Louche Predators



BLUF: Cut Their Comms

Upon occasion, in human affairs, it becomes necessary to remind functionaries that they are not proprietors.  This observation has reference to that Euro-American mélange of colossal dummies who self-identify as the foreign policy establishment (FPE) as well as to their tools, practitioners, who call themselves the intelligence community (IC).

Outside The Beltway, awareness is spreading that the soi-disant US Intelligence Community (IC) is an aura of menace hovering over Americans and America.  William S. Smith: Welcome To The Potemkin Village Of Washington Power.

The US IC is a tool of an EU-US FPE (Foreign Policy Establishment).  The US-IC are some of this FPE’s practitioners, not its principals.  Individual tools and principals interchange through the years, but the IC per se remain operators, executors for FPE principals.

This FPE’s goal has been fixed through decades since the 1910s at least: global governance.  This FPE — through the US IC and other tools — throws GOs and NGOs into existence as need appears to its principals and their tools, raising chaos here, inflicting death there, promoting lawfare and illiteracy here, despair there, to confuse citizens and deconstruct their patriotic aspirations and affiliations.  Names and organizations come and go, the goal is always the same: global governance in substitution for national sovereignties.  This FPE and their hired tools — hired with monies FPE principals and tools squeeze from taxpayers — consider this the high road and they own it.

The CIA should be abolished for reasons given by Adam Mill as well as for other reasons.  The main reason to abolish the CIA is that they are tools for achieving an unrighteous goal not of their making although of their concurrence: abolishing Americans’ sovereign national freedom.

However, returning America to Americans and their sovereign national freedom requires abolishing the CIA’s principals as well: this EU-US FPE, who are Socialists, Globalists.

Fortunately, this action is underway from three directions: (1) American common sensibility and awareness, (2) the FPE’s own colossal stupidity, and (3) the definite partiality of Almighty God.

The CIA is one of several tools, and a relatively recent one, established by the EU-US FPE to promote global governance by themselves through practitioners — aka tools, servants, functionaries — hired by FPE principals with monies extracted from taxpayers.  All legal and above board.  And Progressive.  Except it is also nefarious, immoral, a-historical (Mark 11:17), and jejune.  Meaning, it is Transgressive.

This FPE’s global governance goal is high profile from at least the conclusion of WW I.  It disappears not from then on, and its political rampancy increases steadily from POTUS Wilson through POTUS Reagan to The Fraud, soi-disant POTUS Obama, whose entry upon the Oval Office was obtained by way of multi-domain fraud.

FPE principals and tools are predators on citizens and their nations, not stewards of citizens’ and their nations’ interests.  They are Tier One Predators.  Their goal is extirpating nations altogether, by ingesting them.  But the nations belong to God, long and always have done, and always will.

We may ask, who exactly are principals of this FPE?  Who has their hands on the puppet strings, or thinks they do, even now?  A common answer is, businessmen (meaning industrialists and merchants), rich people, implying that the latter are the former.  Yet, that answer is incorrect as to assertion and implication.

The principals of this FPE, in descending order of authority and therefore effectiveness, are the clerical bench, the faculty lounge, and the lawyers’ guild.

These principals populate GOs and NGOs constructed by themselves for the purpose of extirpating national sovereignties and establishing global governance by themselves through practitioners they select and mostly control to execute the mission.  Industrialists, merchants, and artisans pay up to get along and go along or they rebel.  They have no principal authority in the EU-US FPE.

Some military Officers and NCOs make nice with the FPE.  Their position in the nation’s leader cadre would suggest they are principals of the same.  And indeed they should be.  However, today’s three actual, progressive transgressive FPE principals never would accept military Officers and NCOs as siblings to their intentions, only as tools for executing those intentions.

One irony in that condition is that US Armed Forces are the core and sine qua non of US sovereign national freedom, that to which this progressive transgressive FPE is violently allergic yet on which they absolutely depend in order to have a something — national sovereignty — to make a living from by abhorring.  FPE principals know that that is the case even if military Officers and NCOs who want to make nice with them do not.

The common thread between here and there (Impeachment and Brexit) is the soi-disant EU-US Foreign Policy Establishment (FPE), an inter-national ideological conspiracy, self-reporting as GTransgressive, one of whose executive tools is the CIA.  The FPE are a conspiracy comprising nation-deploring globalists, aka Transgressives.

