The Unity Of Humanity Is Inside, Not Above, Not Beyond, The Plurality of Nations

Communication is evangelism, sharing.
Trade is communitarianism, service.
These are spiritual exercises.

Leftists are right to believe that something more than scatter-brained nations is humanity’s condition and fate. They are wrong to believe that that something is above nations, beyond them, better than them, meant to rule the globe without them by dispensing with nations altogether.

That something is in fact inside the nations as their very nature. The true nature of humanity (Manavatvam) is divinity (Daivatvam). The nations unite in their common humanity, which is divinity, and effloresce, as nations, in their gorgeous plurality.

God is real alright. He choses to be many but He is always just one. This Leftists do not see, or rather, rebel against as their way of seeing it. It’s an odd epistemology, but it seems to attract many.

Humanists believe formation is the goal and enough. Christians believe transformation is the goal and needed. Humanists want to form humans. But humans want to be transformed into super-humans, they want to know themselves as God, as is their birthright. Humanists just never get real, they never come up to the occasion.

Chris Brown

Ya we get it, all you smart people saying the same thing over and over. What we REALLY want to know is WHO EXACTLY is going to do ANYTHING about it? Seriously, where are our leaders? What’s being done to stop this madness?

Conservative infighting, they conform to ridiculous conspiracy theories like Qanon, and keep saying there’s a plan. THERE IS NO GODDAM PLAN.

We want some answers, some leadership. Who’s doing what about it????? Please, we’re dying to know.

David R. Graham to Chris Brown

Why not you? Do you deserve a leader?

OK, some answers:

  • Civil Defense Battalions attached to local sheriff
  • Homeschool your children or grandchildren
  • Defund public schools, sell off their properties, return proceeds to taxpayers
  • Expose and replace with clear heads officials taking or benefiting from psychotropic drugs, to include especially marijuana, even if it is legal
  • Use very clear and very careful English, stripped of negative emotions
  • Say a soft, kind word when occasion allows, a quiet gesture of courtesy, thanks, or admiration
  • Teach everyone that nature is their school, life is their teacher
  • Teach by doing, not by talking
  • Read improving books

That’s enough for now. You can think of more answers, I am sure. Do them, practice them, and all will be well. Elevate your character and you will find a leader. Love and sacrifice will save mankind.

Were search made of officials’ and media’s personal medicine cabinets, anti-depressants would top the list by frequency and volume of intake. Then all the illegal psychotropics they imbibe, a cornucopia of them. Then the alcohol. And from these are expected judicious policies and decisions?

Truth is God. The Upanishads declare: God is all sweetness (Raso vai Sah). This means that God is present in subtle form everywhere, like sugar in sugarcane and butter in milk. Although it is difficult to have a direct perception of God, His presence can be experienced in many ways. The sweetness in sugar, the sourness in lime fruit, the bitterness of the margosa leaf – all of these testify to the presence of the Divine. When you see a mountain or waterfall or a forest you feel happy. All these proclaim the presence of the Divine. Light shines, the stars twinkle, the sun blazes, and the planets revolve in their orbits. All these phenomena are manifestations of the Divine. By understanding the nature of a flame, you can understand the nature of fire. By examining a drop of water you know the nature of the Ganges. Likewise by understanding Manavatvam (the true nature of humanness), you can understand Daivatvam (Divinity)!

Donald Trump won the 2020 election for POTUS going away. He is POTUS until 20 January 2025 and presently in exile. That is the truth. Just stick to it and all will be well.

“Just realize they took the two most pathetic candidates in the history of the Democratic Party: a vice president who didn’t even win a primary in her own state; and a demented pervert, among other things, who can’t even tie his own shoelaces or know where he is. And they crammed them up our nose with a fork of fraud so blatant that it is visible around the world.” Sidney Powell, April 2021

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