As Is The Feeling,So Is The Result. O, pardon me, thou bleeding piece of earth,That I am meek and gentle with these butchers!Thou art the ruins of the noblest manThat ever lived in the tide of times.Woe to the hand that shed this costly blood!Over thy wounds now do I prophesy,–Which, like dumb mouths, do…

Leaders: Find, Feel, And Face The Facts

As is the feeling,So is the result. Thandava And Christian Culture The Doctrines of The Church are descriptions of experience recapitulated and independently verified again and again over the millennia during operations in the soteriological battlespace. The Scriptures of The Church are logistical ur-text, conceptual/literary models for verbal articulation of those descriptions. Experience supports the…

Rhetorical Bear Spray

As Is The Feeling,So Is The Result. Thandava And Christian Culture In the Spring of his Plebe Year at West Point, Cadet Douglas Mac Arthur was summoned before a Board of Inquiry mandated by Congress and comprising some Congressmen. The question was hazing, which that year had reached harmful extremes. Cadet Mac Arthur was summoned…

The Amalgamated Troublemakers Union

As Is The Feeling,So Is The Result. Thandava And Christian Culture What passes for Democrat/Democratic Party (or, D-R UniParty) these days should be viewed as an amalgam of CCP, CAIR, CPUSA, IRGC/QF, and Democracy Alliance. The Amalgamated Troublemakers Union. CAIR, as everyone knows, is Moslem Brotherhood, and Democracy Alliance is monied Euro-American Socialists (Globalists). Troublemakers…

Tone Matters Much, Instrumentation Matters Little

As is the feeling,So is the result. BLUF: Who makes the narrative? Well, clerisy minions, the hive workers, mostly lawyers and professors, here and there, make the narrative, day by day, and pass out those talking points for broadcast by NGOs and media. But someone is setting the tone, the Weltanschauung that minions then translate…

The Jugulars: Benghazi And Flynn

The One Is Indivisible The Truth Is The Whole How Russiagate Began With Obama’s Iran Deal Domestic Spying Campaign Lee Smith Benghazi is the foreign policy jugular and Mike Flynn is the domestic policy jugular of the D-R UniParty’s supreme accomplishment: the Obama Presidency. The D-R UniParty’s operations at those particulars, a place and a…

Why They Did It

The One Is Indivisible The Truth Is The Whole Why, if not for seditious or treasonous purposes? Someone has to explain. I commented: Sundance at Conservative Treehouse already has explained, thoroughly: to cover for the espionage on Trump and Americans generally they long since conducted and to premise their continuing the same. TyreByter to David…

Hell-Raisers, Seditionists

The One Is Indivisible The Truth Is The Whole They should be arrested for disturbing the peace. And hauled up on charges of sedition. Observed at scale, several geo-strategic phenomena arrest one’s attention by way of their systemic import. One is the failure of the Trump administration, in the company of numerous and distinguished nation-states, so…

The Chinese Communist Snit Fit

The One Is Indivisible The Truth Is The Whole TEACHERS URGE GOVERNMENT TO REOPEN SCHOOLS BEFORE STUDENTS LEARN TO THINK FOR THEMSELVES If the WWW is thought of as an ocean, one can observe that CCP aim to own it the way His Majesty’s Royal Navy owned the seas, at least awhile.  Ditto space. DJT…

Butterfly Wings A-Flappin’

The One Is Indivisible The Truth Is The Whole The Representative is frustrated and therefore angry, to be sure.  I think her frustration is in something she is not mentioning here: that the D-R UniParty – aka Euro-American Socialists — have resolved to shelter under the wings of The CCP rather than under her preferred…

Auguries Of Pandemic

The One Is Indivisible The Truth Is The Whole Trade is one type of communications.  When discussing trade, one is discussing communications.  A synonym for communications is logistics.  The root of the word logistics is the Greek word logos. Logos capitalized is Greek for Reason in Stoic mystical philosophers’ sense of universal and essential order…

Perversity Enfolds Truth

The One Is Indivisible The Truth Is The Whole Any perversity enfolds a kernel of truth Which operates to undo it. Complexio Oppositorum Everything in nature, man, and history Has a place in the Spiritual Community, The Church. For example: the D-R UniParty Enfolds the truth that Russia and And USA are friends and allies,…

Three Types Of Globalist

The One Is Indivisible The Truth Is The Whole I wish to make some taxonomic clarifications with respect to three political forces striving to chain up the whole of humanity to provide motive power for this or that private yacht galley.  Call these political forces globalists.  There are three of them.  They intermix on the…

The Fleece

The One Is Indivisible The Truth Is The Whole But it still boils down to petty theft. In the end, you’re just a bank robber. Nothing more than a common thief. Bond to Trevelyan, Golden Eye For all their prating and prattling, their tailored duds and gated castles, their perks and credentials, their endless droning…

On Populism And Racism

The One Is Indivisible The Truth Is The Whole On Populism FWIW, I will make a try at this. Populism is rhetorical blarney thieves (politicians) throw forth (speak) to appease complaints and/or assuage desires general groupings of a nation’s citizenry harbor largely in their sub-conscious thinking.  If the thieves manage with words and body language…

Mau-Mauing Stampede

AUM NAMAH SHIVAYA Upon occasion, in human affairs, it becomes necessary to remind functionaries that they are not proprietors.  This observation has reference to that Euro-American mélange of colossal dummies who self-identify as the foreign policy establishment (FPE) as well as to their tools, practitioners, who call themselves the intelligence community (IC). For generations, Progressives Transgressives — aka…