The Other Fellow’s Living Room

There are three reasons to be in another fellow’s living room:

  1. He invites you in.
  2. You own the living room.
  3. He harbors someone who hurt you.

In all three cases, your visit should be brief and to the point. The other fellow’s living room is his to live in, not yours.

I believe this metaphor is a guide for US foreign policy in this Mother Era. Respect the nations’ individual sovereignties, regulate trade between them and you to be safe, fair, reciprocal, and reliable. Beyond that, stay at home, work hard, train hard, keep your hearts and houses clean, raise your families to be straight and grand, honor your Mother Country.

Expand spiritually, not politically. Make yourself admirable for calm reason and quiet self-assurance, a moral presence others feel. This is how you attract friends, actual friends, and live in peace.

The assassination of POTUS Kennedy is a spiritual wound to Americans’ nation that has not healed because its mundane aspects remain hidden, deliberately. This event marked the first time Americans, especially young Americans, noticed that their own government act against their interests. That induces a terrible feeling. This feeling, of being betrayed by our own government, attacked even, impelled rebellions and destructions from the late 60s on through the 90s to 20s.

Rebellions were made the worse because we knew our government, who attacked us in the person of our President, tried to hide the fact that they did. Most of us, at the time, recognized this fact. However, most of us, at the time did not recognize that the rebellions themselves were conjured by our own government — often using or allowing foreign operators as proxies — seemingly against themselves but actually for their benefit: to keep us stirred up against this and that bogus, phantom threat.

Careful examination reveals a simpler picture even. Note that the rebellions of the 60s and 70s focused against DOD. None of them went against CIA or State Department, although there was then murky talk of CIA messing about in this and that. In fact, the rebellions and destruction were CIA focusing rebellious youth against DOD, CIA’s last obstacle to claiming sole authorship as Americans’ government.

60s and 70s mayhem was that: CIA making war on DOD through proxies — typical for the agency. NYT never published a CIA Papers or a State Department Papers dealing with Vietnam. Only a Pentagon Papers.

Dan Ellsberg (note his lawyer) attacked DOD on behalf CIA. Boudin and his progeny have never attacked CIA or State Department, only DOD. This is a tell.

Leftists / simple thugs, such as Ellsberg / NYT, always and correctly identify a nation’s military structure as their chief enemy. This is because a nation’s military structure is her vital center, her patriotic core, without whom a nation’s citizens could not assert or maintain their sovereignty. You fight for your freedom or you lose it. Her Army (Armed Forces) is all to a nation.

Nations form around their successful military asset, and by no other means. The American Revolution illustrates this fact. Leftists / thugs rightly regard any nation, ipso facto, as an obstacle in their path to whatever it is they want at the moment. Any nation’s army is their chief enemy.

The assassination of POTUS Kennedy marked the moment things in America went visibly sideways, just as Jon Voight observes in the foregoing video. Right after that horror, un-settlement spread through homes and families out into streets of towns and cities.

Less than three months after President Kennedy was killed, The Beatles and their PR cohort brought to America idolatry of rock bands — sex, drugs, rock and roll — along with Europeans’ indifference to their spiritual heritage, Christianity.

We had our popular and jazz musicians, but none were deified. We did not have the ennui of Europeans’ indifference to our spiritual and cultural treasures, the blessings of Christianity. These weaknesses, cultivated in France and Germany and then Great Britain, were imported from London to New York by Pam Am jet on 07FEB64 and went on display, on the The Ed Sullivan Show, on 09FEB64.

We have not regained composure. Our country has been adrift since that momentous moment the agency, through underworld proxies, and in coordination with KGB, killed Americans’ president in order to secure their grip on the assets of Americans’ government, all of them.

I think something that happened before POTUS Kennedy entered the Oval Office set up his being driven head first out of it.

After WWII, after France admitted defeat in her effort to reestablish her colonies in Indo-China, the American foreign policy establishment, through their protégé POTUS Eisenhower, effectively guaranteed Vietnam her sovereignty.

  • The word protégé is a military term. It refers to a hostage a soldier throws ahead of himself as front cover to keep himself from meeting the enemy’s initial blows.

I do not know the reason that was done. I speculate that it was done in order to prepare against the Soviet or Chinese Red Armies’ trying to turn the southern flank of what was then the American western line of defense — the east Asian littoral — in a way similar to that by which they tried to turn the northern flank of that same defensive line, at Korea.

In any case, the decision of 1954, to protect Vietnam from Red Armies, was both stupid and ignorant.

Stupid on at least two counts: (1) the main force in Vietnam, the one who denied France her ambitions for Indo-China, was already a Red Army — in effect, the flank was already turned — and (2) when you effectively guarantee another’s sovereignty, you are their slave, which is exactly what happened. American military advisors / trainers had to pick sides in an internal Vietnamese political conflict and then spend American blood and money to self-justify that self-induced bondage.

