. The rot is natural because the purpose was fulfilled, prosperity was achieved. Unnatural is trying to fix the obsolete, rotten system, or, worrying that it is rotten. Rot is natural for a thing after its term of use is complete.

Paracelsus once scandalized his students in the lecture theatre by removing the cover from a plate, resting on a table before him, that was heaped up with feces. He proceeded to lecture on the nature and necessity of putrefaction.

Natural is abandoning rot to the cleansing, recycling powers of earth, sun, wind, water, and scavengers. For example, that is what CRT pushers are, scavengers. Let them have it, the system of education, the industrial base, welcome them to it, they help recycle its rotten body. It was rotten long before they arrived. They are a process of nature.

Meanwhile, build a new system of education, a new industrial base, using a new model — family-based, distributed, purposed for good character, self-directed — one suitable to modern circumstances. Huge opportunities beckon.

So it is with federal and state departments and agencies. Most are obsolete and rotting because they have fulfilled their purpose, mission accomplished — or they never had a legitimate purpose to begin with. These should be defunded and shuttered, their properties sold at auction, proceeds returned to taxpayers. This is natural, in the normal course of life.

More important, however, is to repeal acts and laws which established federal and state departments and agencies. As well, nullify regulations those departments and agencies promulgated.

The full corpus of federal and state law belongs in the crucible of scrutiny, subjected to such heat as burns off the dross therein and thereof, all of the obsolescence, all of the mind-numbing self-serving, irrelevance, and bastardy. If one quarter of the corpus of federal and state law could survive righteous scrutiny I would be surprised.

Acts and laws that establish departments and agencies are the seminal rot. They start it all. Departments and agencies are meant to rot, even those legitimately needed at inception. Rot cannot be avoided. Nothing lasts forever, nor should.

Departments and agencies are downstream from acts and laws. They contract rot from acts and laws which establish them much the way healthy food contracts rot from an unhealthy refrigerator. The food is good only so long as the refrigerator is clean.

Acts and laws establishing federal and state departments and agencies are unclean by way of being too many, too much, too precise, picayune, tendentious, bumptious, having in view nefarious ends, and / or being irrelevant to modern circumstances.

Now, does one put rotten food back in a clean refrigerator? Only if one is stupid. Once food is rotten, food is rotten. A clean refrigerator does not remove rot from rotten food. When a corpus of law is cleaned up, departments and agencies infected by its rot — as well as by their own — go to the dump, where wise administration already would have consigned them had they been present.

This change of era brings with it a sea change in American executive, legislative, and juridical practice by way of purifying the underlying structure of law. America is fine, but her corpus of acts and laws is not. House cleaning is indicated, to include disbanding most federal and state departments and agencies.

Most federal and state departments and agencies are old food stinking up the taxpayer’s refrigerator.

Rama is the supreme exemplar of how people should conduct themselves in the world, how a country should be governed, and how integrity and morality of human beings should be protected. High-minded actions, ideal qualities and sacred thoughts are basic foundations of character. Rama is very embodiment of these three attributes. Every human being should also cultivate sacred thought, right actions and good qualities. Rama demonstrated by His words, thoughts and actions how such a life can be lived. Rama acted upto the ancient injunction: “Speak the truth. Practise Righteousness.” Eschewing harsh words, Rama pleased everyone by His sweet speech. He countered harsh speech from others with His composure, patience, sweetness and smile. He never pried into the affairs of others, never took notice of their faults, never indulged in ridicule, and never caused any pain to others by the way He spoke to them. It is essential for everyone to follow examples set by Rama and cultivate His many noble qualities and do righteous actions.

Donald Trump won the 2020 election for POTUS going away. He is POTUS until 20 January 2025 and presently in exile. That is the truth. Just stick to it and all will be well.

“Just realize they took the two most pathetic candidates in the history of the Democratic Party: a vice president who didn’t even win a primary in her own state; and a demented pervert, among other things, who can’t even tie his own shoelaces or know where he is. And they crammed them up our nose with a fork of fraud so blatant that it is visible around the world.” Sidney Powell, April 2021

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