Mau-Mauing Stampede



Upon occasion, in human affairs, it becomes necessary to remind functionaries that they are not proprietors.  This observation has reference to that Euro-American mélange of colossal dummies who self-identify as the foreign policy establishment (FPE) as well as to their tools, practitioners, who call themselves the intelligence community (IC).

For generations, Progressives Transgressives — aka Radical Chic, D-R UniParty, EU-US Socialists, EU-US Foreign Policy Establishment (EU-US FPE) — have gained positions, wealth, and subjects by mau-mauing opponents into abandoning their faculties and committing to stampede.

Nothing of substance, nothing rational, back-stops Transgressives’ mau-mauing demands for this and that, demands the details of which flitter glitteringly through time and clime but remain constant in character malign: submit to me, you deplorable nothings; abandon to my use your homes and affections, your sons and daughters, that they may await my every urge and I may pleasure in their every servitude.

There is no legitimacy in Transgressives’ demands.  They know there is not.  So they have perfected resort to mau-mauing in order to intimidate into confusion and stampede all and sundry, thus, they think, to have consigned for themselves control of space and time, causality and substance.  In classical Greek literature, the description of this aspiration and condition is hubris.  The word means thinking oneself God, and specifically, beyond obligations of contrition and penance, otherwise known as self-scrutiny and self-correction.

As the radical chic, Transgressives learned the mau-mauing tactic early from Communists and later from their own clients, minority populations, during implementation of Great Society programs.  They deploy the tactic now with unerring, even boring predictability because most often it has worked for them and because nature runs to torpor and habits when it is not running to God: hurl obstreperous vituperation, loaded with lies and surcharged with the aura of menace, screeching across spaces.  When normal people get confused and run from mau-mauing, seize their positions and wealth, their children, their self-confidence and spontaneity, the dignity of their sovereign humanity.  This is how mau-mauing works.

Mau-mau to confusion and stampede.  That is the formula.  And it is A Formulacommunity organizing, as they name it — a formula summoned by Transgressives over and over and nearly always with success . . . until Donald Trump becomes POTUS.  Yet still they try to make the formula work, to make it produce, to conjure its deviltries. Transgressives are stuck on stupid.

But there is no there there.  Mau-mauing is a cynical act, a lustful presentment, an impious pretense, mere lies in the midst of nefarious stratagems.  These have no sustainable puissance.  Nothing substantive, nothing real supports Transgressives’ fearsome propaganda and horrifying visages.

They essay to transform the law, which is meant to protect, into a cudgel, a weapon, which is meant to harm.  But law does not abide distortion much less transformation.  Law does not countenance diminishment of the essential grandeur of its nature and destiny, not even for its cultured despisers.

Bottom Line: Transgressives are stupid.

The real response to Transgressives’ mau-mauing is standing and laughing to them and to their mau-mauing.  Not stampeding is the simple act which paralyzes, immobilizes Transgressives’ light, their élan vital, such as they have any.  Standing and laughing to them drives Transgressives to self-expose as stupid and insane, weak, hollow, and risible.  Standing and laughing to them also causes Transgressives to make strategic and tactical mistakes in one’s front.

POTUS Trump illustrates the procedure frequently.  As well did some students from Covington Catholic High School when they attended a Pro-Life rally in Washington D.C. some while back.

Mau-mauing, by the way, is all Salafi-Shiite Jihadis have going for them as well.  Behind that, they have nothing but ugliness and fright, the same profile Transgressives have.  This explains the two hegemonists’ affinity . . . this side of deciding by blows which of them gets to rule the final solution to an unwilling electorate.

Finally, be it noted that Transgressives rely on psychotropic drugs to keep themselves jacked up for conquest and their marks jacked-down for subjugation.  The salience of this phenomenon cannot be over-emphasized.  Were one cohort of Transgressives’ cast of Iagos highlighted as most destructive of nature and civilization, sweetness and goodness, it would be psychiatrists and psychologists backed by networks of ideology and chemical suppliers legal and not.

Transgressives Are Predators

Recently I produced two posts contemplating Transgressives’ core membership (clergy, professors, lawyers), frame of reference (Gnosticism, sententious spite), means to address (investigate, prosecute, convict, and punish for criminal conspiracies), and goal (global governance).  One post is titled Louche Predators.  The other is titled A Job For The FBI.

Posts through the years dance around and with the same phenomena, trying to pierce or draw the curtains thrown up by core Transgressive actors, to expose them, their intention, and their means.  Examples include:

Who Are These People?
Who Are We And Why Do We Fight?
The US HPSCI Conducts A Superb Civics Lesson
Totalitarian Twaddle By TWANLOCs

Yesterday, Rush Limbaugh engaged a caller at length for an illuminating conversation: My Theory on What Barr and Durham Are Doing.  Essential observations arising from the conversation parallel mine here:

These guys did not deserve any of that happening to ’em [cruelly arrested, to public view, in their homes], and reciprocity I fear is not on the table.  I think the reason that they’re taking their time with this is because what they have undertaken to do is so big and so monumental and is so risky that if they don’t get this done all buttoned up down tight, every dot and every T dotted and crossed, if they don’t do that, these guys are dead.