Their ideological component is the core of this conspiracy.  Money and sex (by family and individually) help hold them together, but the inner core of this FPE conspiracy is globalist ideology: global governance, the same goal, not coincidentally, as that firing the minds and hands of Salafi-Shiite Jihadis.

This FPE’s executive tools — such as League of Nations, Bretton Woods, UN, NATO, CIA, 5-Eyes, Trilateral Commission, Council on Foreign Relations, a myriad non-profit foundations and think tanks, etc.; through the years names change, organizations come and go, but the goal remains the same — are illegitimate because their very purpose, from construction, is to subvert and destroy national sovereignties.

The illegitimacy of those agencies, both here and there, is remarked today in their dysfunction, illegal and/or immoral activities, etc.  Yet, those are surface indicators, symptoms merely.  The true wrong-ness of these agencies, these tools of this EU-US FPE, is the illegitimacy of their birth in a conspiracy against sovereign national freedoms altogether by globalist ideologues.

Ideology has the property of inducing hauteur in its hosts.  Hauteur is a mark of predators.  Globalists are louche predators.

But the New Class isn’t limited to communist countries, really.  Around the world in the postwar era, power was taken up by unelected professional and managerial elites.  To understand what’s going on with President Donald Trump and his opposition, and in other countries as diverse as France, Hungary, Italy and Brazil, it’s important to realize that the post-World War II institutional arrangements of the Western democracies are being renegotiated, and that those democracies’ professional and managerial elites don’t like that very much, because they have done very well under those arrangements.  And, like all elites who are doing very well, they don’t want that to change.

Glenn Harlan Reynolds

The CIA and other tools of the FPE have largely fulfilled their mission, achieved their objective.  The UN and NGOs such as Ford, Rockefeller, and Open Society foundations are at least aspirationally well along the path with methodology to ensnaring their paying members, citizens of nation states, in conceptual mayhem in order to render said members incapable of maintaining their sovereign national freedoms.

This EU-US FPE is the so-called swamp.  It is not a few bad actors here and there in government service.  It is a conspiracy of long-standing and wide extent, spanning actual, constituted but illegitimate GOs and NGOs.  Cleaning out or draining the swamp of its illegitimate member organizations means cleaning out the EU-US FPE, both principals and tools, architects and executives.  It means abolishing, not reforming, the many agencies and organizations constructed by this FPE, over the last one hundred plus years, in order to eliminate nations altogether in the next one hundred plus years.

Also the efforts of Admiral Mike Rogers.

But more than that, the deep state GO and NGO agencies, foundations, and personalities are tools of a network of families and professionals who I think are most accurately termed — for what interests them — the Foreign Policy Establishment (FPE).  Principals/originators of that network are the clerical bench, the faculty lounge, and the lawyers’ guild.  Those principals should be FBI investigative targets for sedition, all manner of fraud and cheating, RICO, all manner of criminal conspiracy, etc.

The goal of the FPE network of families and professionals is global governance, which includes abolition of national sovereignties.  Tools FPE families and personalities have already manufactured to achieve their goal — such as CIA — are illegitimate because their provenance is sedition, a fact their performance adequately demonstrates.  Louche predators FPE are.

PaulStPaul to David R. Graham
Yes, Admiral Mike Rogers. I have not seen references to him for some time.  It may be because I am not following news as actively recently or that he has chosen to remain quite.

David R. Graham to PaulStPaul
Yes, he has apparently chosen to remain quiet, most honorably of course.  It may also be because the actual news is so generally in the proper direction that one is disinclined to pay close attention to the news. I find myself in that situation, truth be told.

Perhaps my head is in the sand, but it seems to me that the important things now are happening under radar in executive departments and agencies and in congress, and I just trust POTUS Trump either directly or by inspiration is guiding things generally aright — and not to omit glad reference to the definite partiality of Almighty God.

Admiral Rogers, I think, has a special place in the hagiography, in that he initiated — I think it is not too strong to say — the specificity of our country’s citizens’ awareness of nefarious actions by a definable cabal towards our and our country’s loss of sovereign freedom.

The clerical bench, the faculty lounge, and the lawyers guild are the source, the principal architects, of the progressive transgressive ideology they themselves call global governance.  (It parallels Jihadists’ ambitions to the same effect.)  That ideology is freedom’s true enemy today.  Those three principal architects of it should be subjected to FBI investigations for sedition and conspiracies nearly legion.

