Butterfly Wings A-Flappin’

The One Is Indivisible
The Truth Is The Whole

The Old Man Receives Darshan Of Our Lord

The Representative is frustrated and therefore angry, to be sure.  I think her frustration is in something she is not mentioning here: that the D-R UniParty – aka Euro-American Socialists — have resolved to shelter under the wings of The CCP rather than under her preferred protection, the wings of The Moslem Brotherhood and The Salafi-Shiite Jihad generally.

The Deep State is the D-R UniParty.
The D-R UniParty is the Deep State.

That the D-R UniParty, who are at heart Euro-American Socialists, feel need to shelter under another hegemon’s wings at all speaks several points I will not itemize here beyond pointing out that all indicate internal contradictions — weakness(s), not ambiguities — recognized by the D-R UniParty themselves.

Something like five weeks ago, I posted under title Three Types of Globalist that, of the three hegemons essaying to overwhelm America and Americans — ChiComs, Euro-American Socialists, and The Moslem Brotherhood writ large as The Salafi-Shiite Jihad — D-R UniParty will sign with the latter, The Brotherhood, on account of their easy and early resort to the beheading knife.  Just that recently, such was a sound of the butterfly’s wings a-flappin’.

But by two weeks ago from today’s date, D-R UniParty leaders and minions had decided instead, No, we align with ChiComs, The CCP, sheltering under their wings.  This development is monitory and momentous.  It occasions frustration-born anger displayed by the Representative shown above.  See also Update 2: below.

I imagine a package of prods produced this D-R UniParty decision.  Successful election fraud — trial runs for the general election in November — in favor of Joe Biden.  Joe Biden’s naturally unattractive nature.  Joe Biden’s senility.  And most importantly, D-R UniParty leaders’ and minions’ — and everyone else’s — observation that The Moslem Brotherhood — The Salafi-Shiite Jihad — does not achieve its objectives and does not hold a field on which it commits to battle.  Moreover, after their so many opportunities and so many tries, it confidently can be said of The Jihad that does not win is actually can not win.

This conclusion has been reached by the D-R UniParty and by everyone else.  The Jihad is  junk.  Even when given every resource and opportunity to hold its own in the field and win, The Brotherhood does not and therefore, as everyone concludes, can not triumph.  No one wants to live under their wings.  They are losers.  The Moslem Brotherhood and their extended family — The Salafi-Shiite Jihad — are losers.

The Moslem Brotherhood and its myriad front organizations do not have to be feared!  They should not be feared!  Lo and behold!

Today, that is a sound of the butterfly’s wings a-flappin’.

Correlatively, and unless The Brotherhood/Jihad can spill blood — and therefore conjure fear — soon, far, and much, Michelle Obama’s stand for POTUS is aborted.

Joe Biden is an Euro-American Socialist who shelters under The CCP’s wings, as do his D-R UniParty confreres.  Staffing and election fraud urging and supporting his stand for POTUS occurred in consequence of the D-R UniParty’s decision to shelter under The CCP wings instead under of Jihadi ones.  Bernie Sanders is Jihadis’ candidate for POTUS.  See Update 2: below.

Still, Joe is a stepping stone to the candidate the D-R UniParty would like to throw against the sovereign freedom movement.  Joe Biden belongs to Euro-American Socialists, themselves shown as losers for having to stand Joe Biden for POTUS.  And he has been purchased by The CCP.  Thus, his loyalty among competing hegemons is to none, a fact all must know.  Yet the fact that he can be purchased — a fact the Obamas knew — predicts he would go with The CCP in any action The CCP would mount against Euro-American Socialists or Jihadis.  In any case, his temporary selection to figurehead a drive inside the USA against the sovereign freedom movement reveals actual strength of the forces that put him there: nothing reliable.  It also predicts their having right now one pugna horrendam behind the scenes for top filly at the intra-hegemon stakes race.

