Northern Helmand Province

The One Is Indivisible
The Truth Is The Whole

The Old Man Receives Darshan Of Our Lord

Saints and Sages are downstream from God.

Religion is downstream from Saints and Sages.

Culture is downstream from religion.

Politics is downstream from culture.

The drug business is downstream from politics.

The drug crisis is downstream from the drug business.

Northern Helmand Province is a drug business.  Its product is poison for everything upstream from itself.  It produces an illegitimate product.  Its product diminishes rather than augments the value of trade.  The drug business is the ultimate rent-seeking activity and the bane of the mercantilism which encourages it and bathes in its considerations.  It is nobody’s friend.

To this nobody’s-friend Northern Helmand Province is dedicated, belongs, everyone and everything in it.  The land herself cries out for purification as by a toxic waste dump.  She wants to be useful, not home to scourge.

Northern Helmand Province deserves torrefaction.  The whole lot in and on it.

Resources for the job:

1- Enlist India and Russia to organize joint operations to the purpose.

2- Deny primary business owners, upstream tolerators, and downstream operators — and their extended families — access to US, Russian, and Indian financial networks.

3- Exclude said owners, tolerators, and operators from inter-nation diplomatic interactions.

4- Investigate, arrest, try, convict, and punish politicians in the pay of drug business owners, tolerators, and downstream operators.

5- Arrest, etc., or assassinate drug business owners, tolerators, and operators, anywhere they are found.

6- Ignite Northern Helmand Province from end to end, and especially so the triangle formed by the Helmand and Kash rivers.

7- Deny Northern Helmand Province electricity, fuels, and food.

8-Upstream from the triangle formed by the Kash and Helmand rivers, collapse mountainsides into those rivers sufficiently to dam their waters at multiple points.  Then, let their waters overtop the blockages to run forth naturally and wash away the heavy industries (drugs) downstream, inside the triangle.

9- Make the poppy fields uninhabitable for living creatures of any description for not less than fifty years.

10- Make entry upon or tolerance of the drug business terrifying sufficiently to scare off the most determined and resourceful criminal master mind.

11- Exclude no available weapon from use on this mission.

12- Worry not what drug farmers will do for a living.  They worry not about consequences of their assiduity.

To eliminate drug crisis, eliminate drug businesses.

To eliminate drug businesses, choose politicians who are drug-free.

To install clean politicians, educate rather than indoctrinate children.

To educate children, habituate them in the liturgy of their parents’ native religion.

To promote liturgical practice, revere Saints and Sages and practice their precepts.

To practice truth, love God, practice awareness of His omnipresence.

Conservative Principles be damned.

Liberal Principles be damned.

Libertarian Principles be damned.

Decorum be damned.

Love God and do what you want.

The liar is the one who says he is truthful.

The cheat is the one who says he is honest.

The thief is the one who says he is respectful.

The intolerant is the one who says he is inclusive.

Recapitulate the foregoing in the Americas and Asia.
This is a way to kill a problem with kindness.

Sundance: (1) Trump launches military anti-narcotics effort.  (2) AMLO asks Trump for help with oil pricing.  (3) Trump helps AMLO with oil pricing.  (4) Cartels report supply chain issues.


Rama is the Indweller in every body.  He is the Atma-Rama, the Source of Bliss in every individual.  He is the very embodiment of dharma, of all the codes of morality that hold mankind together in love and unity.  The Ramayana teaches two lessons: the value of detachment and the need to become aware of the Divine in every being.  Faith in God and detachment from objective pursuits are the keys for human liberation.  Give up sense objects, and you gain Rama.  Sita gave up the luxuries of Ayodhya, so she could be with Rama, in the period of “exile”.  When she cast longing eyes on the golden deer and craved for it, she lost the presence of Rama.  Renunciation leads to joy; attachment brings about grief.  Be in the world, but not of it.  Make your heart pure and strong, contemplating the grandeur of the Ramayana.  Be established in the faith that Rama is the Reality of your existence.

Sathya Sai BabaRama Katha Rasavahini, Chapter 1, The Inner Meaning  /  Daily Email, Sai Inspires: Subscription

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