Joseph Backholm: 25 Reasons Today’s Left Has Become A Bunch Of Ideological Extremists

Richard Fernandez: Behind Eddie Gallagher’s Court Martial Is a Much Larger Issue: The 2008 No-Prisoners Policy

Angelo Codevilla: FBI Diagnosed With CIA Disease

Kurt Schlichter: What Would a War on the Drug Cartels Look Like?

I commented:

With respect, Kurt, I think you have not thought this one through thoroughly.  If you end on a cynical note, as you have, you have not been an American.  Also, the self-promotion that seems always to end your essays is unattractive.  Don’t go Ralph Peters on us, Kurt.  Your mind is better than that and your heart much more so.  Think it through, don’t be angry, take your time.  I think it is a soi-disant Foreign Policy Establishment problem that we face.  Light up the FPE hydra’s tools, their heads: Brookings, CIA, CFR, Ford, Rockefeller, etc.  And light up their belly: the clerical bench, the faculty lounge, and the lawyers’ guild.  It’s an ideology problem that we face — global governance, no sovereign national freedoms — not a political or political will problem.  And we Americans figure out ways to solve problems.  That is who we are, our Americanism.  Law of Expansion.

Glenn Reynolds: On The NYT: Maybe it’s not so much that they’ve gotten worse, as that we’ve gotten wise.

William H. McRaven: Our Republic Is Under Attack From The President

J. E. Dyer: Points to ponder from Trump’s surprise Thanksgiving visit to Afghanistan

About Sharyl Attkisson: Sharyl Attkisson reveals a telling similarity between ‘impeachment inquiry’ deep staters and fired Navy secretary: They can’t deal with Trump the leader

Adam Hill: The Rise of America’s ‘Putin-ized’ Intelligence Community

William B. Stoecker: The Traitorous CIA’s Role In The Attempted Overthrow Of America Goes Back DECADES Using One False Flag After Another & Their Total Infiltration By America-Hating Communists & Muslims

Thomas Paine: Undercover Female FBI Agent Infiltrated al-Qaeda; Then FBI Bosses Terminated the Top Secret Operation & Buried Key Intel BEFORE 9/11 Terror Strikes

Gene Poteat: George Washington, Spymaster Extraordinaire (PDF)

Stephen Coughlin, Richard Higgins: Re-Remembering the Mis-Remembered Left: The Left’s Strategy and Tactics To Transform America (PDF)

Antipsychotic Drug Use Still Increasing Among Children, Teens

Big Pharma’s Psychotropic And Other Drug Problems

School Shootings: Psychotropic Drug Use by School Shooters Merits Federal Investigation

Study Finds Big Geographic Swings In Psychotropic Drug Use

Margot Cleveland: The Russian Spy Who Wasn’t? Defamation Case Accuses U.S., U.K. Intelligence Of Using Michael Flynn For Spygate Hoax

Brooke Singman: FBI agents manipulated Flynn file, as Clapper allegedly urged ‘kill shot’: court filing

Rowan Scarborough: FBI ambushed Michael Flynn, then celebrated: Court documents

Robert Kraychik: Lee Smith: Deep State Used ‘Criminal Conspiracy’ to Stop Flynn’s Audit of Intelligence Agencies

Luke Rosiak: Michael Flynn Attorney Demands Charges Be Dismissed ‘For Outrageous Government Misconduct’

John Hinderaker: More Bombshells From The Flynn Prosecution

Sundance: Reconstructing Justice – Flynn Defense Submits Outstanding Sur-Surreply to Counter Prosecution

Sarah Hoyt: Rattling The Cage Doors

Monica Showalter: CIA misleads again: Nancy Pelosi’s worst nightmare slowly comes to life

Carl J. Schramm: ‘The Interagency’ Isn’t Supposed to Rule

When the war on terror opened, with all the secret activity it required, professional cadres in the diplomatic corps, the military and the nation’s many intelligence agencies were able to transform interagency cooperative agreements that had existed since the Cold War into a de facto agency—a largely informal and virtual bureaucracy—with the assumed power, if need be, to determine and execute a foreign policy at odds with the intent of the president and Congress.

