Three Types Of Globalist

The One Is Indivisible
The Truth Is The Whole

Queen St. Elizabeth Of Hungary Feeds The Poor

I wish to make some taxonomic clarifications with respect to three political forces striving to chain up the whole of humanity to provide motive power for this or that private yacht galley.  Call these political forces globalists.  There are three of them.  They intermix on the street and in the office.  However, taxonomically, they are different and distinct because not only their appearances but, more importantly, their impulses, desired end-states, and entourages are identifiably unique.

One set of globalists comprises ecclesial, academic, and GO/NGO officials, appointed, hired, or elected.  Euro-American Socialists — aka Deep/Administrative State minions — belong to this set of globalists.  They want the globalist galley rowing in the direction and at the speed they alone specify.  Demonic clergy, teachers, and lawyers, along with common street criminals, volunteer to serve among this set of globalists.

One set of globalists comprises so-called trans-national bankers, industrialists, and merchants.  ChiComs and their counterparts in Europe, The Middle East, The Americas, Africa, and Asia belong to this set of globalists. They want the globalist galley rowing in the direction and at the speed they alone specify.  Corporation officers — to include lawyers — and cheats volunteer to serve among this set of globalists.

One set of globalists comprises Moslems in general and Salafi-Shiite Jihadis in particular.  Their mullahs command this set of globalists. They want the globalist galley rowing in the direction and at the speed they alone specify.  Misogynists, doubters, and sadists volunteer to serve among this set of globalists.

Although all three of these political forces are globalist — all want to rule the world, or more to the point, consume its wealth — all three are selfish.  Each has in mind who is to command humanity’s wealth, and it is not either of the other two.

The relative puissance of these sets of globalists is remarkable.

Most puissant are Moslems because they are willing to go for the knife in the first rather than a later instance.

Next most puissant are ecclesial, academic, and GO/NGO officials (aka Deep/Administrative State minions), in that order descending, because their hands control the deployment of national and — they imagine — by implication, trans-national penal authority, which includes taxing authority.

Aside: ecclesial, academic, and GO/NGO officials have yet to surmount the fact — which they know they face — that nation-based penal authority does not migrate to trans-national penal authority and that it cannot make that leap.

Least puissant are so-called trans-national bankers, industrialists, and merchants.  While their imaginations savor the whole of humanity jumping for their alternating inducements and demands, they are obliged to spend time, money, and energy keeping at bay mullahs as well as ecclesial, academic, and GO/NGO officials.

Current leading candidates for Democratic Party nomination to POTUS illustrate the foregoing taxonomy.

Bernard Sanders and Michael Bloomberg — significantly, both ethnic Jews — are globalists, but not for the same political forces, not with the same impulses, and not for the same end-states.  Sanders represents ecclesial, academic, and GO/NGO officials.  Bloomberg represents so-called trans-national bankers, industrialists, and merchants.

RINO members of the D-R Uniparty are lining up behind Sanders, showing that their impulses are those of ecclesial, academic, and GO/NGO officials rather than those of so-called trans-national bankers, industrialists, and merchants.

However, the Democratic Party as a whole is in thrall to mullahs through their four-female gang of freshman representatives —  a bizarre phenomenon, but there it is.  Thus, the actual globalism of the D-R UniParty is Moslem and Salafi-Shiite Jihadi specifically.  The globalism of Democrats and RINOs is Moslem.  Whom the mullahs want, the D-R UniParty will choose for their Democratic Party nominee to POTUS.

In case said nominee is not elected POTUS, the D-R UniParty will announce — or attempt to announce — simultaneously from DOJ and CIA that US Constitutional government has been removed and replaced by nameless but mullah-approved Intelligence-Foreign Policy Establishment operators negotiating their jurisdictions, which shall be immune to scrutiny and criticism.

The number of thoughts, words, and deeds available to humankind is finite and small.  A human being can feel, think, or do only a few things.  Be aware of those, or at least many of them, and one has just about any situation figured out in principle before one even reaches it.

