Civil Defense Battalions – Operational Tasks

I first commended the restoration of Civil Defense Battalions (CDB) on 12 September 2014. I posted again on Civil Defense Battalions on 02 July 2016, 24 September 2016, and 07 January 2021. In between those dates, I mentioned Civil Defense Battalions frequently while treating of related topics.

In the first post I listed some operation tasks for a Civil Defense Battalion:

As can be seen from initial writing, I conceived a CDB as subordinate to a jurisdiction’s law enforcement organization. Originally, I thought either police or sheriff was appropriate. Now I am convinced it must be sheriff and not police. Reason: police command is appointed whereas sheriff command is elected. In the case where a police command is elected, a CDB subject to their command would be appropriate. The point is, a CDB must be subject to elected authority. The electorate is the sovereign inside any jurisdiction. This is The American Way.

Yesterday, my sister suggested two additional tasks eminently suitable for CDB operations:

  • Observe and report back on government and other organization committee and board meetings, and
  • chaperone 8th Grade-Aged children to visit the county courthouse to grasp the seriousness of life together.

One or two members of a CDB or other civic group sits in as an observer at government council, committee, and board meetings as well as at other types of meeting, such as HOA and school boards. Almost all of these are open meetings by law. These CDB or other civic group observers do not participate in the meetings they observe, they merely report back their observations to their CDB or other civic group.

This way, the CDB or other civic group keeps track on what is happening in their areas of interest and can act with knowledge should something come up that members feel merits their attention. This is a very fine idea and a salutary task to perform.

Parents and teachers chaperone groups of 8th-grade-aged children to the county courthouse for a few hours to learn how the building works, who works there, what they do, and to observe trials, and, if a court is open and permitted, stage a mock trial among themselves, each child cycling through roles played out in a formal courtroom.

These are operational tasks for CDBs to perform. In addition, churches, civic clubs, and homeschoolers, charter schoolers, and private schoolers can perform the same salutary tasks.

The Civil Defense Battalion subordinate to the county sheriff is an old idea that must be re-appealing to many now, and for good reason. Additional studies I have done on the matter are here. A CDB subordinate to the country sheriff is the proper course for channeling the widely-felt — and justly — need for militias.

Jack Phillips: Gun Sanctuary Movement Erupts: 61 Percent of US Counties Now ‘Second Amendment Sanctuaries’

Dr Mike Spaulding: It’s Time to Bring Back the Well-Trained State Militias

Precursors of American Civil Defense Battalions:

Citizens’ Military Training Camp

Preparedness Movement

When you are immersed in the ananda (bliss) of the Lord, you are master of all the lesser anandas also. When you dive into the sea, you must seek pearls! When you go to the wish-fulfilling tree (kalpavriksha), ask for the highest bliss. Do not crave for the smaller when the vastest is available, for just a little more effort! There is a natural craving in man to become one with the vast, the supreme, the limitless, for, in the cave of his heart, there resides the self-same Supreme. It is like the young calf pining for the cow. Each calf knows its mother. You may have a thousand calves and a thousand cows. Let loose the calves and each will find its own mother. So, too, you must know where you get your native sustenance and support. They are available only with God, from whom you came. There must be a sense of urgency in you when you take to the spiritual path.

Donald Trump won the 2020 election for POTUS going away. He is POTUS until 20 January 2025 and presently in exile. That is the truth. Just stick to it and all will be well.

“Just realize they took the two most pathetic candidates in the history of the Democratic Party: a vice president who didn’t even win a primary in her own state; and a demented pervert, among other things, who can’t even tie his own shoelaces or know where he is. And they crammed them up our nose with a fork of fraud so blatant that it is visible around the world.” Sidney Powell, April 2021

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