Who are they taking on?  They are taking on a largely invisible establishment deep state what-have-you.  It has never been done before.  They see what has happened to Trump with his efforts.  These guys are serious. Barr and Durham are trying to dismantle a way of life for people. They are trying to dismantle decades of establishment consistency, patterns, lifestyles that are set in gold, futures that are guaranteed for themselves and their kids.

You can’t do this with PR. You can’t do it one indictment at a time.  If you’re gonna do this like they’re doing it, when it’s time to present it, it better be absolutely indisputable.  Because if there’s anything in it that’s not battened down, if there’s anything in it that isn’t true, these guys are dead.

It’s one thing to say we’re gonna drain the swamp.  It’s one thing to say we’re gonna get rid of the deep state.  It’s one thing to say that we are going to take our country back.  It’s another thing to actually do it.  The people who are the targets of this are not just the Comeys and the McCabes.

Those people are the foot soldiers of the movement.  They are not the brains.  They are not the money.  They are not the organizers.  They’re not the power brokers.  They are not the people that assign the jobs in the deep state.  These are not the people that determine who gets membership in the deep state and who doesn’t.

But if you go after those guys, you’re gonna find their bosses and you’re gonna have to take them out as well, and this is a deeply serious, big time undertaking that is unprecedented.  For all this talk about Trump wanting to be a monarch and a king, this actually is the equivalent of taking down the invisible apparatus that actually has been running this country for take your pick of how many decades, but at least since post-World War II.

And it has people in it everywhere.  It has people in all the major universities.  It has people internationally entrenched, in the European Union, George Soros, all of these Western European diplomats and so forth, the State Department, they’re gonna be taking on a tremendous number of people here.

It’s not just Schiff and Nadler and Pelosi trying to impeach Trump and get rid of him.  It’s people whose names we don’t even know.  It’s people who live in places we don’t know.  And if you’re gonna take those people on, when it’s time to actually make your move, you better have everything you need because these people are gonna be launching back at you with efforts to destroy you and everything you’re trying to do to them.  Because this is taking on, this is actually attacking and trying to bust up a way of life that has been entrenched.

I mean. this is the ruling class. …

What do you think this all is, overturning the results of an election?  What is that, really?  It’s negating and nullifying us.  Yeah, we’re deplorables or whatever, but what we are is noncitizens, what we are is nonfactors to them.  This effort to get rid of Donald Trump is an effort in truth to rid themselves of us as a competing political force.

And we got two guys that have decided to take this on, Bill Barr — well, three — Trump, Bill Barr, and John Durham.  And I don’t think they want to telegraph how far along they are to these people.  I don’t think they want to give ’em any heads up at all, what they have found.

I think it is such a profoundly major thing that’s being attempted here.  Look at it as trying to defeat the Soviet Union without firing a shot.  It’s a much bigger undertaking than people think.

Update 1: Michael Anton: The Empire Strikes Back (PDF)

Update 2: America’s Homeschooling Mothers Are Leading Our Next Revolution

Related: I’m going to go way, way out — some will say way, way away — and observe that Boris Johnson owes his new-found opportunities to two Trumps: Melania and Ivanka.

Update 3:

David R. Graham
I think everyone now is just awaiting Michelle’s announcement of candidacy for POTUS.  And more reclamation, in her/handlers’ minds, than candidacy.

Two things stand out to me in this drama:

1- No one, no one, not even Solomon, Attkisson, Hemingway, or Sperry has pursued the individual or group who leaked a transcript of the Flynn-Russian Ambassador conversation.  Why not?

2- Why is Russia/Putin always at the center of Transgressives’ machinations?  What have they against Russia/Putin?  Russian active measures in USA are novel?  Russia/Putin is so central to their epistemology and geo-political taxonomy — on the hate side — that even the late Tory sweep of the UK general election Transgressives blame on Russia/Putin.  I mean, there are so many things of substance Transgressives could cavil about against Americans, why is Russia/Putin always their OCD du jour?

kasandra to David R. Graham
Well, to invoke FISA – the FOREIGN Intelligence Surveillance Act – they needed a plausible foreign involvement. And Americans have validly been conditioned to expect nefarious Russian conduct, And they seemed to have interfered at least at the margins in 2016, so it was convenient for the left to use Russia. It’s interesting to me because I’m old enough to remember most of the Cold War when the left was Russia’s BFF.

