Change The Software: From Science To Art

For freedom Christ has set us free. Stand firm, therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery.
Galatians 5:1
My speech and my proclamation were not with plausible words of wisdom, but with a demonstration of the Spirit and of power, so that your faith might rest not on human wisdom but on the power of God.
1 Corinthians 2:4-5

Scimus autem quoniam diligentibus Deum omnia cooperantur in bonum, iis qui secundum propositum vocati sunt sancti. And we know that to them that love God, all things work together unto good, to such as, according to his purpose, are called to be saints.

Towards the end of the 19th Century, under influence of Germanic tidiness (Ordnung), industrial and academic, and Marxian millenarianism, Euro-American intelligentsiya declared themselves free of allegiance to and restraint by epistemological methods tested and knowledge fought for and achieved during past ages. In its place, intelligentsiya promulgated visions, dreams of their own creation, which promised better than anything mankind had ever known. They demanded their dreams be put into practice at public expense by fiat of government.

  • A precursor of this action was Horace Mann in early 19th Century Massachusetts prompting state mandate for public education on the model of German industrial Ordnung: assembly stations (classrooms), timing bells (for movement to next assembly station), attendance monitoring (for movement to next factory line, aka grade).

It was heady stuff. It was all lies, even when intelligentsiya thought it important. They never said it was true, just that they could make it happen and that it would be better than the natural world. They did not even believe that. How could they? Dreams and visions are dreams and visions, vanishing the moment one wakes up. Dreams and visions are alternate realities having no reality.

Intelligentsiya called their dreams science, liberalism, progress, humanism, and positivism. They preached values, collectivity, and personal experience as the only measures of epistemological verity. Objective reality, implacable facts as over against personal desires and communitarian processes intelligentsiya to this day deem vestiges of ancestral superstition.

It was all a lie, and everyone knew it was all a lie. Science says this. Next year science says that. And the next year after that science says something entirely different. As the saying goes, a sucker is born every minute. But scientists life high and mighty. Every ten years or sooner science moves the goal post as to what is science. But the funding demands for support of science, which is always on the verge of solving problems, finding new worlds, never vary.

First to be seduced by this impossible drivel, to refashion their profession by divorcing epistemology from reality in order to take up with the tramp of positivism, were theologians, such as Ritschl, preaching Liberalism. Next came medical doctors, such as Freud, replacing contrition and duty with drugs, mind-games, and self-indulgence. Next came designers (engineers, artists, architects) such as Gropius, Corbusier, preaching — as did Wagner — total experience. Next, monastics and other churchmen, such as Arrupe, Gutiérrez, retailing duplicitous phrases such as preferential option for the poor and liberation theology.

  • Cone bent liberation theology into black liberation theology, which helped catalyze the phrases critical race theory and black lives matter. It was all and only ever a hustle for name and fame.

Then, warriors drank the drivel. The tankard from which they drank a civilian named Marshall named Revolution In Military Affairs, preaching technology obviating unit leadership and warrior ethos altogether rather than being in service to both. RMA envisioned war at scale — vice ordinary conflict within and between nations — as a permanent, pan-optic state of a global community, rather than what it is and should be, an occasional, geographically particularized necessity for maintaining a nation’s sovereignty.

  • Service-specific aerospace power can often be formidable and, as such, has transformed conflict from two-dimensional to three-dimensional, and has changed the critical focus of conflict from that of seizing and holding to one of halting and controlling. [i.e., not winning]

Finally, the last major profession to hurl themselves into subjection to positivism’s siren call — rejection of reality in favor of drug-addled Lethe’s dreams — are jurists, such as Bell and Delgado. They preach critical race theory and, in general, beating up on anyone with money on behalf of anyone else with money, especially if blacks get to beat up on whites. The old hustle for name and fame, re-named and re-articulated, but same old dream and finish.

Donald Trump: “You know what ‘woke’ means? It means you’re a loser. Everything woke turns to shit.”

So that is the leadership cadre of Euro-American culture, the entire intelligentsiya — theologians, medical doctors, designers, monastics, warriors, and jurists — chasing visions instead of facing God.