In the end, Americans’ government had to get out of the other fellow’s living room, where they had no reason to stay in the first place.

Ignorant because, whereas, at the Red Army’s turning movement up north, Korea for several reasons inclined to welcome Red Army assistance, Vietnam had a history of being threatened by China, disinclining them to welcome Chinese Red Army assistance under any circumstances. Vietnam has never warmly welcomed Chinese, Red or otherwise.

  • Indeed, when America fought the Vietnamese Red Army, the latter were supplied almost entirely by USSR, relatively little by PRC.
  • Vietnamese were just as inclined to set their Red Army against the Chinese Red Army as they were to accept assistance from them. And indeed, they did just that — successfully! — after US Armed Forces left Vietnam.

The US Foreign Policy Establishment’s (FPE) colossal stupidity and ignorance during the Eisenhower presidency, specifically regarding Indo-China, set the stage for catastrophes right through to the present day.

If the policy goal was to prevent a Red Army from turning the southern flank of America’s western line of defense, the goal was not achieved — a Red Army was already there and even was allowed to win, to turn that flank altogether (another story, not here) — and yet, it turns out, the same Red Army (Vietnamese) welcomes America in trade and protection, or tolerates her, but not China!

The danger of Communism in Vietnam was vastly overblown, as for example the speech by POTUS Nixon, commencing 2100 Hours on 30APR70 EST (01MAY70 Cambodian time), during which he announced an American ground invasion of Cambodia. The Kent State Shooting occurred four days later.

This begs the question: why, after the French experience in 1954, did not someone of influence in the FPE point out that the Vietnamese Red Army and Vietnamese people generally could, just might, maybe will see their way to at least tolerably mutual benefit in maintaining friendly relations with Americans?

America was not seen at that time as a colonial or imperialist nation because she was not one. But this business during the Eisenhower presidency made America just that. Now, Americans were committed by their government to going into the other fellow’s living room, messing with their furniture and decorations, staying if necessary — to be determined by Americans’ government ab ipsis! — and guaranteeing the other fellow safety in his own living room — except from Americans’ government.

This is worse than Communism. Communists have ideals, deformed ones, imperialistic once, but ideals nonetheless. This done with Eisenhower and still in practice is just boneheaded tyranny. The only way this makes sense is if Americans’ government say to the world, to every nation, We own you, lock, stock, and computer.

I believe that is exactly what Americans’ government are doing, and more specifically their head, CIA, for CIA’s benefit alone, or so they think.

This is a point in Angelo M. Codevilla’s
essay Regime vs Regime

Americans’ government — The Regime — is aiming to rule the world using the assets of Americans’ government. Like hermit crabs, they must live in the handiwork of others, repurposing it for their own intentions. Build a home for themselves, a world government, of such as they dream, they cannot do. They are not builders and the nations will not submit to their dreams of global governance. Repurpose the assets of Americans’ government into tools for global governance — so one can walk into anyone’s living room with impunity — is something an American would never do. No one of sense would. Only a tyrant would want to do that and try to do that.

The Other Regime, Americans themselves, respect another fellow’s living room and his privacy, freedom, and sovereignty therein. In order for CIA and associates to repurpose the assets of Americans’ government to their own use, they must induce Americans to abandon those assets so they, CIA and associates, can move in to own them.

I do not see Americans doing that. I do not see them, like an abalone or sea snail, abandoning their habitation, Americans’ government, to un-American actors and uses. I see Americans’ government (The Regime) trying to pry Americans (The Other Regime) out of their government so they can have it, and the rest of the nations, to themselves. I think The Regime are really stupid and ignorant, comprising in fact their own worst enemy.

CIA birthed for the purpose of getting into the other fellow’s living room and staying there. In other words, owning the other fellow’s living room and him in it. Information gathering, espionage, and covert operations are military and diplomatic activities, not civilian activities. CIA birthed as a civilian agency neither diplomatic nor military. In other words, CIA birthed in bastardy. They are bastards in the literal meaning of the word. Nothing they do is legitimate government function. Their meaning for the nonsensical phrase national security is CIA über alles.


