An Exchange With A Friend

My Friend writes:

I have concluded that we have an implacable enemy in a sick, hypocritical President Biden.  His Memorial Day Speech at Arlington National Cemetery was an exercise in unbelievable hypocrisy.  On the one hand he was talking about our Great Democracy, while he’s pressing the case for teaching CRT in secondary schools, Colleges, Universities and the military, including all the National Military Academies.  I can truthfully say I despise the man and his administration.  Our nation’s security hangs by a thread.

No, not going to do anything rash.  Just going to fight the CRT battle.

I reply:

Well, first, Biden is not our President.  He did not win the election.  DJT won reelection, going away.  A junta stole the election.  Biden-Harris were not inaugurated, they were installed by a junta.  The junta is led by CIA.  Major media only and always purvey CIA talking points.  Ditto most of all three branches of the federal government.

Take heart.  The CCP virus attack is being exposed for what it is.  CRT is meeting determined and ultimately successful opposition.  It would not surprise me if Donald Trump, who is our President in exile until January 20, 2025, fills out the balance of this presidential term.

I do not know the future.  But I know to trust the facts.  The Biden-Harris execration did not win the election.  They stole it, or better, it was stolen on their behalf as figureheads of a CIA-led junta.

Therefore, it cannot stand.  CIA got away with assassinating POTUS Kennedy, for these many decades, but the truth is coming at them now with this fork of fraud up our noses they did so blatantly last November that the whole world knows it.  They really are not intelligent people.  This truth is working its way to public acknowledgement and appropriate consequential decisions.

Everyone in D.C. knows CIA did it.  Everyone there knows CIA run wet boys at anyone who goes off their radio beam with any degree of consequence.

It does not matter.  Others can fear and cower if they want, thus disgracing themselves in the eyes of one and all.  Truth is like a lion.  It can take care of itself.  CIA may have, as Schumer says, six ways from Sunday to get us, but God has countless ways from Sunday to get CIA and all other bad deed doers.

CIA are the nasty.  Until POTUS Trump, and after they eliminated POTUS Kennedy, who wanted to shut them down because he saw how bad they were for America, CIA have been running the country from Langley, no matter who is POTUS.  This evil is in train of being put to a stop, the US Constitution restored to operational authority.

DJT is POTUS.  Period.  Fix your mind on that fact and all is clear, action commending itself in context for each of us.

My friend shares my reply, foregoing, with friends and relations.

I reply:


When Biden et al speak of “our democracy,” which is as often as they can, they mean the junta they front, aka D.C.’s network for doing business, the one who take themselves for sovereign authority and damn the electorate.

When we speak, we speak of “our country” or “our nation.”  We regard her, our country — meaning all of us united to protect our freedoms — as the entity who is sovereign authority, not a specific group of us, e.g., D.C.-dwellers.

One has to be bat**** crazy to think that one, along with one’s clique, is sovereign authority or that one’s race, along with it’s clique, is sovereign authority and everyone / everything else is a throw-away.

Authority is at issue here.  It can only go one way peaceably: authority belongs to the nation united, not to a part freewheeling as a special, untouchable, supreme case thereof.

Embodiments of Love! Whomsoever you see, consider him as the embodiment of the Atmic principle. Do not be carried away by what others say. Whatever people may say about you, consider that it is good for you. When you develop such thinking, everything will become good for you. Even if someone criticises you, do not be afraid of it. Face it with courage. Fill your heart with courage. Walk on the path of truth and love with courage. Love is most sacred. It is the form of God. If you hate love, it is equivalent to hating God. There is no other name for God except love. Whatever activity you undertake, fill it with love. When you give food to a beggar, do it with love. Do not entertain disgust, anger or hatred towards anyone. If you perform all your actions with love, that is true devotion.

Donald Trump won the 2020 election for POTUS going away. He is POTUS until 20 January 2025 and presently in exile. That is the truth. Just stick to it and all will be well.

“Just realize they took the two most pathetic candidates in the history of the Democratic Party: a vice president who didn’t even win a primary in her own state; and a demented pervert, among other things, who can’t even tie his own shoelaces or know where he is. And they crammed them up our nose with a fork of fraud so blatant that it is visible around the world.” Sidney Powell, April 2021

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