If I Am That, Why Am I So Nasty To Me?

Grey Bear

The One Is Indivisible
The Truth Is The Whole


An explication of the inner principle of duality.


There is nothing true anywhere
the truth is nowhere to be found
nothing works.


The question about the snake in the garden is not, How did it get there, but rather, How come Eve could see it?



Polytime is a term which signifies the concurrence of two or more time-fields.

For example:

—– 5th Century B.C. —–>

—– 10th Century A.D —–>

—– 20th Century B.C. —–>

—– 32nd Century A.D. —–>


All time-fields are concurrent.




Ritual is the door to polytime.


The ordinary meaning of the word context is what I mean by the term time-field.

A coordinate system is a context.  A time-field.

There are millions of contexts

coordinate systems


And they’re all concurrent, in space and time.

Ritual leads to recontextualizing


(in polytime)

It’s loads of fun.


What calms a man’s deepest fears is not the rational but the ritual.



All communication is mediated.

By a screen you place around your partner.  You place the same screen around yourself.

The effect is that communication is simply seeing yourself in a mirror.  The mirror is the screen you place around your partner.

In communication, you always and only receive exactly those messages you want to receive.

That means you transmit in order to receive your own transmissions.


Communication is mimicry . . . . . . . . .


The medium is the message and you are the medium.  Always.

As communication begins, there is an instantaneous and simultaneous assessment of compatibilities.  Channels over which messages might be exchanged.

From then on, communication is speaking with yourself.  Mimicry.

In polytime –  –  – multi-mirroring



Graham’s Law for the 21st Century:


. . . or . . .



What’s happening is self-conscious operation in polytime.

Life is erupting.

Earth is propagating his/herself again, outward, linearly, ecstatically, toward another, simpler homeostasis in his/her self-consciousness.


Man is the medium of earth’s velocity toward self-consciousness.  Man is evidence of earth’s precocity.

Earth is joining the space community.

Learning to understand community space.

Limits. Mutable, but always present.


There is only one mistake:

thinking you can locate anything




Earth and outerspace have just met in the garden.  They’re after children.

Self-conscious operation in polytime.

It can no longer be assumed that any communication occurs exclusively in the one, assumed time-field.  It will always be best to reference polytime.

Continuity and discontinuity are terms that no longer describe experience.  Nearest descriptive terms could emerge from a combining of quantum theory and relativity theory.


Ritual in                                               fields . . . . . . . . .


recoordinating . . . . . . . . .


As to the sage, no one will know whether he existed or not.

Lao Tzu



When dealing with ritual in polytime, we’ll have to accept everything as real and positive.

All the psychiatric and psychological categories of sickness and health are scrap.  Forget them.

Whatever you think is is.  That’s an unchanging law of the universe.  Put another way, all time-fields exist.

Solipsism, tautology — the source of wisdom.

Ritual is the means of moving yourself through different worlds, different time-fields.

Ritual is a means of transportation.

Ritual is the proverbial time-machine.

Aim of ritual is to speed travel time between time-fields to point zero.

At point zero transportation and communication are the same thing.


The issue for us is not one of insight or even one of knowledge.

The issue is one of courage and of strength.


Are you able to withstand the thermal winds of outerspace? Without a spacesuit?


Can you pass a spiritual examination before quasars and black holes?


When all your possessions have departed you and you stand naked within an intergalactic radiation storm, will you be able to say, “Yes, I belong here?”


When all of mankind and all of spacekind are your brothers and sisters, when each of them knows you from the first time you masturbated, and when each of them knows your every fault in detail, will you be able to accept their rejection of you?


When, finally, the bottom drops out of you and you see that you’re standing on nothing and hanging from nothing; when, in fact, you finally discover that you’re all alone and you’ve been doing all these things to YOURSELF, will you have courage to say,


“Yes, all my striving has been in vain, I am the source of all error and of all truth, I am always where I belong, I am always doing what I should be doing, I can do no wrong?”


The issue for us is one of courage and of strength.

“Come with me

My yoke is easy

and my burden is light.”

The Protestant Ethic is a cadaver strapped to our backs.  Undo the straps.  Let it fall to the ground.  Cremate it.

Forget morality                         Forget laws

Forget manners                  Forget civility

Forget justice                           Forget piety

Forget decency                       Forget love

. . . being is enough . . .


To be unable to give thought to one’s

own faults is a grace from God.

Madam Guyon


Suggest using term ritual as synonym for term communication.


(reference polytime)


What we call coded messages (words, pictures) are actually a scrambling of earth’s codes, which are in polytime.


What to us is code, is a scramble to earth.


What to earth is code is not yet accepted by us as legitimate communication . . .


namely . . .

. . . TOTAL FIELD . . .

. . . SILENCE . . .

. . . PROCESS . . .


In place of the United Nations:

A public reception center for monitoring ambient electronic signals from around the globe.  Open to everyone.  Makes possible real-time monitoring of planet communications (electro-magnetic).

Some hardware:

A spheroid construction of closely-packed 24-inch video monitors.  Sphere to be 50 feet in diameter.  Moving, spiral sidewalk surrounding it.  Hundreds of ear phones for monitoring and mixing audio signals from video monitors.  System monitors video transmissions from around the planet, including CATV.

System for monitoring planet radio and computer transmissions, including military, civilian and HAM operations.  Accessible to 500 persons simultaneously.  Possibilities for mixing signals on premises in real-time.  Instant planet art.

Eventual monitoring, in same installation, of world phone system.  Elimination of privacy, secrets.  Also, elimination of phone system.


Quit this world

quit the next world

and quit quitting.

The Rev. David R. Graham
Berkeley, CA, USA
March 1973

Βασιλεία του Θεού

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