The Fleece

The One Is Indivisible
The Truth Is The Whole

The Sacred Fire

But it still boils down to petty theft.
In the end, you’re just a bank robber.
Nothing more than a common thief.

Bond to Trevelyan, Golden Eye

For all their prating and prattling, their tailored duds and gated castles, their perks and credentials, their endless droning about national security and who we are and our democratic values, the bumptious worthies who attend themselves as our permanent, self-replicating Intelligence and Foreign Policy Establishment (I-FPE) are nothing more than that: common thieves.

They lodge in academe, government, certain industries, and NGOs.  They serve themselves.  Their pleasure is to stash the wealth of American citizens, spiritual as well as moveable, into their own banks and lands and wine cellars, drugs and sensory pursuits.  Their concepts of foreign policy are hegemonic and tyrannical.  They ignore the wishes and resources of American citizens.  Moreover, to shield from recognition and scrutiny their fleecing of American citizens, these characters — male, female, and a whole lot of confused — operate domestic electronic and human systems for surveillance, espionage, sabotage, subversion, and propaganda in order to gaslight Americans, to make American citizens think something is wrong with them and thus hide from American citizens the truth:

American citizens’ own elected and appointed so-called officials, the very same lodgers in academe, government, certain industries, and NGOs, behave treacherously against American citizens.

This truth is in the open now, thankfully, and gradually making its way through the general consciousness.  Our soi-disant Intelligence and Foreign Policy Establishment officials — lodged in academe, government, certain industries, and NGOs — are common thieves, bank robbers.  Their target is the wealth of American citizens, spiritual and moveable, and then that of everyone else around the planet they can reach.

We are not well-served by our officials.  They call their goal global governance.  That is their goal, our officials’ goal, not our goal.  Their goal is a global fleece.  They are serious about it.  However, the truth is more serious than they can be about their goal, which correlates not at all with the truth.

Our EU-USA I-FPE lodgers have no love for American citizens.  Truth be told, they have no love for each other, either.  But their lack of love for American citizens is their undoing.  Forced into the open, they self-expose as cold-hearted bastards.  Loveless and life, cold and warm, do not co-exist.  Kam and Ram do not occupy the same space at the same time.

Note that our EU-USA I-FPE comprises, in the USA, mostly Democrats but also Republicans.  It has been called the D-R UniParty, the permanent bipartisan fusion party, and most comprehensively, a criminal conspiracy masquerading as our national security apparatus.

And For What?

But it still boils down to petty theft.
In the end, you’re just a bank robber.
Nothing more than a common thief.

Bond to Trevelyan, Golden Eye

Mary Fanning and Alan Jones: Woolsey, Brennan, Clapper, And Comey Framed Trump And Flynn In Russian Collusion Hoax, Fearing Exposure Of THE HAMMER

Lt. General Thomas McInerney (Ret.), formerly the third highest ranking U.S. Air Force official at the Pentagon, referred to the Trump Russian Collusion Hoax investigation as a “tactical deception” operation deployed by the Deep State in order to cover up Brennan and Clapper’s use of the foreign surveillance tool THE HAMMER that was used to illegally spy on Americans, including Donald Trump.  U.S. Navy Four-Star Admiral James A. “Ace” Lyons (Ret.), former Pacific Fleet commander, agreed with General McInerney, stating that “THE HAMMER is the key to the coup.”

FWIW, I think Russia, Flynn, Ukraine, Steele, Impeachment, etc., are misdirection to shield from view and scrutiny the ruinous — to them and to their victims — domestic surveillance, espionage, sabotage, subversion, and propaganda operations conducted by D-R UniParty / EU-USA Intelligence and Foreign Policy Establishment personalities over the last . . . how many decades(?), and especially since 2008.

Ironically, domestic surveillance, espionage, sabotage, subversion, and propaganda operations by their own servants in government — along with the draft — was the chief complaint of Americans against their government servant-officials during the effort to stop US military activity in Vietnam.  There also was a strategic-tactical reason for that effort, but it was not uppermost in most Americans’ minds.  Uppermost there were the draft and domestic surveillance, espionage, sabotage, subversion, and propaganda operations conducted without scrutiny or recourse by GOs and NGOs (to include industries and schools) against American citizens.  Then and now, that conduct comprises fundamental treachery by government servants and government-related civilian organizations against their masters, American citizens.  The Butler did it.

Now we have the ironic image of an American legislature and governor literally fencing themselves off from Americans, and mounting armed force on the fence line to protect themselves, who know and are loving that they are being bad.  This is the very model of a modern venal tyranny.

Perhaps the apocalyptic droning got started during the late 40s, early 50s, to instill fear of nuclear annihilation and so to stimulate nuclear budgets.  I remember that fear being broadcast from the highest turrets.  I imbibed it as a child, then grew up.  What responsible adult, BTW, broadcasts fear?

