The Clash Of Families

This breathing world supports four large and bustling language families:


There are perhaps a handful of other language families. Compared to the large four, they are smaller by number of speakers. Most, but not all, are of less consequence in world-affairs than are the large four. Meaningless these are not, but less consequential they are.

Indo-European is the largest language family by number of speakers. It is also the one most redolent with the fragrance of freedom. Thus are speakers of other language families attracted to nations where Indo-European is spoken. Measured by ability to support and defend personal and sub-cultural liberties, Anglo-Germanic Indo-Europeans operate the world’s most successful Indo-European-speaking nations.

It happens that members of the other three language families are on a rampage to obliterate or at least subjugate nations made by and belonging to members of the Indo-European language family. Threat, subversion, and invasion are these families’ usual lines of advance to accomplish their soi-disant mission. The least free are messing with the most free.

I have no explanation for this phenomenon beyond God’s Will. I observe the phenomenon and offer some thoughts on how to address it. I also observe that hardship toughens one, hardening the mind, melting the heart, skilling-up the hands.

Leftism is a phenomenon of the Indo-European language family. We saw two iterations of leftism last century: Fascism and its more seductive and violent sibling, Communism. The family knew what to do with these pariahs because they are family members: beat them with sticks until they return to their senses.

The family did that to their Fascist pariahs but hesitated to do it to their Communist pariahs. First at the Oder and then at the Yalu, then-leaders of the Indo-European family of nations pulled their punch on one of their own family’s pariahs: Communists.

Members of the world’s three other language families noted the weakness of character shown at the Oder and Yalu by their Indo-European neighbors. They took immediate action to exploit it.

Americans, by then leading the Indo-European family politically and culturally, went into a funk in 1945 — Truman and Eisenhower will not cross the Oder — and then even more so in 1953 — Truman and then Eisenhower will not cross the Yalu. Indo-European leaders declined to subdue their own family’s most violent pariah, Communists.

These signs of a giant’s weakness excited the imaginations of Afro-Carib, Semitic, and Mongoloid tyrants around the world. Excuses were given, explanations offered, but all came to lack of good character, specifically lack of moral courage, at inflection points in the nation’s history together in this breathing world.

The great rebellion of young persons during the 1960s and ongoing traces to the funk created by their elders’ rejection of reason, in this case to cross the Oder and annihilate Communists. Had the Oder been crossed and The Soviet expunged — a task perfectly within guarantee of success — crossing the Yalu would not have become another opportunity ultimately to be squandered.

A third act demonstrating lack of good character among Indo-European leaders was Nixon / Kissinger’s elevation of the CCP families (comprising a criminal organization) to diplomatic recognition in 1971 and Bush / Powell’s elevation of the same families to world trade privileges in 2001. This made the funk complete. Bloody bad character, specifically moral cowardice, flourished over us. Who could be happy with that?

Whereas Indo-European-speaking peoples know how to deal with pariahs in their own language family, they do not know how to deal with aggressors originating in other language families. Iranians speak Persian / Farsi, which is Indo-European, but their mullahs’ ethno-religious heritage is Semitic. Thus, Indo-European Communists, such as Presidents Carter and Clinton, were predictably flummoxed by Iranian mullahs. Who were these guys and why do they act as they do? Carter had not a clue, so close is his Communism to Semitic Socialism.

The Afro-Carib Fraud Obama spoke Communist Indo-European (his grandparents and mother) but thought Semitic (Edward Said) and Afro-Carib (Frank Marshall Davis) imperialism. He wanted to be thought of by the mullahs as of their world-view. Thus, he was a walk-over for them.

Bearing as they do unfamiliar languages, manners of living, chemical substrates, war-making habits, horticultural treasuries, and diets, Afro-Carib, Semitic, and Mongoloid aggressors intrigue Indo-Europeans, who are naturally curious. The latte let and even invite these foreigners near and into their camps in order to study and learn from them. Their Communist pariahs applaud the same because they see proximity of foreign aggressors facilitating their own attacks against their own indo-European family.

Basically, aggressors from any family must be dealt with as aggressors from one’s own family: beat them into a jelly, and without exception. There is no reason in heaven or on earth to pull a punch on an aggressor, regardless of their origin or professions of peaceful intent.

Aggression itself is the enemy. It matters not who engages in it. Aggression deserves to be and must be met with defensive punishment that separates a person or nation from their will to aggress. The nation state is the only entity on a global scale who embodies that penal authority. Penal authority is to be used only against aggressors and to elimination of desire to aggress.

Slow to admit this learning, Indo-European nations, and after years of experimenting with their own pariah’s so-called revolutionary alternative (global governance), are, by hard experience led, grasping its relevance to their struggles with the now-smiling, now-screaming faces of Afro-Carib, Semitic, and Mongoloid Imperialism.

The sages used to perform yagnas and yagas for gaining mastery over their senses. The real nature and meaning of a yagna is the overcoming of all our evil tendencies, and throwing them into the fire of sacrifice. This is described as bhutabali. The word bhutabali has been misinterpreted and some people think it means animal sacrifice and this has given rise to evil practices. This is not the right way. Bali means tax. Today we are paying taxes on our property, on our houses and on our income. But the intention of levying taxes in the olden times was different from the intention of taxing today. Today taxes are often collected but misappropriated by people in power. Taxes of olden days were used to further improve and increase the welfare of the people. Where there was no water supply, they used to provide water; where there were no roads, they used to build roads. By sacrificing all our evil tendencies to God, we are blessed with what man badly needs in this world as well as what is beyond man.

Donald Trump won the 2020 election for POTUS going away. He is POTUS until 20 January 2025 and presently in exile. That is the truth. Just stick to it and all will be well.

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