Renewal: Remove-Repeal-Restrict

If you think about it, there is inner truth to the accusations hurled by today’s malcontents. Paternalism is exactly what the feds do throughout civil society, overbearing dependency-makers. Colonialism is exactly what the same feds do inside the states and other countries, sticking their noses into everyone’s business just because they can by means of…

The Clash Of Families

This breathing world supports four large and bustling language families: Indio-EuropeanAfro-CaribSemiticMongoloid There are perhaps a handful of other language families. Compared to the large four, they are smaller by number of speakers. Most, but not all, are of less consequence in world-affairs than are the large four. Meaningless these are not, but less consequential they…

Clergy And Revolution

David R. GrahamIt impresses me that perhaps the most remarkable feature of The French Revolution, which as all know birthed Communism, is that the French aristocracy were so stupid as to cause and allow it. A parallel today is that the American aristocracy (de facto, I know, not de jure) are so stupid as to…


Your vote is your vote, not a measure of your authority in this world. The measure of your authority in this world is the depth of your reverence for the homeschool and respect for the five professional guilds. The public school is no object for reverence. Itemize the plant uses for public school properties. They…

Morphology Of The Church

I am unfamiliar with the writings of Natasha Crain and those of Russell Moore. Such indications as I glean, save one very correct and clever comment from the Godel / Heisenberg wing of polite society, disincline me to become familiar with those writings. The sense I get is that both are punching down when they…

Afro-Carib Imperialism / BLM

BLM is the old Afro-Carib imperialism out of Africa by way of the French Caribbean. It has always been aligned with Afro-Mohammedan Imperialism. Think Franz Fanon, Frank Marshall Davis. Black Americans for a century and more have been experimenting with the Afro-Carib idea of overwhelming Indo-European culture and nations by way of direct attack (urban…

We Need A Miracle

The force of the power of evil setting upon the nations is beyond mere human ability to confuse and defeat. We need a miracle. It impresses me that perhaps the most remarkable feature of The French Revolution, which as all know birthed Communism, is that the French aristocracy were so stupid as to cause and…

University Of The Professional Guilds: Operations

Re-design and re-vector the system of education towards producing universal protection rather than universal industrialization. This will take time. There is no political solution. There is cultural solution and behind that religious solution. Beginning Credo Ut Intelligam My purpose is to sketch a new system of education for a new national mission. It is not…

Hobbs And Hamachek

All my life I have been aware that the loudest mouths in any group always go for the common reading of Hobbs on the nature of man and its commonly supposed political implications. Leaving aside that the common reading of Hobbs on man’s nature is inaccurate with respect to what he wrote and meant, I…

The Joint Force, Up-Powered

The Joint Force comprises the Chief of Staff of each of the five Branches of Service plus a Chairman and Vice-Chairman of The Joint Staff. The five branches of Service are: Space ForceAir ForceWord ForceSea ForceLand Force The Chairman of The Joint Force is POTUS or a Saint or Sage demonstrably saturated in equal love…

New Mission: Global Peace

BLUF: The Nations Decide Peace Of Westphalia Abraham Accords Mission: Global Prosperity Means: Industrialization Execution:Public SchoolsLiberal Arts Universities Objective:Education OfSkilled Industrial LaborBlue Collar, White Collar Mission: Global Peace Means: Protection Execution:HomeschoolsUniversity Of The Professional Guilds Objective:Preparation OfSkilled Warriors, MilitiasAll Citizens, All Professions Teaser The Peace of Westphalia marks an inflection point in the affairs of…

Profile Of A President

The Party The UniParty Atë, come hot from hell, Clergy, lawyers, and bankers are no more able to arrest their impulse to murder President Donald John Trump than were their First Century Judaean counterparts able to arrest their impulse to murder Jesus of Nazareth and God. That the consequence of their counterparts’ murdering Jesus —…

A Shear Event Sheered Them Off Into Sheer Irrelevance

The D-R UniParty breath of Atë, come hot from hell, has shorn from the rock of relevance two or three generations of Conservative and Libertarian pundits. Virtually the entire list of their most trafficked blogs and journals belongs in the company of that description. Intellectually, morally, religiously they proved unprepared for and therefore unable before…

Of Troll (Atë ) And Trolling (Mischief)

The troll’s purpose is to terminate or disrupt transit along a line of communication. He or she lurks beside, under, or astride a line of communication, waiting to waylay some thing or some one traveling along it. The troll’s job is to prevent orderly transit, and, if possible, prevent transit altogether, along a specific line…

SitRep: CIA’s Junta

POTUS is in exile. A civilian-military junta, CIA’s own, installed by them, controls Washington D.C. — government, all branches, and social scene — as well as the nation’s corporation-based communications, to include banks and NGOs, who function as CIA fronts. Using guile and trickery, their stock-in-trade, CIA now ride the United States with a version…

You Are Who You Bring Home For Supper

The Secret People Smile at us, pay us, pass us; but do not quite forget;For we are the people of England, that never have spoken yet.There is many a fat farmer that drinks less cheerfully,There is many a free French peasant who is richer and sadder than we.There are no folk in the whole world…