Last month’s testimony before the Intelligence Committee shed light on this club whose members are a permanent shadow government credentialed by family histories, elite schools and unique career experiences. This common pedigree informs their perspective of how America should relate to the world. The dogmatists of the interagency seem to share a common discomfort with a president who probably couldn’t describe the doctrine of soft power, doesn’t desire to be the center of attention at Davos, and wouldn’t know that Francis Fukuyama once decided that history was over.

The impeachment hearings will have served a useful purpose if all they do is demonstrate that a cabal of unelected officials are fashioning profound aspects of U.S. foreign policy on their own motion. No statutes anticipate that the president or Congress will delegate such authority to a secret working group formed largely at the initiation of entrepreneurial bureaucrats, notwithstanding that they may be area experts, experienced in diplomatic and military affairs, and motivated by what they see as the best interests of the country.

Derrick Williams: The Real Reason the Dems Want Trump Gone

Sarah Hoyt: The Best People

Spengler: Taking a careful look at the spooks’ campaign to topple Donald Trump

Matthew Tyrmand: Go Westphalian, Young Man

Matt Vespa: WSJ Columnist: This Is When The Deep State Felt They Got The Green Light To Defy Trump

SouthFront: Eric Suesse: Ukrainegate: Is It Waterloo For Trump, Or For America’s “News” Media

Update 1: Fred Siegel: The Godfather Of American Liberalism

Update 2: FIRE: Spotlight On Campus Speech Codes 2020

Not a few Professors and Educrats — and their initiating FPE principals — are making insane assertions and pronouncements and doing insane things because, overall, they have lost the war they started against Americans’ and Americas’s sovereign national freedom.

Update 3: Babylon Bee: Nation’s Progressives Transgressives Give Thanks That They Have So Much To Be Angry About This Year

Update 4:

Michael Melcher
The Guardian was always a big fan of Russia when it was known as the Soviet Union.  What has changed?

David R. Graham to Michael Melcher
Russians reverted to Christianity.  That’s what changed.  Socialists hate Christianity.

Michael Melcher to David R. Graham
Good point.  I hadn’t considered that.  The “church” is certainly among the Marx-Engels big three for destruction.

David R. Graham to Michael Melcher
Oh yeah!  Took me, too, a few years to figure out that one.  Once I saw it, I looked around for geo-strategic implications and saw US, India, and Russia aligned for global pacification, restructuring for modern realities, via shutting down their immediate common enemy, Jihad, and checking/undoing their long-term common enemy, ChiComs.  I call it Three Brothers Doctrine at my blog Theological Geography.

Not for nothing is bipartisan fusion EU-US Foreign Policy Establishment (e.g., Pelosi, Kristol, Romney, CFR, US IC, D-R UniParty, Globalists) adamant that Russia/Putin is evil US enemy.  They do so abominate national sovereignties, and Christianity-infused ones the most.

Actually, Russia/Putin, no angels but genuine patriots, even many of their non-Christians, and properly so, are US allies historically as well as in current and even long-term geo-political conditions.

Update 5:

David R. Graham
I think everyone now is just awaiting Michelle’s announcement of candidacy for POTUS.  And more reclamation, in her/handlers’ minds, than candidacy.

Two things stand out to me in this drama:

1- No one, no one, not even Solomon, Attkisson, Hemingway, or Sperry has pursued the individual or group who leaked a transcript of the Flynn-Russian Ambassador conversation.  Why not?

2- Why is Russia/Putin always at the center of Transgressives’ machinations?  What have they against Russia/Putin?  Russian active measures in USA are novel?  Russia/Putin is so central to their epistemology and geo-political taxonomy — on the hate side — that even the late Tory sweep of the UK general election Transgressives blame on Russia/Putin.  I mean, there are so many things of substance Transgressives could cavil about against Americans, why is Russia/Putin always their OCD du jour?

kasandra to David R. Graham
Well, to invoke FISA – the FOREIGN Intelligence Surveillance Act – they needed a plausible foreign involvement. And Americans have validly been conditioned to expect nefarious Russian conduct, And they seemed to have interfered at least at the margins in 2016, so it was convenient for the left to use Russia. It’s interesting to me because I’m old enough to remember most of the Cold War when the left was Russia’s BFF.

David R. Graham to kasandra
Yes, but there is more to it.  OCD.  It reeks.  When the Soviet fell, Clinton/US Foreign Policy Establishment (FPE), aka Globalists, Transgressives, looted Russia and Ukraine under color of helping them learn free market economics.

