Rhetorical Bear Spray

As Is The Feeling,
So Is The Result.

Christian Culture

Thandava And Christian Culture

In the Spring of his Plebe Year at West Point, Cadet Douglas Mac Arthur was summoned before a Board of Inquiry mandated by Congress and comprising some Congressmen. The question was hazing, which that year had reached harmful extremes. Cadet Mac Arthur was summoned as a recipient of extreme hazing.

His parents had taught him two irreducibles: never lie, never tattle. He was summoned to, in effect, tattle. His hope for an Army career and the honor of his family stood between the almighty demands of his parents’ irreducibles and the certain order, which came eventually, to name the brutalizing Cadets. During a recess in the proceedings, his mother, who lived then at the Thayer Hotel, her husband being an active duty General Officer, sent him a slip of paper improved by this poem:

Do you know that your soul is of my soul such a part
That you seem to be fiber and core of my heart?
None other can pain me as you, son, can do;
None other can please me or praise me as you.

Remember the world will be quick with its blame
If shadow or shame ever darken your name.
Like mother, like son, is saying so true
The world will judge largely of mother by you.

Be this then your task, if task it shall be
To force this proud world to do homage to me.
Be sure it will say, when its verdict you’ve won,
She reaps as she sowed: This man is her son!

GA Douglas Mac Arthur wrote later, I knew then what to do. Come what may, I would be no tattletale. The order came, finally, Cadet Mac Arthur declined to divulge the names, he was confined to another room, the offenders were named by others, and Cadet Mac Arthur was released back to the Academy, uncharge and now convinced from direct experience that irreducibles adhered to do protect him.

More Than Ever, It’s Time to
Unleash the Power of ‘No’

Kurt Schlichter

can never understand . . .
we need to do better
cultural appropriation
systemic/structural racism
inclusive and welcoming
diverse and inclusive
environmental justice
open and welcoming
critical theory
global governance
rules-based global order
peace and justice
person of color
dignity and respect
civil rights movement
challenge us to . . .
just grievances
create an environment . . .
space to destroy
comfortable expressing grievances
safe speech
peace and freedom
seek comfort
fallen short
put people first
hate speech
eliminate police
your/my community
open society
class privilege
we have to act

we are better than that
social justice
critical social justice
justice/real justice
space to be angry, frustrated
open borders
green energy
one world
open and caring
social justice movement
listen and learn
uncomfortable questions
compassion and humility
safe space
comfort zone
learn from one another
frustration and anger
racial divisions
we are listening
white supremacy
white privilege
peace through justice
defund/disband police
we must reimagine . . .
gender privilege
reflect the values of . . .

These words and phrases are products of Information Operations, what used to be called PsyOps. They are rhetorical bear spray, capsaicin, so to speak, shot into the faces of Americans by three proximately allied but ultimately waring globalizing gangs: ChiComs, Jihadis, and Euro-American Socialists. Their intention in deploying these rhetorical, IO weapons is to make Americans unable to think logically or morally, thus laying open Americans to looting and other dominations. They call this the greater good and the arc of history.

The Gospel According to Peter Thiel
Tara Isabella Burton

On this subject, one rcogburn commented enlightening-ly at a post by Sundance on The Conservative Treehouse:

Don’t think of them [globalizing gangs] as hypocrites. Think of them as combatants waging psychological warfare on the American people.

Their psychological warfare campaign relies heavily on the “shock and awe” tactic of never ending, unrelenting strikes. By design, the attacks are supposed to be sudden, unexpected, and all-consuming. Before the populace can recover from one, then next one hits. (In an actual war, it would be like a campaign of sustained, non-stop aerial bombardment, with no respite). The objective is to wear down the enemy’s morale and willingness to fight, with fear, disorientation, and sheer exhaustion.

Each new attack carries its own propaganda “ordnance load.” So when they switch from one attack, Quid Pro Quo, to another, The Plague, to another, Riots In The Streets, they also have to jettison the old propaganda and load up the new.

