America Strong, Be Not A Coward


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Thanksgiving 2019
A Great Day To Be An American

In the mid-to late-60s, American leaders in all walks of life, but especially in the key leader development fields of religion and education, turned coward.  They sacrificed their self-confidence in order to be liked by two groups who wanted to subjugate them: Moslems and Afro-Centric Blacks.

In consequence Americans generally were ordered and otherwise obliged to accept the manners and means of Arab/Pan-African Imperialism as their ruling authority.  Make way for Arab/Pan-African Lebensraum we were told.  Re-adjust your expectations, re-form your lives, re-calibrate your activities so as to not offend Arab/Pan-African sensibilities or frustrate Arab/Pan-African ambitions to be your masters.

So Americans were told, directly and indirectly, by their leaders in all walks of life, but especially in the key leader development fields of religion and education.  Scrunch your Americanisms in speech, family rituals, personal thoughts, economic projects, and career ambitions.  Get rid of them.  They are evil.  Everything about America and Americans is evil, wrong, and bad.  Be Black and Moslem even though you never can be these wonderful things.

Meanwhile, you owe us your wives, mothers, daughters, and sons to further our pleasure by entering into and commanding your properties.  This is reparation for your history of oppression everywhere.

When first I scanned the auguries for explanation of the terrible atrocity of attacking Americans on Tuesday 11 September 2001, I recalled General Charles Willoughby’s accurate observation that the Communist threat cultured in Mongoloid/Pan-Slavic Imperialism.  From equally accurate observation of the medium which cultured 9/11, I coined the term Arab/Pan-African Imperialism.

I should have and might have seen that atrocity coming long before it arrived.  For that dereliction of duty as a Theologian I reprobate myself.  Mea culpa.  I have endeavored to make amends, aka to do penance, ever since.

However, my initial penetration to the causative agent of the atrocity was accurate and therefore fruitful and stands in force to this day, eighteen years later: Arab/Pan-African Imperialism is the ideology what done it.

Ideology is the deepest motivator of Moslems and Afro-Centric Blacks.  Euro-American Socialists and ChiComs as well.  The mind drives the body.  The heart governs it.  Let the mind attach to a dream (MLK), an apparition, a vision (Socialists), a something out there that appears better (ChiComs) than what actually is and therefore must be fought towards and achieved, and all other motivators become secondary, at best, to that one, including lust for sex or power, which are close to being the same lust.

Our private/public institutional system of education is under destruction by Americans who want to be liked by two forces who now want them not only under their thumb but dead: Moslems and Afro-Centric Blacks. A country’s system of education produces her seed grain, her root stock.  Furnace her system of education and you destroy a nation.  Moslems and Afro-Centric Blacks have induced Americans to furnace their system of education and throw themselves in after it.

Fearing Moslems and Afro-Centric Blacks, clergy and professors have transformed our system of education into a Moloch demanding sacrifice of children to appease its insatiable appetite.  Moslems and Afro-Centric Blacks are not at fault for this atrocity.  Americans are.  Americans losing self-confidence and welcoming fear are at fault.  There is no reason in this.

I know it looks like excessive privilege, ennui drives the array of misanthropy presenting through our system of education, but, I think lack of self-confidence is driving it.  Americans lose confidence in themselves as Americans, products and stewards personally of a divine nature, a wonderful Constitution with its grand resulting nation, and a fecund and lovely land.  Students are taught self-loathing because teachers are infected with that dis-ease.

Solution: parents: teach children to be themselves, strong and pure, to shun the mean and easy, to build and make, to keep clear of bad company, and above all, to honor their parents and trust God.  From that pedagogical program comes a strong and prosperous nation who knows how and is resolved to protect herself against all enemies foreign and domestic.

More privilege is indicated, the privilege of human birth and presence to the divine within.  Let this Americans’ privilege expand, triumph, and reign.

Young people have a better shot at discovering truth on their own than by attending today’s corrupt and intellectually bankrupt universities.

Oh yeah!  Why we free-range homeschooled our three, gladly taking the long part-time employment status and full-time SSS hit.  And we started that in the 80s, when already the writing was on the wall, so to speak.

College/University is where parents and offspring send themselves to complete training in self-loathing. National service academies, BTW, are trade schools, and West Point is the nation’s first engineering (STEM) school.

Mr Cellophane to David R. Graham
Daniel Chapter 5:1-30.

lydia to David R. Graham
I cracked up when I read an article about free range parenting.  It simply described my childhood sans the homeschooling (but hard labor in a family business).  Lol.

