The One Is Indivisible
The Truth Is The Whole
Plant the seed of devotion of remembering Lord’s name (namasmarana) in your mind. That will grow into a tree with branches of virtue, service, sacrifice, love, equanimity, fortitude and courage. You swallow food, without being aware of how it is transformed into energy, intelligence, emotion and health. Similarly, swallow the food for the spirit, this remembrance of Lord’s name, and watch how it gets transmuted into virtues without you being aware of it. Ravana discovered that Rama and kama (desire) cannot coexist in the mind. Develop steadiness in the recitation of the Name of God and in the worth of that Name. Then, even if the whole world says, “Do evil,” you will refuse to obey; your system itself will revolt against it. And even if the whole world asks you to desist, you will insist on doing right.
Sathya Sai Baba – Divine Discourse, February 27, 1961
Βασιλεία του Θεού
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