SEP51POTUS Truman sends first MAAG to Vietnam, to help France. Failed.
26APR54-21JUL54Geneva Accords, envisioned one nation, Vietnam. POTUS Eisenhower endorses then denounces, saying he will keep two nation status by supporting South Vietnam against Communist North Vietnam. This sets the stage for the needless tragedy in Vietnam and America, and ongoing in the latter. CIA birthed with a taste for nation-wrecking. They still have it.
1961POTUS Kennedy and CIA ramp up US force in South Vietnam. 3.2K American military personnel in South Vietnam by end of year, up from .9K in 1960 (from POTUS Eisenhower).
22NOV63POTUS Kennedy is assassinated. LBJ becomes POTUS.
07FEB64The Beatles arrive NYC from London.
02AUG64Gulf of Tonkin Incident.
02MAR65-02NOV68Operation Rolling Thunder air strikes on North Vietnam. POTUS Johnson rarely consults with military commanders. Command and Control of Navy and Air Force components of the operation, each of them and both together, is chaotic.
08MAR653.5K Marines land at Da Nang.
DEC65200K US military personnel in South Vietnam.
1965-1972CIA, Phoenix Program. A society-degradation, interrogation, and assassination project, CIA specialities.
30JAN68Tet Offensive. Actually three offensives,
after US forces were lured north into the central mountains.
Westmorland had said in NOV67 that the end of the fighting was in sight.
US public support for the war craters, never rebounds.
20JAN69Nixon becomes POTUS.
MAR69Unannounced bombing inside Cambodia commences.
30APR70 2100 HoursPOTUS Nixon announces American ground invasion of Cambodia, uses apocalyptic language. Invasion started ninety minutes earlier, 01MAY70 Cambodian time.
04MAY70Kent State Shooting
09MAY72-23OCT72Operation Linebacker. Bomb North Vietnam. Failed to collapse North Vietnamese supply lines. War is logistics.
18-29DEC72Operation Linebacker II. Bomb Hanoi and Haiphong. Failed to collapse North Vietnamese supply lines. War is logistics.

Once Operation Enduring Freedom (OIF) and Operation Iraqi Freedom (OEF) successfully completed their respective — and appropriate! — punitive missions, similar timelines of shame occurred as they overstayed downrange in those countries . . . at enormous, continuing cost in American blood and treasure. Such timelines would illustrate, as at Vietnam, the same underlying perversity: overstaying one’s welcome in another fellow’s living room.

OIF even commenced with split command — shades of Vietnam — turning predictably nasty soon after jump off.

The decision not to take a reasonable percentage of Iraqi oil revenue in compensation for American expenditure on Iraqi freedom was criminal towards both Iraqis and Americans. That decision violated all norms of statecraft.

Statecraft is a field of battle appropriate for civilians with military experience and for military personnel, and for them only. Intelligence personnel lacking military experience — actual uniformed military service — have no authority in matters of statecraft. Their role is advisory and that only with extreme skepticism regarding their product. Intelligence personnel lacking military experience are tempted to see and assess by personal or ideological crotchets, not facts. And they are prone to imagine that they own the art of statecraft altogether.

POTUSs Eisenhower and Kennedy were civilians with military experience. Decisions they made sent Americans and their treasures into other fellows’ living rooms for extended periods of time, at great cost to all.

POTUS Eisenhower was out of his depth as a chief executive. He was a staff officer only at heart, and ambitious, which is why the American foreign policy establishment of his day (John Foster Dulles) picked him for their protégé. GA MacArthur spotted this about Dwight by the time of the Bonus March.

POTUS Kennedy was learning how badly he and Americans generally were served by CIA. That is why they had him shot. I suspect he inclined towards reversing Eisenhower’s guarantee, effectively, of South Vietnam’s sovereignty.

After 1945, the realized truth that Americans’ government should not stay in another country’s living room did not reach the Oval Office until 20 January 2017, with POTUS Trump. The idea was strongly accepted by Americans and strongly rejected by most of Americans’ government, but not by all. Therein lies the struggle. It can be resolved only one way: disband CIA.

Starting with Ike, every POTUS save one has ordered or countenanced breaking and entering into another fellow’s living room or overstaying welcome there. Except POTUS Trump!

Now, USG ahve exiled him from office and wants to treat everyone’s living room as their own. CCP are only competitors for globe-wide living room ownership.

BM — Bonehead Media

Our DemocracyTM means staying in the other fellow’s living room as long as we want, past our welcome or need to be there.

Universe rolls on is own.
Why get out and push?

There are three reasons to be in another fellow’s living room:

  1. He invites you in.
  2. You own the living room.
  3. He harbors someone who hurt you.

In all three cases, your visit should be brief and to the point. The other fellow’s living room is his to live in, not yours.

Good catch, thanks. And true! Parallels an observation of mine two or three weeks ago: communists could make great music — e.g., USSR National Anthem, still used by Russians — whereas these Afro-Carib imperialists have, at best, reggae, which is for stoners.

  • Observation One: The oligarchs chose stupidly when they got behind Afro-Carib imperialists.
  • Observation Two: communism is dead and gone, what we see now is abject boneheaded tyranny, itself its own most capable enemy.

