Change The Software: From Science To Art

For freedom Christ has set us free. Stand firm, therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery.Galatians 5:1 My speech and my proclamation were not with plausible words of wisdom, but with a demonstration of the Spirit and of power, so that your faith might rest not on human wisdom but on…

Intelligence Community And Foreign Policy Establishment Are Not The USA

The old standards remain the standards.Fundamentals have not changed, only incidentals. We go here and there looking for God.Truth is, we are ever only looking right at Him. Scimus autem quoniam diligentibus Deum omnia cooperantur in bonum, iis qui secundum propositum vocati sunt sancti. And we know that to them that love God, all things…

Checking Communist China

The old standards are still the standards.Fundamentals have not changed, only incidentals. We go here and there looking for God.Truth is, we are ever only looking right at Him. Between civilian command resolving upon war and military command executing on that resolve, there should be an intermediate step: military command counterparts meeting in person to…

Counter-Attack Against Critical Race Theory – I

The old standards remain the standards.Fundamentals have not changed, only incidentals. We go here and there looking for God.Truth is, we are ever only looking right at Him. Collected here are news items illustrating the counter-attack against Critical Race Theory (CRT). They are listed in chronological order, oldest last, newest first, and they include location.…

CCP: Misdirection On Gain-Of-Function

At this point, I am most impressed by the sheer scale and number of lies issuing forth from these people, whose work product puts me in mind of conditions generated by hysterical females on a rampage. Ancients termed such agents Ogresses and, in India, Rakshasas. The President was right observing that everything they do turns…

An Exchange With A Friend

My Friend writes: I have concluded that we have an implacable enemy in a sick, hypocritical President Biden.  His Memorial Day Speech at Arlington National Cemetery was an exercise in unbelievable hypocrisy.  On the one hand he was talking about our Great Democracy, while he’s pressing the case for teaching CRT in secondary schools, Colleges,…

The Other Fellow’s Living Room

There are three reasons to be in another fellow’s living room: He invites you in. You own the living room. He harbors someone who hurt you. In all three cases, your visit should be brief and to the point. The other fellow’s living room is his to live in, not yours. I believe this metaphor…

Attack Against The Reality Of Sovereignty

Leftists attack sovereignty altogether: personal sovereignty, sovereignty of reason, sovereignty of facts, sovereignty of the families, sovereignty of property, national sovereignty, sovereignty of culture, sovereignty of the nations, sovereignty of the professions, sovereignty of the religions, sovereignty of language, sovereignty of trade and communications, sovereignty of God, sovereignty of governments, sovereignty of morality, sovereignty of…

Comments: Interim NSS Guidance

The gist of this document is the ideology conjuring it. That ideology is stated in the document’s opening strophes: 4th Industrial Revolution. This language is WEF Junta’s latest euphemism for Socialism. So Klaus Schwab’s Davos Junta sets US National Security Strategic Guidance via US NSC. OK, the rest is predictable from that. The chief aim…

The Mother Era

That mediacrats, medicrats, intellicrats, lawcrats, bureaucrats, democrats, educrats, republicrats, sexcrats, politicrats, philanthrocrats, racecrats, industricrats, cratcrats, pundicrats, drugcrats, and all other crats are criminally insane is not news. That these individuals and their groups commit criminal acts is not news. That they spend time, money, and energy inducing criminal insanity in others is not news. News…

They Want American Farmland

Some months ago, Byrne mentioned something important that had escaped my attention: that when CCP express their strategic objective through the phrase unrestricted warfare, they mean warfare during which their enemy does not / will not / can not strike back. Since 1949, with the exceptions of June 1950 to April 1951 and January 2017…

The Joint Force, Up-Powered

The Joint Force comprises the Chief of Staff of each of the five Branches of Service plus a Chairman and Vice-Chairman of The Joint Staff. The five branches of Service are: Space ForceAir ForceWord ForceSea ForceLand Force The Chairman of The Joint Force is POTUS or a Saint or Sage demonstrably saturated in equal love…

The Voice Of Reason: The Christian Liturgical Year

One God – One WorldOne Race – One Caste The Source-Code Of Western CivilizationIs The Christian Liturgical Year Holy Name, God of Abraham, Isaac, and Israel,let it be known this day that you are The Living Truth in our hearts,and that we are your servants.Hear me, Gracious Master, hear me,that this people may know that…

What It Is All About – v2

One God – One WorldOne Race – One Caste The difference between Judeo-Bolsheviks, Globalists, Moslems, and Confucians on the one hand and Hindus and Christians on the other is that the former want to rule the world whereas the latter want to protect the nations.  Only God can rule the world.  No human, aggregate of…

What Is Lawful And What Is Right

One God – One WorldOne Race – One Caste A comment at Glenn Beaton’s Blog, the Aspen beat: Perhaps more than Ds harbor and cultivate that hatred. I am thinking, for example, of self-regarding permanent government types. Also, I wonder if Democrat now identifies that party. I should think CCP of America might be more…

Ladakh – Sikkim – Assam – Pacific

As is the feeling,So is the result. Shreya:India-China disengagement process in eastern Ladakh complete: Rajnath Singh The CCP has moved on India. Typically for most Euro-American media Information Operation warriors, this hardly makes an impression. I picked it up first at Instapundit and then at Rantburg. It is important. Expect CCP to do everything they…