Comments: Interim NSS Guidance

The gist of this document is the ideology conjuring it. That ideology is stated in the document’s opening strophes: 4th Industrial Revolution. This language is WEF Junta’s latest euphemism for Socialism.

So Klaus Schwab’s Davos Junta sets US National Security Strategic Guidance via US NSC. OK, the rest is predictable from that.

The chief aim of Schwab and crony Socialist oligarchs’ Junta is war to extinction on Christians (includes Jews) and Hindus. That means war on Russia, Philippines, Israel, India, The Americas, Thailand, Malaysia, Burma, Singapore, Viet Nam, South Africa and most of the rest of Africa. In the name of US National Security, about which Socialists could not care less.

Socialism is war to extinction on Christians and Hindus. Verbiage otherwise thrown up by its practitioners is misdirection, chaff.

For Socialists, ideology is everything. Facts are unimportant, irrelevant. Practitioners are good and pure, everyone else is bad and dirty. We used to denote this pretense as Phariseeism, Gnosticism, Manichaeism, and Catharism.

Well, one surprise: the speed with which Davos’ 4th Industrial Revolution made it into NSC verbiage.  These people really are an inter-nation Socialist echo chamber minority.  The demented pervert Joe Biden himself could not understand this Junta NSS or even what an NSS is at this stage of his existence.  Such cruelty exploiting a senile man’s ambition during his dotage.

This is Junta work.  Lawfare. Which is to say the social circle of CCP-CIA-Ds-RINOs-TWANLOCs.  In that sense, yes, no surprises with Junta / Lawfare installed at NSC.

There is a struggle between Davos et al and mil-industrial array.  GOs, ADMs, and defense firms really do not want to be owned by CCP-CIA.

Taliban will be pleading for US to return when CCP marches them into Afghan and Western Chinese organ harvesting plants and slave labor camps.

Beyond that, there is an era change underway and it does not favor this CCP-CIA-Ds-RINOs-TWANLOC’s NSS frame of reference. Authority is going distributed, not centralized, and de-globalization is underway.

The system of education here has collapsed into a heap of irrationality and new systems are replacing it.

It is a good time to be creative.  Opportunities abound at system levels in all fields of endeavor.  All *they* have is Communist / Socialist cant that everyone sees through, including *them.*

I would not be surprised if the guy who won the election returns to captain the Oval Office before 2025, by force of law.  We’ll see what happens.

Strange the Junta would release an interim NSS.  I do not recall that being done before.  Sign of weakness regardless the allies it is meant to signal.

JoeBama Flinches, Putin Closes Kerch Strait
and Blocks Black Sea to Foreign Warships

Interestingly, one system I do not see being replaced or needing replacement is the US Constitution and its government enabling elements.   It is actually kind of like the Bible, inerrant in the sense that the guys who wrote it got everything right.

When people do *not* want to live here we will know the Constitution gets things wrong.

Hosing down agencies and departments and eliminating non-enumerated agencies and departments, which is most of them, is indicated.

But the Constitution itself, interestingly, is solidly valid, functional, and as best I can see, in perpetuity.  I think this is something to be remarked.

News is all good out in the colleges and universities.  They are self-destructing.

Wonderful opportunities now to ponder, test, and construct new systems of education, distributed, locally responsive.

Good chance the service academies will be closed by the Junta.  Not certain, but more than a little possible.

Their local minions will go after local water, sewer, and electrical systems because, as systems, they are ipso facto racist.  Any system is racist by CRT standards. Preparation for CCP walk in without a shot being fired.

The walk in without a shot is not going to happen, but closing basic utilities for almost everyone will be attempted, and I would think sooner than later.  It will not succeed all over, but in some areas it will, for awhile.

Every negativity is an opportunity.

Seth Hancock: World Economic Forum: The Great Enslavement

Among the preliminary qualifications for yearning to know Brahman, the first is discrimination (viveka) between the transitory and the eternal — in other words, the discovery that the Atma alone is beyond time and that all objects perceivable by the senses are only transitory. As a result of prolonged investigation, one has to gain this unshakable conviction and be established in it. The second qualification is renunciation of the desire to enjoy, here and hereafter, the fruits of one’s actions. This is also known as nonattachment (vairagya). One must reason and realise the transitoriness of joy and grief, which are the pollutants that affect the mind. One will be convinced, then, that all things are caught in a flux; they are all momentary, they yield only grief. Vairagya does not involve giving up hearth and home, wife and children, and taking refuge in forests. It involves only the awareness of the world as transitory and, as a consequence of this awareness, discarding the feelings of “I” and “mine”.

Donald Trump won the 2020 election for POTUS going away. He is POTUS until 20 January 2025 and presently in exile. That is the truth. Just stick to it and all will be well.

“Just realize they took the two most pathetic candidates in the history of the Democratic Party: a vice president who didn’t even win a primary in her own state; and a demented pervert, among other things, who can’t even tie his own shoelaces or know where he is. And they crammed them up our nose with a fork of fraud so blatant that it is visible around the world.” Sidney Powell, April 2021

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