Angelo, like a few others, is reaching for articulation of post-liberal/conservative, post-communist/democrat, etc., polarities, all of which are stale and useless now, beyond their pull dates. I believe the knowledge arena for success in this endeavor is foreign policy. What are the lineaments and needs of actual post-WWII, post-Cold War, post-communist/liberal inter-nation communications?

The US Constitution is safe. Even to deny it is to affirm it. America is safe. Even to hate her is to honor her. The nations are safe. The families are who they are.

Building projects now are to make and protect safe, fair, reciprocal, reliable inter-nation communications.

Judge’s essay is gullible nuts. POTUS Kennedy was assassinated by CIA working through foreign and organized crime proxies because he did not want them running USA, as they had been doing and are really doing now.

Roger Kimball: The Capitol ‘armed insurrection’ narrative is crumbling

  • The FBI and the CIA have been operating more like the Soviet NKVD than the storied agencies of yore.
  • In his somewhat gaseous Defense of Poetry, Percy Bysshe Shelley declared that poets are ‘the unacknowledged legislators of the world.’ In fact, as W.H. Auden pointed out, the real unacknowledged legislators of the world are not poets but the secret police. It turns out that Chuck Schumer was right. [Kimball, which means others as well, has figured out who is making this mess: CIA.]

There are 7 million Palestinians living between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea. A little less than 2 million live in Israel proper and have Israeli citizenship, although they are decidedly second class citizens, especially with regards to property rights and ownership. Some 2 to 3 million live in the West Bank. They are under direct Israeli military control and have no rights. The remaining 2 to 3 million live in Gaza, which is a concentration camp under Israeli blockade.

That is the problem that has to be solved. There is too much mutual hatred and anger between the Jews and Palestinians, so an outside intervention is required. The Two State solution is impossible because the populations are too intermingled to allow purely Jewish or Palestinian states. The One State solution requires the dismantling of the existing Israeli state and all its institutions, laws, customs…

The problem has existed since the Balfour Declaration of 1917. Without intervention, it will go on another 103 years.

David R. Graham to BobSykes
Bob, intervention is a seductive thought and traditional. even habitual, in American foreign policy circles such as David Bernstein represents (NEO-CONs, who comprise largely persons of Jewish descent).

Two observations: (1) only the onset of the Biden junta brought the thought of intervention forward again, and (2) CIA have been intervening all over the ME for decades and nothing calmed down until 2017.

Intervention is going into someone else’s living room. There are three reasons for doing that: (1) you are invited in, (2) you own it, and (3) the fellow inside harbors someone who has hurt you. In all three cases, your presence inside the other fellow’s living room should be short and to the point, and then you leave before you wear out your welcome. The other fellow’s living room is his to live in, not yours.

NEO-CONs definitionally, like CIA, want to be able to go into any other fellow’s living room and stay there as long as they want, regardless of what is right for the fellow who lives there.

In the case of the ME today, American intervention is counter-indicated, but of course the opposite is occurring. Who needs intervention is CIA, to the tune of dismantling that agency birthed to mess around inside other fellows’ living rooms indefinitely.

Vijeta Uniyal: China Mulls Deploying Troops to Afghanistan After U.S. Pullout

J. Hawk: After Chimerica And Eurussia

Zachary Haver: US Indo-Pacific Command Proposes New Missile Capabilities to Deter China

Ann Barnhardt: The Execution Of SEAL Team Six

BlackFive: After Action Review – Task Force 1-64 Armor, September 09, 2003

Through right action, one achieves purity of heart which leads to the acquisition of jnana (spiritual wisdom). When righteous action is coupled with jnana, there is true service. To feel that one should be the sole enjoyer of the results of one’s actions is a sign of selfishness. It is naive to think that one alone is the doer of one’s actions. All things in the world are not intended for the exclusive enjoyment of any single person. They are to be shared by all. It is only when attachment to the fruits of one’s actions is discarded that action becomes yoga (Divine communion). Members of Sevadal should overcome the sense of ‘mine’ and ‘thine.’ When they embark on service activities, they should regard it as a privilege to serve others and look upon it as a form of worship of the Divine. They should look upon service to society as the means of finding self-fulfilment in life.

Donald Trump won the 2020 election for POTUS going away. He is POTUS until 20 January 2025 and presently in exile. That is the truth. Just stick to it and all will be well.

“Just realize they took the two most pathetic candidates in the history of the Democratic Party: a vice president who didn’t even win a primary in her own state; and a demented pervert, among other things, who can’t even tie his own shoelaces or know where he is. And they crammed them up our nose with a fork of fraud so blatant that it is visible around the world.” Sidney Powell, April 2021

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