Today, the Abandonment of Afghanistan is dress rehearsal for The Great Reset, for global technocratic practitioners, one last time before opening night, perfecting their diction and delivery of the finest government the world will have ever seen and will never want to change.

Here is a little something that can be done about that: in the schools, change the names of the fields of study from X school of science to X school of art. The arts contain sciences, but the arts are the Gestalts, sciences among the supporting elements, and by no means all of them. Success in life is an art, far more than it is a science. And each art, each field of study, has its own metric of success: getting the job done. Performance / practice, is always and invariably the measure of success in every art and science.

For example:

  • The School Of Military Arts
  • The School Of Engineering Arts
  • The School Of Homemaking Arts
  • The School Of Medical Arts
  • The School Of Chemical Arts
  • The School Of Historical Arts
  • The School Of Financial Arts
  • The School Of Mechanical Arts
  • The School Of Industrial Arts
  • The School Of Theological Arts
  • The School Of Language Arts
  • The School Of Botanical Arts
  • The School Of Navigational Arts
  • The School Of Culinary Arts
  • The School Of Philosophical Arts
  • The School Of Spiritual Arts
  • The School Of Construction Arts
  • The School Of Statecraft Arts
  • The School Of Pedagogical Arts
  • The School Of Jurisprudential Arts
  • The School Of Physical Arts
  • The School Of Floral Arts
  • The School Of Acting Arts
  • etc.

The metric for successful art is that it gets its job done. For example:

Success for the Military Arts is that the enemy is thrown headlong into a condition of unconditional surrender.

Success for the Spiritual Arts is that giver (artist) and receiver (audience) are transposed to an ecstasy of divine sweetness.

Success for the Pedagogical Arts is that students emerge in love for God, command skillful hands, hard minds, and soft hearts, and have eagerness for selfless service to all without distinction.

Success for the Theological Arts is that each one, everyone at all, when meeting an obstacle or problem, reflexively inquires as to how ancients overcame the same obstacle or solved the same problem, albeit in their terms of art, but the same obstacle or problem nonetheless.

Success for the Language Arts is that every mouth speaks love no matter the sound emitted by it.

In 1975 I decided I did not want to live alone. I called the girl I wanted to live with and she came to do just that just before Christmas of that year. We have been living together ever since. Eric Carmen published All By Myself in 1975.

I do not remember hearing or hearing of All By Myself in 1975 or until just recently. All By Myself rests on harmonic, melodic, and rhythmic structure placed in the Middle Movement of his Second Piano Concerto by Sergei Rachmaninoff. The dramatic high note and key change of Celine Dion’s version is the creative idea of David Foster, her producer and frequent pianist.

I do remember that in 1975 I told myself that I would not live the tragedy of Cyrano, never telling the one until the end, when it was too late and hurt everyone.

The word Bali has a meaning, which is, charge for service rendered, or tax. We pay money to the department which supplies water, knowing fully well that it is not responsible for the creation of water. But what charges are we paying to the Creator of water? Nothing. Yet we wish to get His Grace. How is it possible to get His Grace without giving tax (bali or sunkam)? The tax which the Lord expects is devotion and purity of heart. This is the essence of the message of Onam. Onam is not to be treated as a festival which comes once a year, but as an event, the message of which should become a way of life for everyone. The three events which Onam symbolises should always be kept clear in one’s mind: (i) The Incarnation of Lord Vishnu as the Vatu, (ii) The attainment of liberation by Emperor Bali, and (iii) Bali’s mergence (Anthardhanam) with the Lord!

Donald Trump won the 2020 election for POTUS going away. He is POTUS until 20 January 2025 and presently in exile. That is the truth. Just stick to it and all will be well.

“Just realize they took the two most pathetic candidates in the history of the Democratic Party: a vice president who didn’t even win a primary in her own state; and a demented pervert, among other things, who can’t even tie his own shoelaces or know where he is. And they crammed them up our nose with a fork of fraud so blatant that it is visible around the world.” Sidney Powell, April 2021

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