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Scott Johnson: Somebody Up There Likes To Think We Are Stupid

I commented:

Well, we kind of are stupid.  How many decades has the IC writ large effectively been ruling the country’s affairs, domestic and foreign?  And how much slash, smash, and grab did D-R UniParty get away with in post-Soviet Russia and Ukraine, and ongoing?  And now that the IC has been allowed to construct processes of a surveillance/suppression state in order to fleece and control the country’s and globe’s wealth, I’d say they have good grounds for believing that we are exceptionally stupid.

Here is a data point showing our stupidity: every living POTUS voted for Hillary Clinton in 2016.  Two Power Line writers only now are catching on to the enormity of it all, one already knew, and two cling to the view that this crisis is a question of manners, decorum, fixable with good breeding, etiquette.

I’d say we have been very, very stupid, myself included.  I, a Theologian, did not see 9/11 coming.  I should have and could have had I been paying proper attention.  Stupidity.  Yeah, lots of it, right here in River City.  IC and minions count on our stupidity, have for decades.  Of course, they are stupid too, thinking they can gobble up the world with gravy on it and not get sick.

On The Philosophy Of Aesthetics

At the appointed time, necessities become ripe.  That is the time when the Creative Spirit (which one can also designate as the Abstract Spirit) finds an avenue to the soul, later to other souls, and causes a yearning, an inner urge.

This yearning — this inner urge — acquires the power to create in the human spirit a new value which, consciously or unconsciously, begins to live in the human being.  From this moment on, consciously or unconsciously, the human being seeks to find a material form for the new value, which already lives within him in spiritual form.

In this process, the spiritual value, searching for a form of materialization, finds matter.  Matter is merely a storeroom.  It is from this storeroom, that the spirit chooses what is specifically necessary for it to reveal itself — just as a cook chooses what he needs from a pantry.

Wassily Kandinsky, Über die Formfrage, Der Blaue Reiter, 1912

Βασιλεία του Θεού

Update 1: FIRE: Spotlight On Campus Speech Codes 2020

Not a few Professors and Educrats — and their initiating FPE principals — are making insane assertions and pronouncements and doing insane things because, overall, they have lost the war they started against Americans’ and Americas’s sovereign national freedom.

Update 2: Contemplating Positions On Chinese Flanks

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