Putin, like Trump in re USA, saw the fleece and put a stop to it under color of patriotism and Christianity.  Lots of EU-US FPE/NGO rice bowls went unfilled.  Still do, at least from Russia, not so much from Ukraine, as is now evident.

And more than the economics was the ideology.  Russians knew from direct experience that socialism is a disease that makes for misery.  And they never lost their yearning for the numinous.  Putin brought forth the Russian Church as essential to restoring Russian self-confident patriotism.  Globalists cannot forgive him for that.  After all, ideology is their game, they have nothing else besides its fleeting stamina.  Thus their OCD over Russia/Putin.  IMO.

Utter Nobody to David R. Graham
Yeah, that Russia fixation is so weird.  There’s gotta be something there that they’ve managed to hide.

I don’t see Mrs. Obama running.  I don’t think she’d be up for it.

Ryan Campbell to Utter Nobody
Mrs. Obama?  No. Big Mike Robinson?  Maybe.  lol

kasandra to Utter Nobody
It supplied a believable predicate for the Administration’s spying on the Trump campaign – the ‘F’ in FISA.

itellu3times to David R. Graham
Because it’s so perfect – the socialists abhorring the communist.  Makes you think they’re not the same.

Mike to David R. Graham
Demographics and voting blocs.  The older folks in America tend to vote Republican and conservative.  These same folks grew up during the Cold War and the memory of the Soviet/Russian threat remains real to many of them.  I think the DEMS used Russia primarily to peel away voters from Trump.  Another reason is that Putin is not an adherent of the Globalist New World Order.  He is first and foremost for historic Russia.  Say what you will about his treatment of “reporters” and homosexuals and such, it’s my opinion, but shouldn’t all leaders of their countries be concerned first and foremost with their own nations and their own people?  That’s not the Globalist view of things.  Merkel, Macron, Obama, Trudeau etc, don’t seem the least interested in the well being of their own people.  While the Bushes and the Clintons were busy importing tens of millions of low wage uneducated immigrants and enabling the export of millions of American jobs to the third world, were they at all interested in the well being of the average American?  I don’t think so.  Globalists hate non-Globalists.

David R. Graham to Mike
Another reason is that Putin is not an adherent of the Globalist New World Order.  He is first and foremost for historic Russia.

Exceedingly important data points.  And central to that historic Russia Putin and Russians generally treasure is Christianity, which Globalists hate as much as they hate historic patriotism, because Christianity’s high view of man fosters nations and patriotism, rather than Globalists’ deadening, sententious hegemonics.

Globalists are Transgressives.

Joan to David R. Graham
In addition to the valid ideas proposed by posters below, I think it is distraction from the Democrats’ treasonous and corrupt involvement with the Chinese, going back to the Clintons. I think there are payoffs to look the other way as Chinese are infused into sensitive areas of science, technology and business.

Kevin R. to Joan
I think you’re spot on.

Update 6: Kurt Schlichter: Get the Hell Out of Afghanistan Now

Related: WaPest: At War With The Truth: The Afghanistan Papers

Update 7: Sharyl Attkisson: William Barr Has Suddenly Become Chatty—and He’s Provided Quite an Information Dump

Update 8: Gail Heriot: Sic Semper Bureaucratis

Update 9: William A. Jacobson: If you were as deceptive with the FBI, as the FBI was with the FISA court, how quickly would you be charged?

Update 10: Matt Vespa: Sharyl Attkisson: The Six Red Flags We Missed Regarding the FBI’s Abusive FISA Witch Hunt Against the Trump Campaign

Love unfolds first on the lap of the mother.  The eyes of Love fasten themselves on the caressing face of the mother.  It then spreads towards the father, brothers and sisters, kith and kin, friend and playmate, region and language, world and its Maker.  The ‘I’ that lives within the body is like a lion in a cave.  It is the monarch of the forest; but it limits itself to the few square feet of rocky floor.  Let it come out, renouncing the petty possession.  So long as you crib yourselves into the body-consciousness (I am the body), you are the lion moping in the musty cave!  Do not feel, Dehosmi (I am the body).  Roar Brahmasmi! (I am Brahman) – I am all this and more, I am all this is, was, and will be.  Then the littleness, time, space, ego – all will flee from your heart!  You will be Love, Love, Love and nought else.  That is to say, you will be Divine, one with the One.

Sathya Sai BabaDivine Discourse, October 29, 1970

Βασιλεία του Θεού

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