On Populism And Racism

The One Is Indivisible
The Truth Is The Whole

The Sacred Fire

On Populism

FWIW, I will make a try at this.

Populism is rhetorical blarney thieves (politicians) throw forth (speak) to appease complaints and/or assuage desires general groupings of a nation’s citizenry harbor largely in their sub-conscious thinking.  If the thieves manage with words and body language to evoke those sub-conscious complaints and desires, they are content and believe they need have nothing more to do with the generality until next time they need the generality’s approval to maintain or expand their status as a politician.  Populism got them in a populace’s pockets and more.

Barak Obama is a consummate populist.  He says whatever he feels needs saying to get what and where he wants to be.  It is all just words.  When he says he believes in the politics of sharing, for example, he means he estimates talking about sharing will evoke responses in the generality which will gratify his desire for self-aggrandizement.  He is talking about propaganda he figures will work to his ends, not about actual sharing, just as a conquest-minded personality calculates that talk (propaganda) about strength, pride, and unity will make tools he or she needs to overrun this group or country or that.

Populism can be Communist, Fascist, Jihadist, Humanist, Progressive, Liberal, Conservative, Libertarian, Principled this or that, whatever, because it is just talk (propaganda) calculated to evoke a specific response beneficial to its perpetrator’s plans to loot wealth.  Abraham Maslow and related teams on the Charles River had celebrated careers researching/perfecting sound, word, and image patterns to serve as templates of populism (propaganda) for any purpose, bearing any message, but always for acquisition of others’ wealth.  Propaganda techniques are independent of propaganda messages and work for any message.  This was McLuhan’s point, and it is true.

In contrast to populism, which is top-down curated BS serving its preacher’s ambitions (theft), is bottom-up self-trued intelligence, which actually does serve a man as well as the generality of citizens.  In fact, intelligence is the mortal enemy of propaganda (populism).  Intelligence compares words to deeds and thoughts, such as they may be divined — and most often can be because there are few possibilities they could be — to words and deeds.

What to call intelligence on a political scale?  Common sense is a common name for it. Sovereignty is another.  People Power was in use once but suffered from a terrorist provenance.  Freedom is not quite all of it.  But I think Sovereign Freedom is, or could be.  It could be said that POTUS Trump has made over The Republican Party, whose roots are in Yankee Unitarianism and Transcendentalism, into The Sovereign Freedom Party, thereby redeeming and fulfilling the promise of The TEA Party Movement — who wanted to nullify Unitarian/Transcendentalist/New Age Globalism, the geo-political-economic ambition of the D-R UniParty (Transgressives) — after The TEA Party Movement had been coopted by populists (Transgressives).

Something is happening here indeed.  And they all know what it is and that it is.  What we hear and see, the expurgated version, is what they agree to let us hear and see.  Admiral Rogers, Devin Nunes, or Donald Trump makes public more than they all agree should be allowed, they are declared, unbalanced, chaotic, crude, impulsive, a danger to national security.  Once in a while someone sticks their nose outside the cave to observe what is going on in the flesh, not just from observing shadows on the walls.  They risk virtual or actual suicide by double tap behind the ears.  Needed: a solemn procession, in numbers, from inside the cave to outside of it.  IN HOC SIGNO VINCES.

On Racism

An absurd discussion.  A higher IQ indicates a better person?  A more admirable person?  A superior person?  A person worthy of homage?  Awards make the man?  How can one say so credibly?  What are the measuring means, in any direction, for any purpose or result?  Awards, test scores, numbers of fellow citizens silenced or humiliated?  John Cage reports that his father said, and I say truthfully, Measurements measure measuring means.  Implying: and nothing more.

What standard measures differences between Valmiki, Richard Feynman, Theresa of Avila, Adi Shankara, St. Jerome, Averroes, J. S. Bach, Maimonides, Wassily Kandinsky, St. Jeremiah, Pythagoras, Luther, Avicenna, St. Elijah, Guyon, Pascal, Leibnitz, Heschel, Tillich, Sathya Sai Baba, and George Washington in such as way as to determine which represents a superior gene pool, an association to be feared or glorified?  The very thought of that is a legitimate target of raillery at least and earnest condemnation at best.  And it is un-American.

Arguing that Jews — or any other association — have a superior gene pool, measured by IQ, awards, or any other triviality, is one plank of National Socialism, but reversed.  The discussion is absurd.  The only people human beings consider superior and worthy of their admiration are those who love them and allow themselves to be loved in return.  Love and truth, not IQ, awards, adulation, and/or genes, are the coin of the human realm.

Black-White test score differentials is a good thing.  It means Blacks are succeeding at going about life in their own unique ways.  What is wrong with that?

Test score differentials matter only when schoolmen’s’ propaganda — which is for their benefit only — lays college education on people generally as an unambiguous good.  Remove that template, which is mere self-serving propaganda, and test score differentials are occasions for declaring success.

Blacks are Americans but not Whites, nor should they be.  Vive la différence.

We are now bidding farewell to the current year and welcoming a New Year!  There is an intimate relationship between the two.  We give a send-off to one while we welcome the other.  In the same token, should we not bid farewell to our bad qualities and welcome good and divine qualities?  You may offer all your bad qualities to God.  There is nothing wrong in this.  Indeed, it is only God who can take them and bestow His grace on you to foster good qualities.  For example, suppose you have a soiled, torn and mutilated hundred rupee currency note, no one will accept it.  But if the number is intact, the Reserve Bank of India will accept it and give a good note of the same value in return.  Similarly God alone can and will accept the bad qualities, provided you offer them with sincere devotion and repentance, and in return He will shower His abundant Grace on you!

Sathya Sai BabaDivine Discourse, January 1, 1994

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