Renewal: Remove-Repeal-Restrict

If you think about it, there is inner truth to the accusations hurled by today’s malcontents.

Paternalism is exactly what the feds do throughout civil society, overbearing dependency-makers. Colonialism is exactly what the same feds do inside the states and other countries, sticking their noses into everyone’s business just because they can by means of so-called laws and regulations those same feds make themselves to suit their purposes. Capitalism in the sense of monetary savagery is exactly what the same feds do for their personal gain, trading favors amongst themselves and their highest paying customers. Ditto racism, which the same feds bake into their paternalism, colonialism, and monetary savagery.

Deconstruction would be a good thing applied to the federal beast. Ditto de-colonization and de-paternalization.

So yeah, I deplore and condemn paternalism, colonialism, capitalism in the sense of monetary savagery, and racism abetted by those three.

The country would operate just fine with three executive departments, State, Treasury, and Defense, a limit of five terms for a representative and two for a senator, and repeal of mountains of so-called laws, such as Great Society, civil rights acts, Immigration Act of 1965, Federal Reserve Act, and all the so-called laws which establish departments and agencies other than State, Treasury, and Defense.

Nullification is an initial step towards
taking loads of garbage to the dump.

The states are well-able to handle their affairs, per U.S. Constitution. Feds can keep the nation’s fingers clean, her currency reliable, and external tyrants either at bay or in the morgue. That would be how to earn and hold respect domestically and overseas.

Pipe dream? I think not. Let states and localities de-incentivize litigation, especially quality of life litigation, and diminish the number and sway of lawyers. This, so to speak, will clean years of grit and grime from off the lenses of the nation’s glasses.

Europeans and Tibetans had to throw off the mountainous weight of fraudulent clergy and monastics. Americans have to throw off the mountainous weight of fraudulent lawyers and public servants. We may thank their rampancy for making their dislodgment inarguably necessary and inevitable.



Alternative slogan:


AKA: Take out the garbage, Jack and Jane.

Make this renewal a structural objective, not a personal / character / ethical one.

Steve Baldwin: It’s time for Red States to start nullifying federal law

So, take the garbage to the dump and nullify then repeal their so-called laws and regulations. Solway is an outrage / fear porn purveyor, and a shameless pedant.

This world is a combination of time (kala), action (karma) and cause (karana). Every action has a reaction. When your finger gets cut with a knife, blood oozes out immediately. Here, the reaction is instantaneous. There is no time gap whatsoever. On the other hand, food we eat takes at least two hours to be digested. Take the case of a seed. A seed sown today takes three to four days to sprout. Here the time gap between action and reaction is slightly more as compared to the previous instances. On the other extreme, we have a case where it takes years for a sapling to grow into a gigantic tree and yield fruit. Thus, the time gap between action and reaction may vary depending on the nature of action. It is impossible to say when, how, and where one will face the consequences of one’s action. But know for sure that none can escape the consequences of their actions.

Donald Trump won the 2020 election for POTUS going away. He is POTUS until 20 January 2025 and presently in exile. That is the truth. Just stick to it and all will be well.

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