David R. Graham to kasandra
Yes, but there is more to it.  OCD.  It reeks.  When the Soviet fell, Clinton/US Foreign Policy Establishment (FPE), aka Globalists, Transgressives, looted Russia and Ukraine under color of helping them learn free market economics.

Putin, like Trump in re USA, saw the fleece and put a stop to it under color of patriotism and Christianity.  Lots of EU-US FPE/NGO rice bowls went unfilled.  Still do, at least from Russia, not so much from Ukraine, as is now evident.

And more than the economics was the ideology.  Russians knew from direct experience that socialism is a disease that makes for misery.  And they never lost their yearning for the numinous.  Putin brought forth the Russian Church as essential to restoring Russian self-confident patriotism.  Globalists cannot forgive him for that.  After all, ideology is their game, they have nothing else besides its fleeting stamina.  Thus their OCD over Russia/Putin.  IMO.

Utter Nobody to David R. Graham
Yeah, that Russia fixation is so weird.  There’s gotta be something there that they’ve managed to hide.

I don’t see Mrs. Obama running.  I don’t think she’d be up for it.

Ryan Campbell to Utter Nobody
Mrs. Obama?  No. Big Mike Robinson?  Maybe.  lol

kasandra to Utter Nobody
It supplied a believable predicate for the Administration’s spying on the Trump campaign – the ‘F’ in FISA.

itellu3times to David R. Graham
Because it’s so perfect – the socialists abhorring the communist.  Makes you think they’re not the same.

Mike to David R. Graham
Demographics and voting blocs.  The older folks in America tend to vote Republican and conservative.  These same folks grew up during the Cold War and the memory of the Soviet/Russian threat remains real to many of them.  I think the DEMS used Russia primarily to peel away voters from Trump.  Another reason is that Putin is not an adherent of the Globalist New World Order.  He is first and foremost for historic Russia.  Say what you will about his treatment of “reporters” and homosexuals and such, it’s my opinion, but shouldn’t all leaders of their countries be concerned first and foremost with their own nations and their own people?  That’s not the Globalist view of things.  Merkel, Macron, Obama, Trudeau etc, don’t seem the least interested in the well being of their own people.  While the Bushes and the Clintons were busy importing tens of millions of low wage uneducated immigrants and enabling the export of millions of American jobs to the third world, were they at all interested in the well being of the average American?  I don’t think so.  Globalists hate non-Globalists.

David R. Graham to Mike
Another reason is that Putin is not an adherent of the Globalist New World Order.  He is first and foremost for historic Russia.

Exceedingly important data points.  And central to that historic Russia Putin and Russians generally treasure is Christianity, which Globalists hate as much as they hate historic patriotism, because Christianity’s high view of man fosters nations and patriotism, rather than Globalists’ deadening, sententious hegemonics.

Globalists are Transgressives.

Joan to David R. Graham
In addition to the valid ideas proposed by posters below, I think it is distraction from the Democrats’ treasonous and corrupt involvement with the Chinese, going back to the Clintons. I think there are payoffs to look the other way as Chinese are infused into sensitive areas of science, technology and business.

Kevin R. to Joan
I think you’re spot on.

Update 4: Sharyl Attkisson: William Barr Has Suddenly Become Chatty—and He’s Provided Quite an Information Dump

Update 5: Yale Psychiatrist [a female] Claims Pelosi Can Subject Trump to ‘Involuntary’ Mental Health Evaluation

Update 6: William A. Jacobson: If you were as deceptive with the FBI, as the FBI was with the FISA court, how quickly would you be charged?

Update 7: Angelo M. Codevilla: Abolish The CIA

Related: Very weak tea from Austin Bay

Update 8: Matt Vespa: Sharyl Attkisson: The Six Red Flags We Missed Regarding the FBI’s Abusive FISA Witch Hunt Against the Trump Campaign

Update 9: Josh Christenson: Liberal Dark Money Behemoth Seeks to Scrub Wikipedia Page of Free Beacon Reporting

Tat Twam Asi – You are the embodiment of the Atma.  This is the highest and holiest Mahavakya or divine axiom.  You are that indestructible fruit and its inner essence.  You are that Atma Tatwa, the Atmic principle which is different from the body and is blemishless.  It is for the sake of this Atmic principle alone that you are given this body.  You, the Atma, is always steady.  Have you come with the body as a vehicle to destroy yourself?  Surely not.  You are here to exercise authority over the body to thereby promote welfare of the world.  The body has to be utilised for this mahat tatwa – great purpose.  This body is meant for performing actions; it is a mere implement and instrument gifted by God.  Once its intended purpose is served, it is needed no more.  Until you have realised your true self, the body has to be protected by all means.

Sathya Sai BabaPrema Vahini, Ch 4

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