Why They Did It

The One Is Indivisible
The Truth Is The Whole

The Old Man Receives Darshan Of Our Lord

Why, if not for seditious or treasonous purposes?
Someone has to explain.

I commented:

Sundance at Conservative Treehouse already has explained, thoroughly: to cover for the espionage on Trump and Americans generally they long since conducted and to premise their continuing the same.

TyreByter to David R. Graham
Indeed.  I’ve long said they were so sloppy because it had become SOP, had never cost them and everyone knew it.

David R. Graham to TyreByter
Today I elaborated on the thought at Power Line, where Scott Johnson mentioned that he knew upon its going public that the dossier was Russian disinformation:

My 2c:

Salient fact: in Spring 2016, ADM Rogers arrested irregular FISA-702(16)(17) queries of the NSA data base, queries with results handed to illegal recipients.

Now, why would USIC principals run with the Steele dossier knowing its contents bogus?

A-1: to cover the fact that they ran espionage on Donald Trump since 2015 at least and probably since 2012 and earlier; that is, USIC wanted to obtain for its extant espionage legal cover/predicate through FISA;

A-2: to, as Barr says, mess up the Trump presidency one way and another.

Basically, hell raisers being hell raises and attempting to cover their tracks, unsuccessfully as it turns out . . . incompetents!

It would surprise me not that — initiated by Jarrett/Brennan/Obama —

1- Clinton, Simpson, Obama, Steele, Brennan, Comey, Clapper and their immediate lieutenants engaged their counterparts in Russian IC to produce for Steele-Simpson, and principals of their webs, said dossier, and

2- Russian counter-intel operators, more hell raisers, but also mordant humorists, affixed to the project the ludicrous anti-Trump incidents recounted in the dossier.

In other words, the Russians were laughing up their sleeves at the weakness and credulity displayed by USIC principals in pumping their Russian counterparts (!) to produce a case to cover their own US domestic machinations.

The dossier was clearly Russian disinformation from the start.  Yes.  But aimed at whom?  Its ludicrousness argues that its target was principals of the USIC, the people who begged Russian IC principals to produce it.  If that is fact — and I think it is — the Russian IC principals deserve credit for a great success in statecraft: they destroyed the D-R UniParty’s credibility along with their power to intimidate, and they forced Americans to face the dialectics of their own internal contradictions.

A post-prandial consideration: even if elements of the dossier are of Brennan-Comey-Clapper minion manufacture, as is probable, that strengthens the assessment that the USIC, at least in its CIA, FBI, and ODNI Directorates, are contemptibly stupid, undeserving their budget, and even less, respect.

All of you are the embodiments of love and Divinity.  All that has to happen will happen.  Do not worry about it.  Past is past, forget the past.  Future is uncertain, do not brood over it.  Present is important, live in the present and be happy.  Do not worry about the past and future.  Where is the past?  Many people have passed away.  Has any of them come back?  None.  Similarly we do not know anything about the future.  Why should we worry about it?  Seek happiness in the present.  When you have such an attitude, you will never worry about anything in life.  What is the shape of worry?  It is a mentally created fear.  We should never worry.  Hurry, worry, and curry are the causes of heart diseases.  You should therefore avoid hurry, worry and curry.  A true devotee will not have any worries.  You cannot call yourself a true devotee if you are beset with worries.

Sathya Sai BabaDivine Discourse, April 14, 2006  /  Daily Email, Sai Inspires: Subscription

Βασιλεία του Θεού

Update 1: L. Todd Wood: Pentagon Doesn’t Want To Admit It, But This Is War

Update 2: Bruce Bawer: An Open Letter to the D.C. Right

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