Overall, these tumults — wars and pestilences, betrayals and treasons — are akin to what it took to rein in the so-called Robber Barons (for origin of the phrase, see here) as the 20th Century emerged from the 19th Century.  Free trade is the seductive plaint of swindlers.  Fair trade is the righteous demand of honest men.  Free trade gets one hotdogs bulked up with saw dust.  Fair trade gets one yogurt clean and nourishing.  After abortion, The D-R UniParty’s chief idol is free trade.  This has been the case for decades.

Thus the need for strong measures, such as wars and pestilences — as happened early in the 20th Century as well as earlier — to demolish those idols and restore families and nations to fairness in general and to fair trade specifically.  Americans face the same problem Afghans face: highwaymen in fancy doodads.

This is a sound of the butterfly’s wings a-flappin’.

The D-R UniParty hang on horns of a dilemma.  Their instincts are those of Robber Barons, aka Socialists, so they abide naturally in Euro-American idolatries of socialism — modernly called crony capitalism — suitable to those instincts.  Yet The CCP has mastered those very idolatries, the which mastery makes Euro-American Socialists envious and wanting to join and indulge The CCP without becoming them.  Yet the D-R UniParty has learned they need not fear the Jihadis’ beheading knife.  Yet the D-R UniParty know their most formidable enemy is not their two hegemon confreres, ChiComs and Euro-American Socialists, but rather the nation-specific but globe-wide sovereign freedom movement.

Trust-busters are in town, active and competent, Oh My!  Free trade is in train of trial and invalidation.

The D-R UniParty’s three hegemon affiliates — ChiComs, Euro-American Socialists, Salafi-Shiite Jihadis — cannot fuel D-R UniParty hegemonic aspirations.  Two of them will not: ChiComs and Jihadis.  We witness the senility and sinking of Euro-American Socialism.  Jihadis have exhibited their inability to hold the field, and ChiComs are now everyone’s Public Enemy Number 1.  This is comme il faut, a sound and more of the butterfly’s wings a-flappin’.

The Deep State/D-R UniParty is breaking apart under hammer blows from these multi-domain realities.  The hammer wielder, the realities, delivered through all domains and dimensions of life, is the sovereign freedom movement, the jivatma.

In This World, Attend The Subtle, Not The Gross

There are no limitations of time or space for the establishment of oneself in the contemplation of the Omnipresent Lord.  There is nothing like a holy place or a special time for this.  Wherever the mind revels in contemplation of the Divine, that is the holy place!  Whenever it does so, that is the auspicious moment!  Then and there, one must meditate on the Lord.  The world can achieve prosperity through disciplined souls whose hearts are pure and who represent the salt of the earth.  In the attempt to promote the welfare of the world, from this very minute, each and everyone of you should pray for the advent of such divine personages, and deserve the blessings of the great, and should try to forget the sufferings of the day.

Sathya Sai Baba – Prema Vahini, Chapter 73  /  Daily Email, Sai Inspires: Subscription

Βασιλεία του Θεού

Update1: Glenn K. Beaton: What if Obama were president now?

Update 2: Tyler O’Neil: Bernie, AOC, Ilhan Omar Letter Asking Pompeo to Drop Iran Sanctions Amid Coronavirus Mysteriously Disappears

Update 3: There are three competing Globalists/Hegemons: CCP, Euro-American Socialists, and Salafi-Shiite Jihadis. In USA, Deep State/D-R UniParty is another name for Euro-American Socialists.

Now, everyone hates the CCP, everyone knows Euro-American Socialists are losers, and everyone sees Jihadis cannot hold a field.

I’d say the Hand of God, formed as a sovereign freedom movement, is sweeping out the saloon so it can enjoy a quiet, nourishing cleanse and supper.  I have no objection to that.

Update 4: Sundance: (1) Trump launches military anti-narcotics effort.  (2) AMLO asks Trump for help with oil pricing.  (3) Trump helps AMLO with oil pricing.  (4) Cartels report supply chain issues.


Update 5: Tim Kirby: Pandemic Opportunities Arise for Trump but Will He Take Them?

Comment: Ignore the Orange Man Bad background noise, the writer makes useful points.

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