These people know what they’re doing, but so do more and more Americans. That’s the Achilles heel of this stuff. Psych-warfare is basically telling massive lies on a massive scale. As long as the targets buy into the lies, they’re in business. If the targets can see through the lies – and recognize the tactics being used against them – the psy-ops become exponentially less effective.

On a related subject, but at the same post by Sundance, one CountryClassVulgarian commented appreciatively on my comment commending equanimity: I was just having a similar conversation with hubby. A lot of people on our side are feeling the pull of despair. Because they are not seeing any “push back”. My contention is that its not because American patriots are unaware or unconcerned. I believe American patriots are fully aware and fully alert but they also know that hasty responses can have devastating effects. They know how to act and they know when to act. Its that mental equanimity you are talking about. The peace of remaining fixed on God.

The forces of evil on the other hand, feel emboldened. They no longer find it necessary to hide their agenda. This is necessary. They need to reveal themselves. The process started in 2015 and continues today.

This reminds me of Elisha and the forces of king of Aram when they came to capture him. Elisha’s servant was afraid because they were so many. He could not see the army of God that was surrounding Elisha until Elisha asked God to open the servant’s eyes (II Kings 6). We are not alone. But we need to continually go to God.

A black American who owned a business in Minneapolis is reported to have said, They tell me ‘Black Lives Matter.’ They’re lying . . . I’m black, look what you did to my store.

I commented: Grow up, you have an intellect, use it. They did it BECAUSE you are black. You were getting independent and affluent which means harder to keep in the Democratic Party stockade. They do this to you and your kind whenever you threaten to go reasonable. Every time your neighborhoods go under riot, they (Democrats) started that riot to keep you dependent on them. Wise up, fool, Democrats always want to reverse the verdict of the Civil War Between The States. I weep with you but have no sympathy for you. You believed a lie even after the evidence told you not to.

Stop being diverted by the rhetorical bear spray, or to change the metaphor, stop accepting the rhetorical red herring. Racist and systemic racism are rhetorical capsaicin. Diversity, inclusion, and social justice are rhetorical red herrings. Find the truth and stick to it. You have means to do that, and if you do not use those means to get to the truth, you are at fault, bigly.

Well, that’s the point: keep black Americans bewitched, bothered, and bewildered. That way they don’t think for themselves, which is to say, independently. That was the purpose of Johnson’s Great Society legislation and it is the point of these riots, warfares, and police eliminationism. Under Bush II and especially under Trump I, black Americans were steadily emancipating themselves from the Democratic mind-set reservation. Can’t have that. Stuff them back in the stockade, get them chaotic, dependent, again. Reverse the verdict of Americans’ Civil War Between the States.

Defund the police has the same purpose as Great Society: stuff black Americans back in the Democratic stockade. First under Bush II and now under Trump I, they are getting used to thinking for themselves, taking actions to self-help, self-build, foster self-confidence. That is UNacceptable. Can’t have that, very dangerous for Democrats to have black Americans feel and act as independent, competent citizens. Time to re-engineer black self-destruction, again, teach them a lesson, again, make it so they are afraid to vote other than Democratic for the next 100 years, at least.

Gail, it’s not to benefit them, it’s to stuff them back in the Democratic Party stockade. Same rational as Great Society legislation, ensure their vote for a century or more, as POTUS Johnson stipulated on the record. Black Americans have been prospering of late. That is UNacceptable to the DNC and its overlords, domestic and foreign. That is why this furious flutter.

It is widely observed, and accurately, that whatever faults globalists — includes D-R UniParty — find in others are faults they find in themselves. This commends a Rule Of Reverses, making it easy to distinguish between right and wrong, proper and improper, acceptable and unacceptable. To wit, for example, what the NYT loathes, do that, and what the NYT loves, do the opposite. The Grey Lady makes herself a beacon of intellectual and moral rectitude, in precision reverse.

