Fanon’s Legacy Of Fanatical Fantasy

Afro-Carib is part of American DNA, so to speak, but not anywhere near all of it. There is much more besides that. To argue and shriek that Afro-Carib, Blackness (Negritude) is all of American culture, or the superior part of it, and should rule America is preposterous, a fantasy, not real, not happening now or ever.

In the 1980s, at The Union Theological Seminary, NYC, the most numerous cohorts of students were Black Lesbians and Episcopalians. Ten years earlier (1969), the Union Board hired an individual named James Cone to teach Theology. Cone brought to Union what became conceptual ground for Critical Race Theory. Ten years earlier (1972), The Episcopal Church ordained women, including lesbians, to their priesthood.

Black Liberation Theology Cone called his concepts, referencing Latin American sociology, which is Leftism posing as Roman Catholic Theology. Sociology per se is Leftism, which is anti-Christian.

Liberation Theology was in fact a KGB information operation. Cone imported premises for so-called Black Liberation from Latin America’s KGB-induced Liberation Theology. Cone was Communist thinking he was Christian and Union faculty went along with that idiocy. They had done so before, with Professor Charles Briggs. One Union Professor at the time, historian Robert Handy, a good man, wrote me about Cone’s exemplary prayer life.

The whole shebang was a KGB op
and the players, most of them,
had no idea it was.
What a lark!

At Union, lesbianism, already present in the student body and faculty, merged with Liberation Theology’s intrinsic sociology, which is Leftist, and in this case another KGB information operation. The amalgam was named Womanist Theology by a lesbian instructor at Union and later professor there, Beverly Wildung Harrison.

In her thirty odd years at Union, Bev Wildung — as was her preferred appellation in those days, when she was Paul Lehmann’s teaching assistant for his course on Systematic Theology, his textbook then being nothing less, or other, than Calvin’s Institutes (also here and here) — reared enough Womanist Theology lesbians at Union, Black and otherwise, to overwhelm American churches, the American system of education, American governments, and American industry.

Union is one of those little seen but vastly influential presences.  Portraits of John Foster Dulles and his brother Allen hung in a public space at Union during the 1960s.  They were influential on the Union BOD, as was Henry Luce.

It does not take many. Who does not shrink before the onslaught of a shrieking female? Very few. At least awhile.

Latin American Leftism starts actually in the French Caribbean milieux. It mixes African superstition, African large-heartedness, Sorbonne Communism, French bureaucratic totalism, and Afro-Islamic genocidal impetuosity. Two medical doctors gave it conceptual shape: Frantz Fanon and Ernesto Guevara.

I highlight Fanon as the chief architect and therefore most influential proponent of the minatory mixture known today as Critical Race Theory: intense, binary focus on race (Negritude, Afrocentrism), Black victimhood and, its obverse, supremacy, colorful but tightly modulated articulation, in care of CIA.

Fanon’s French Caribbean base is key to realizing how Critical Race Theory came to dominate, for example, The United States Military Academy at West Point, New York.

As late as 1825 courses at West Point were taught in French because the best engineering texts of the day were written in that language.

The northern and central reaches of the American colonies and later nation as far west as the Rocky Mountains were deeply imprinted with French culture, especially the watershed of the Mississippi River.

French and also Spanish cultures deeply imprinted American colonies of the Deep South, especially South Carolina, Florida, and Louisiana. POTUS Jefferson purchased the huge Territory of Louisiana from . . . France.

The United States has always been a multi-racial, multi-religion country. Persons of African, Caribbean, and Latin American descent have always belonged to us, are us.

The Caribbean and Latin America areas, since POTUS Monroe, are seen by The United States as protective buffer against European, Middle Eastern, African, and Asian hegemonics. This will always be the case for the culturally freest and geographically wealthiest nation of The Americas.

What is one of us, Afro-Carib religion and culture, wants to be all of us. Specifically, Afro-Carib lesbians high on drugs and womanist theology want to rule The United States. This is Fanon’s legacy of fanatical fantasy.

Negritude is French racism and Afrocentrism is French Communism. Communism always is hegemonic, as are Salafism and Shiism, both strong presences in Africa and the Caribbean.

Not for nothing do observers sense tones of religious extremism in Critical Race Theory. Jim Cone and Bev Wildung trained up Black lesbians at Union to be just that and then sent them into American and overseas institutions to make their presence felt good and hard.

Our Founding Mothers and Fathers looked upon Paris of 1793-4 with horror and congratulated themselves upon making a nation workable rather than barmy woke.

Now sanity is reemerging:

Bari Weiss: You Have To Read This Letter
Bari Weiss: The Miseducation of America’s Elites
Caitlin Flanagan: Private Schools Have Become Truly Obscene
Amanda L. Gordon: NYC Private School Head Exits Dalton After Tumultuous Year
Roger Kimball: Elite NYC Prep School’s Faculty Issues Racist Demands
Ace of Spades: Whoops! One of the Critical Race Theory Elect goes down.
Katie Jerkovic: Megyn Kelly Sends Warning To Heads Of Schools Shoving ‘Critical Race Theory Down The Throats Of Their Students’

Queer men tried to take over The United States on 11 September 2001 and during its aftermath. They were advised of their miscalculation. Queer women have been wanting and trying to take over The United States for longer than queer men have been. Being unable to do the job themselves, queer women trained up a cadre of queer Black women to do it for them. These have been successful but not victorious. They chase a fanatical fantasy promoted — some of it unintentionally — by French Afro-Carib Frantz Fanon.

Historically, fanatics get clobbered when authorities have their fill of them.

Recitation of Ramayana and listening to exposition of those verses must transform individuals into an embodiment of Dharma.  Their every word, thought and deed must exemplify that ideal.  Shraddha (steady faith) in Rama, Ramayana and oneself is essential for success. For what end? To become good and help others unfold their goodness. Be totally human with human values expanded to the utmost and promote those traits in society to help others. Purify the body by means of holy activity. Purify the speech by adhering to truth, love and sympathy. Purify the mind by not yielding to the clamour of senses and the desires they breed. The tragic truth is that learned people do not accept any moral responsibility now. World is enveloped in fear, for people whose thoughts, words and deeds are vitiated by inhuman motives have gained control over science and technology. Senses supply material to mind. Mind is a by-product of ego. Ego is a reflection of Atma. Atma is the wave of Paramatma.  Everyone must trace ego to its spiritual origins, and direct life on the lines of that heritage.

Donald Trump won the 2020 election for POTUS going away. He is POTUS until 20 January 2025 and presently in exile. That is the truth. Just stick to it and all will be well.

“Just realize they took the two most pathetic candidates in the history of the Democratic Party: a vice president who didn’t even win a primary in her own state; and a demented pervert, among other things, who can’t even tie his own shoelaces or know where he is. And they crammed them up our nose with a fork of fraud so blatant that it is visible around the world.” Sidney Powell, April 2021

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