Win, Lose, Or Draw . . . . No More Sovereign States, Say They

The One Is Indivisible
The Truth Is The Whole

Queen St. Elizabeth Of Hungary Feeds The Poor

I have not read Cass nor intend me to.
That said, to whom is he talking?
Not me, I think.
Does he approve or disapprove Westphalia?
Disapprove, I suspect.

NLT 09  November 2020,
The so-called Euro-American
Intelligence-Foreign Policy Establishment
Will announce from DOJ, CIA, and their NGOs
American sovereignty’s end and their command’s beginning.

Their candidate can win, lose, or draw
the election.  No matter.
No more elections, no more candidates.
And no campaign expenses.  So mad are they:
They say, we will have no more sov’r’ign states.

When Narada once asked Sri Ramachandra about the nature and characteristics of His servants and spiritual aspirants, He answered, “They are full of love; they always stand by righteousness; they speak the truth; their hearts melt with mercy; they are devoid of wrong; they avoid sin; their nature is well-founded; they will renounce everything gladly; they eat in moderation; they are engaged in doing good to others; they have no selfishness; they aren’t worried by doubts.  They won’t lend their ears to flattery but are eager to listen to the praise of the good nature of others.  They have beautiful, strong, and holy character.  Spiritual aspirants are those who endeavour to acquire such qualities.  Now I shall tell you about those who are dear to Me: Anyone who is engaged in repetition of the name, penance, and vows, anyone who has self-control and discipline, anyone who has faith, patience, comradeship, kindness and joy as well as unalloyed love towards Me — such a person is dear to Me.”

Sathya Sai BabaPrema Vahini, Chapter 48  /  Daily Email, Sai Inspires: Subscription

Βασιλεία του Θεού

Update 1: Sharyl Attkisson: Why Trump has already secured a second term — no matter who his opponent is

Trump is taller than any of the likely Democrat nominees.

Update 2: Pamela Geller: Sanders wins backing of top Muslim political group

Update 3: Mullahs own legacy media minions as well as Bernine Bros.

Update 4: Matt Vespa: Sharyl Attkisson: The Six Red Flags We Missed Regarding the FBI’s Abusive FISA Witch Hunt Against the Trump Campaign

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