A Job For The FBI



Upon occasion, in human affairs, it becomes necessary to remind functionaries that they are not proprietors.  This observation has reference to that Euro-American mélange of colossal dummies who self-identify as the foreign policy establishment (FPE) as well as to their tools, practitioners, who call themselves the intelligence community (IC).

Welcome To The Potemkin Village Of Washington Power
William S. Smith

IC and sibling GOs and NGOs are tools, executives constructed for their use by a soi-disant EU-US Foreign Policy Establishment (FPE). Who are the EU-US FPE principals?  They are, in descending order of authority and therefore effectiveness, the clerical bench, the faculty lounge, and the lawyers guild.  What is the goal of these principals: global governance abolishing national sovereignties.

Ergo, CIA and sibling GO/NGO tools are illegitimate from inception because an EU-US FPE constructed them for a seditious purpose, to abolish national sovereignties.  CIA, etc. have largely succeeded at achieving that EU-US FPE goal.  Abolishing these tools, not reforming them, is the proper course because they were constructed for an improper activity.  Sedition is their purpose, subverting US sovereignty is their DNA.

Abolishing CIA and sibling GO/NGO tools is necessary, for their inherently seditious teleology.  However, abolishing their creator is more important, and easier.  Their creator, an EU-US FPE, is an ideological problem, not a political or political will problem.  The enemy is globalist ideology, not faceless, unaccountable, nefarious, and stupid bureaucrats.  Abolish the ideology and the bureaucrats disappear of their own will, like frogs leaving a lake that runs dry.

This is a job for the FBI:

1- investigate mullahs, reverends, rabbis, spiritual guides, gurus, professors, teachers, big law, little law, litigators, etc., for sedition, tax evasion, cheating and fraud, inciting terrorism, suborning perjury, criminal conspiracy, harboring criminals, inciting criminal activity, conspiracy to interfere in civil rights, wire fraud, RICO, etc.,

2- refer to DOJ cases with sufficient evidence for prosecution and punishment of mullahs, reverends, etc., to include incarceration, deportation, and execution, and

3- refer to State Attorneys General evidence found that is sufficient for in-state prosecution and punishment of mullahs, reverends, etc., to include incarceration, referral for deportation, and execution.

This can be done.  For all its catching the FPE/CIA/IC disease of intentional sententious sedition, the FBI has a legitimate inter-state federal investigative role to play and can be cleaned up to execute it.

Meanwhile, to earn back citizens’ trust, the FBI should publish the results, in their entirety, of all those investigations they got in the habit of conducting not for law enforcement reasons but merely to blackmail citizens and their representatives and public servants.  We know they are in there. Let them loose.  Let the winds blow.  They purify the atmosphere.

Human life is undoubtedly the highest in evolution, and to give it meaning, spiritual endeavour and effort that is pure and holy, is essential.  For this way of life, character is most important.  Character makes life immortal; it survives even death.  Some say that knowledge is power, but it is not true.  Character is power.  Even the acquisition of knowledge demands a good character.  So everyone must yearn to attain flawless character, without any trace of evil.  Buddha, Jesus Christ, Shankaracharya, and Vivekananda, as well as great sages, saints and devotees of the Lord are treasured in the memory of people even to this day!  What quality made them all memorable for all times?  It is their character!  Without character, wealth, education, and social status are of no avail.  Character is the fragrance of the flower; it gives value and worth.  Poets, painters, artists, and scientists may be great, each in their own field, but without character, they can have no standing in society.

Sathya Sai BabaPrema Vahini, Ch 1

Βασιλεία του Θεού

Update 1: Fred Siegel: The Godfather Of American Liberalism

Update 2: William A. Jacobson: If you were as deceptive with the FBI, as the FBI was with the FISA court, how quickly would you be charged?

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