Long have there been millenarians, even with sizable followings.  But a society-wide hammering with apocalyptic fears is in this country, I think, a WWII-related phenomenon, by USG propaganda arms sped forth by news hounds, whose job is to bay for attention, as well as by academics and certain industrialists, in order to promote themselves.  Besides, millenarians are eager for the apocalypse, not afraid of it.

Was it CIA Casey who said that when Americans as a whole believe the opposite of the truth — for example, that they should fear everything rather than that they should fear nothing — their (CIA’s) mission will have been accomplished?  The comment, incidentally, pulls back the curtain ever so slightly on domestic surveillance, espionage, sabotage, subversion, and propaganda operations conducted by academics, industrialists, GOs, and NGOs for decades and especially between since 2008.  They want not to give up their sources and methods. To do so would be to compromise national security.

Bob Hoye to David R. Graham
Back in the late 1940s and early1950s, most feared Communism and admired business.
Now it is the other way around.

David R. Graham to Bob Hoye
Red diaper EU-US academe, industry, NGO-and government-run — through mass media — domestic surveillance, espionage, subversion, and propaganda operations certainly have made it seem that way.  The red diapers ran these operations for the sake of their own positions in academe, government, industry, and NGOs, any of them with globalist pretensions of one sort or another.  Citizens of countries were deliberately ignored and intentionally gas-lighted.  It was a fleece.  Nothing more, a fleece.

Javier Anazagasti to Bob Hoye
It’s easier to do business when you have to rebuilt the World, as it was the case in the ’40s and ’50s.  When this is no longer the case, and your company will be ruined by overseas competition, wages depreciate, personal debts accumulate, healthcare is more and more expensive, and kids are ill-educated, you become a protectionist or cry for subsidies to survive.  Learn from nature, nothing can grow forever.  US national debt is just too high and nobody knows how to run the country without spending more.

Paul Sperry: Whistleblower Was Overheard in ’17 Discussing With Ally How to Remove Trump

The English of which is: The EU-USA I-FPE are common thieves.

Some aspirants are so frightened by troubles, losses, and difficulties to even begin their spiritual endeavor, and so remain aloof.  Some devotees, after undertaking the spiritual journey and travelling some distance, are depressed and defeated by obstacles and disappointments and give up in the middle.  Yet others steadfastly adhere to the spiritual path with calmness and courage, whatever the nature of the travail, however hard the road – these are of the highest type.  You may be deluded by attachment to this illusory world and attracted by temporal joy, but never barter away the means to achieve permanent and complete happiness.  Carry on your spiritual duties with full devotion.  God cannot be experienced without faith and steadfastness.  The Lord comes only through supreme devotion (para-bhakti); supreme devotion comes only through spiritual wisdom (jnana); spiritual wisdom comes only through faith (shraddha); and faith comes only through love (prema).

Sathya Sai BabaPrema Vahini, Chapter 18  /  Daily Email, Sai Inspires: Subscription

Βασιλεία του Θεού

Update 1: Glenn Reynolds: Well, There You Are

Update 2: Scott Johnson: All The President’s Men, Cont’d

I commented: Rolling up the flanks of decades of surveillance, espionage, sabotage, subversion, and propaganda by their own GOs and NGOs against American citizens.  The fleece was in.

Update 3: Myron Ebell and Steven J. Milloy: Wrong Again: 50 Years of Failed Eco-pocalyptic Predictions

Update 4: Angelo M. Codevilla: Abolish The CIA

Related: Very weak tea from Austin Bay

Update 5: Glenn Reynolds:


These are the top 10 items that have not been released to Gen Flynn and his lawyer.  These documents would exonerate him.  It is a disgrace that DOJ, the DC prosecutor, the FBI have not complied with the Flynn request for the Brady material.  And yet, the prosecutor recommended a jail sentence for him.  It is enough to make one very cynical about the Rule of Law.  I hope you will do whatever you can to make sure people realize this is going on in America and do everything you can to get these documents released.

1. The original 302
2. The internal DOJ document dated January 30, 2017, that exonerates Flynn of being “an agent of Russia.”
3. Notes and documents of any kind dealing with any briefings that Mr. Flynn provided to DIA after he left the government.
4. Unredacted notes and 302s of both agents who interviewed Flynn on January 24.
5. The EC of SSA 1 interview of Flynn during the sample PDB where he went in to spy on Trump and Flynn.
6. The EC that started the whole investigation and drafts including anything written by Strzok that went into it.
7. The 1-A file—the whole audit trail of the Flynn 302 process.
8. The unredacted Strzok-Page text messages in their entirety–other than purely personal.
9. Unredacted McCabe memo.
10. Unredacted 302s of interviews of Strzok and SSA1 and raw notes.

These are all crucial.

None of this sounds unreasonable to me.

I commented: Why is the friend hiding their name?  Any hint of cowardice?

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