John from America to lydia
That was the norm until the 1980’s.

David R. Graham to John from America
Correct, very exceedingly correct, and our family plus others merely kept to the norm.  During those years, a state-level homeschool promoter remonstrated with me that my contributions in that respect were insufficiently counterculture.  She insisted that homeschooling could only be a counterculture (term of art from the 60s drug scene) activity and must be presented as such.

I responded forcefully that, No!, homeschooling is mainstream education proper, we homeschoolers are the mainstream, homeschooling has been mainstream education since time began, and I will always take myself and my family and present myself and my family as entirely mainstream, typical, old-school, regular, normal, down-the-line Americans doing homeschooling.

My wife and I were in a minority of homeschooling parents holding that view in those days.  Many homeschooling parents then desired to preen themselves as being sweetly dangerous, brave, different, transgressive.  Perhaps we would be less so in such a minority these days, more parents having realized their duty quietly to bear and raise normal children in the normal ways native to human nature the way it emerges, free of self-loathing and full of divine freedom and sweetness.

The legal thicket is complex.  The justice geography is simple.

Political weeds inhibit.  Spiritual yearnings liberate.

The swamp is contumacious.  The truth is comforting.

The 5 Power Line writers, one in particular, hit off NYT/WaPo daily for content.  This will now stop?

Sheldon Katz to David R. Graham
David, it doesn’t hurt and may help to know what the enemy — and they are the enemy of freedom — is saying and besides that saves you time. I do agree we should not be giving these dying rags clicks

David R. Graham to Sheldon Katz
Sheldon, thanks, concur, both points.  Background to my comment is this: by now (!), everyone knows NYT/WaPo are dishonorable, so, why would someone self-identified as wanting better (i.e., truth) not make better instead of cluck-clucking day after day about some fresh dishonor from a known dishonorable source, dead horse beating, so to speak?

Would it not make more sense, and be more serviceable, and more honorable, to construct concepts, protocols, literary forms, musical compositions, even lawsuits (which are a third line of defense at best) that replenish and nourish body, mind, heart, and spirit?

I think we do not need to hear what is wrong.  We know what is wrong, and pretty clearly, too.  I think we need to hear what is right.  And not moral.  Right.  No one is moral.  But each one is either wrong or right.  With luck one of the PL 5 will address that phenomenon, and sooner rather than later.

A thought: maybe the noble savage is the tail end of a culture that got reamed by drugs rather than the front end of culture that is nascent.  In other words, he is a noble who became a savage through his undisciplined encounter with psychotropics.  Around us today is evidence of that process unfolding.

PDJT and cleaning crew must be getting near the source of pollution.  Its generators are self-identifying.

When they feel the big dog is eating their lunch, people incline towards not making lunch.  When they feel the big dog wants them to enjoy their own lunch, people incline towards making lunch for themselves and others as well.  Human nature.

Habitual animosities and assumed superiorities preempt victory by removing maneuver warfare from the natural repertoire of responses to aggression.  The stand at Masada will never arise as an illustration of intelligent statecraft.

Somehow I think improving the rules is not going to help.  Functionaries have taken it into their minds that they are proprietors and that the thing they own is themselves.  Perhaps a re-minding to all of which end is up and which end is down, who owns what and owes what to whom, would help.

On The Philosophy Of Aesthetics

At the appointed time, necessities become ripe.  That is the time when the Creative Spirit (which one can also designate as the Abstract Spirit) finds an avenue to the soul, later to other souls, and causes a yearning, an inner urge.

This yearning — this inner urge — acquires the power to create in the human spirit a new value which, consciously or unconsciously, begins to live in the human being.  From this moment on, consciously or unconsciously, the human being seeks to find a material form for the new value, which already lives within him in spiritual form.

In this process, the spiritual value, searching for a form of materialization, finds matter.  Matter is merely a storeroom.  It is from this storeroom, that the spirit chooses what is specifically necessary for it to reveal itself — just as a cook chooses what he needs from a pantry.

Wassily Kandinsky, Über die Formfrage, Der Blaue Reiter, 1912

Βασιλεία του Θεού

Update 1: FIRE: Spotlight On Campus Speech Codes 2020

Not a few Professors and Educrats — and their initiating FPE principals — are making insane assertions and pronouncements and doing insane things because, overall, they have lost the war they started against Americans’ and Americas’s sovereign national freedom.

Update 2: Contemplating Positions On Chinese Flanks

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