It requires no superior intelligence to figure out in general, if not always in specifics, what is happening in any given situation.  Moreover, each of us has raw intellect sufficient to penetrate the meaning of any situation into which we walk or are thrown.  God tests us not beyond our abilities.  Impartial observation starts the process of understanding.  Bringing an ideology to a cognitive exercise guarantees cognitive failure in the exercise.  Come clean to a problem or a situation and it will come clear to one.

Mental/Moral/Spiritual cleanliness is the prius of real intelligence, not computing power, and certainly not so-called big data.

Update 1: Bernard and Michael, both ethnic Jews, represent two distinct but inimical globalist constituencies (GO/NGO minions vice corporate minions, respectively).  Neither can best the actual suzerain — and fellow and third mutually-inimical globalist — of the D-R UniParty: mullahs.

D-R UniParty will nominate as the D candidate for POTUS whomever the mullahs choose.

If that nominee fails in the election, D-R UniParty, under mullah guidance, will announce — or try to announce — from DOJ and CIA that US Constitutional government is removed and replaced by nameless but mullah-approved Intelligence-Foreign Policy Establishment operators negotiating their jurisdictions, which shall be immune to scrutiny and criticism.

Update 2: Well, it is a putative trans-national Deep-State, border-less interactions are what Euro-American Socialists — and their Jihadi allies — want and do, no?  So by definition there can be no gratuitous sharing of classified information, and actions such as described in the essay are ordinary business procedures, in this case to frame and eradicate a mutually-agreed pathogen: US sovereign freedom and any having temerity to assert it.  US law is not a concern to trans-national Deep Staters — or Jihadis — on a mission.  Felton should not think regarding them that it is.  Mr. McCabe’s situation just illustrated the point.

. . . it occurs to me that recognition is scarce that Deep Staters are trans-nationalists, globalists.

Update 3: Were Sessions advised, off the public record, that the investigation of DJT was criminal, not only counterintelligence, by terms of the department rule, recusal was appropriate if not reasonable.

But that would beg the question: why did he not examine the criminal investigation for its own legitimacy?  Any way the facts are cut and diced, Sessions comes out as disloyal not only to his immediate boss but also to his Big Boss, The Electorate and Their Constitution, as well as to his Biggest Boss, God.  Jeff was obliged to tell the truth regarding what was going on.  He failed to execute that duty.

The governing fact, which Sessions with all of D.C. knew or should have known NLT Mike Rogers’ sua sponte briefing of the President-Elect in NYC, was/is that the investigation — whether criminal, counterintelligence, both and/or other — rested/rests on a maliciously generated, fictitious inculpatory narrative.  It was/is an Intelligence-Foreign Policy Establishment (Praetorian Guard) coup attempt against a presidential candidate and a president.  Criminal, counterintelligence, and other investigations should focus there.

Codevilla essays at length, in both expository and remedial language, on the actual criminality in this affair.

Tiring of law substituting for reason and appearances for common sense, I began treating posts by the author mentioned as click bait and comments on them a waste of time.

Update 4: Pamela Geller: Sanders wins backing of top Muslim political group

Update 5: Mullahs own legacy media minions as well as Bernine Bros.

Update 6: Murray Bessette: Evidence: China Executes Political Prisoners to Harvest Organs

Update 7: Roger L. Simon: Our Elites Suffer From China Envy

Update 8: Jacob Nordangard: The Elite Technocrats Behind The Global ‘Great Reset’

The demons (danavas) are those who trample on love and consider inferior qualities as important, while the humans (manavas) are those who consider love as the only quality to be fostered and inferior qualities as snakes to be destroyed.  Are they humans who have no sweetness in them and who endeavour to suppress the craving for immortality?  Theirs is the nature of demons, though the form is human!  For, the character and not the form is primary.  How can those with human form be called humans if they have no kindness and no rightness, and if they have the nature of demons?  Humans engage in soft and sweet deeds of kindness, rightness, love, and truth; they are witnesses to the possibility of realising and manifesting one’s immortality.  Their good nature is resplendent on their faces as bliss (ananda).  Without goodness, even if one is infatuated with joy, the faces will indicate only the destructive fire of the demon; it will not shine with the grace of spiritual bliss.

Sathya Sai BabaPrema Vahini, Chapter 47  /  Daily Email, Sai Inspires: Subscription

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