The Homing Beacon

Finding the truth is like a night landing on an aircraft carrier.  The carrier is the truth.  The pilot has to bring his aircraft, i.e., his entire personality, safely onto the deck of the ship by using his skill to follow the homing beacon on his instrument panel as well as his own native sense of navigation, similar to a sailor’s dead reckoning.

The pilot wants to get safely on the carrier, the carrier crew wants him safely on deck.  The carrier, the truth, is the pilot’s home. Everybody wants that airplane, that entire personality — body, mind, and spirit — safely onboard, safely home again.  That is the relationship between a person and the truth.  The truth wants to be found, the truth sends out a homing beacon so it can be found, and the searcher wants to find the truth because their entire nature is a receptor for that homing beacon.  Ride the beacon to home and succeed.  Everybody will be happy that you do.

This is how much the truth matters to you.

The metaphor could be changed to an Army one, perhaps something related to orienteering by GPS and other means, or to target acquisition in a nighttime firefight; in any case, to mission accomplishment in a hot, heaving battlespace.

We all belong to the same race, human, and we all speak the same language, love.  Land on that truth — achieve that mission objective — and hold it precious, no matter how many times you depart on other missions, and you will experience safety and happiness every time.  You will always get home. You will always achieve your mission because you did your duty to gain your objective, the truth.  The truth is your home.  Love itself will protect you when your objective is love of the truth, your home.

God Himself is your home.

Do not allow troublemakers to alter your homing beacon receptor to send you off course, to guide you away from the truth.  Stay natural, as you were created. Stay true to yourself and your teammates.  You cannot go wrong and you will succeed in all things good and wonderful when you perform this simple loyalty.

Duty is God. Work is Worship.
Keeping this truth in mind keeps you safe.

Update 1: Justin Haskins: Global Elites Announce ‘Great Reset’ Plan—And It’s Even More Radical Than the Green New Deal

Update 2: Roger L. Simon: Our Elites Suffer From China Envy

Update 3: Lianne Laurence: UN secretary general calls for “global governance” with ‘teeth’

Rye catholic parish
If Mr. Guterres wants a global government, he should encourage people to join the Catholic Church, which is God’s global government. Mass, confession, great moral teaching, and marriage, all good for everybody. Yes, we even have statues of great saints who have made the world better for everyone, such as Fr. Junipero Serra.
Peace, Fr. Matt

David R. Graham to Rye catholic parish
I appreciate your desire to co-opt the enemy’s jargon, rejigger it, and launch the result in the right direction. I think that a useful address to this situation. For example, in place of meeting the needs, one can say serving the persons, in place of global governance, one can say spiritual guidance, in place of transforming the country/world one can say purifying the heart, and in place of sustainable development one can say joy in expansion.

In the present case, the Catholic Church’s use, and more to the point The Church’s use, of the term global government is not comparable to globalists’ use of it. Switching allegiance from the latter to the former would not accomplish anything of soteriological value, which is the core and core purpose of the Catholic Church and The Church in full, the Spiritual Community. Global governance (armed) to Guterres and like cocktail Communists is not what The Peace Of Christ as the infusing medium of peace on earth and among nations means to, say, Benedict XVI.

So, I know you want to do a right thing; you even identify where and how to do it; yet in this particular I think you have not thrown that good intention into patent fact.

There are two kinds of essential reforms (samskara). One is based on the gunas (good qualities) and the other is based on doshas (defects). The first is comparable to watering a fruit-bearing tree, the second is comparable to removing dust from the surface of a mirror. Giving water and manure to a fruit tree in order to get the fruit (of good qualities) may be referred to as the Upasana Khanda(aspect relating to worship). This involves the act of offering pure selfless love to God and thereby seeking Him. To regard our daily work as being related to God is the aspect of Karma Khanda (relating to the path of Karma). The process of removing the impurities from our mind and thereby seeing Atma with the help of Upasanaand Karma Khanda is a very essential process. This creates a form for the Atma and gives us bliss of realisation.

Βασιλεία του Θεού

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