Profile Of A President

The Party The UniParty Atë, come hot from hell, Clergy, lawyers, and bankers are no more able to arrest their impulse to murder President Donald John Trump than were their First Century Judaean counterparts able to arrest their impulse to murder Jesus of Nazareth and God. That the consequence of their counterparts’ murdering Jesus — the Army of Titus — could recapitulate with respect to their own murder of President Trump is not a consideration for these personalities.

The issue then and now is not politics. Our struggles have nothing to do with politics. The issue is religion. Politics is way downstream from religion. God’s top interest is clarifying religion, which means, restoring Dharma, proper conduct, in the affairs of men and of nations.

Politics is the art of removing obstacles in the paths of a nation’s citizens. Religion is the art of cultivating in a nation’s citizens purity of heart and strength of mind so they can see and embark upon paths that are proper for them to take and avoid those that are not.

Absent successful spiritual practice — religion — a nation is dark, adrift, and in the dark, because her citizens cannot see or hear reality. In this condition, a nation is vulnerable to successful invasion by hostile force.

Neither Jesus nor the Apostles quarreled with political authorities, Roman or Herodian, although the latter quarreled with Jesus and his brother tradition calls John the Baptist. Romans, in fact, considered Jewish politics so trivial that they placed a placard on the cross above Jesus’ head reading, King Of The Jews. With that, their insult was to Jewish clergy, lawyers, and bankers, not to Jesus, whom they found blameless of charges laid against him by the same Jewish clergy, lawyers, and bankers.

Christianity addresses pre-culture and pre-politics, not culture or politics. Yet, because it cultivates purity of heart, strength of mind, and equal love for all, Christianity cultivates proper conduct as secondary and tertiary effects in both culture and politics, respectively.

Would you clean up politics? Remind your citizens how to purify their hearts, an art they have forgotten but can recover, relearn, and practice to happy effect. It takes effort and is possible. More than possible, mandatory.

With that in mind, what is the profile of a proper President? Here are some preliminaries:

Axiom: the higher one goes in academe, the more one becomes an egg-head, alienated from ordinary life, and thus unfit to rule govern steward the affairs of one’s fellow citizens.

Axiom: academics erect obstacles, they do not remove them.

Axiom: the ideal steward of the affairs of their fellow citizens is a man whose background is farming and war-fighting battle command.

Axiom: farmers and warriors remove obstacles, they do not erect them.

The academician is precisely the person who should not be allowed near governmental levers of power. The agriculturalist / warrior is precisely the person who should be entrusted with those.

Whatever kills the Republican Party is a good thing, no? It is not an independent party now for some decades. It is one wing of the UniParty. It deserves death. A true second party is coming along. Americans of all backgrounds will know its leader(s) when they hear their voice(s).

Here is a useful mental exercise: profile a true president of the United States and how he gets into position to execute that responsibility.

When it is over the truth (government by consent of the governed) vice lies (rule by a uniparty), division is a good thing. Jesus said regarding that very situation (God vice priests, lawyers, and bankers), that he brings division and war, to include inside families, not peace. Concupiscent personalities do not release voluntarily their grip on wealth and freedom belonging to the generality.

So, in the case indicated here — The UniParty vice Americans — I say, bring on the division, lots and lots of it, heaps and mounds of it, and let it play out its nature and auspicious purpose.

I am comfortable with any person whose thought, word, and deed align as one. Also, I am comfortable with any person who does what they talk about and does not talk about what they cannot do. Finally, I am comfortable with any person who is quiet.

Faulty premise: Biden won the election. POTUS Trump won the election. He is POTUS until 20 January 2025.

Anyone writing about President Biden, or that he won the election of 2020 for POTUS, or that he was inaugurated POTUS, is a coward, a liar, or both. Biden (aka CIA junta) stole the election and installed himself in the Oval Office. Congress and SCOTUS went along with both steal and installation. So we know the entire USG, at least top echelons, is anti-USA. They have self-exposed.

Keep the truth free of blemish, at whatever cost. If you calumniate the truth, the truth will calumniate you, and that would make you very unhappy.

Again, the faulty premise: that PDJT lost the election. He won it. Bedford babbles in ignorance.

Surrounding oneself, as civilian, with troops, as outside a military post, is an unmistakable sign reading “I AM ILLEGITIMATE.”

Instapundit is hosted by PJM but has not entirely the same posture as the latter. PJM posture definitely is Vichy Outrage Porn (VOP) since Simon went to Epoch Times. Reynolds personally is only very little so. Greene is more so VOP but not fully. The brazen, triumphalist VOPers at Instapundit are Driscoll, Bernstein, and Hoyt, with Tapscott, Shibley, Heriot and others still in a daze, unaware of conditions — manifest evil — unwilling to face them.

Missing at Instapundit and PJM is persistent study of what to do now, thinking through necessities and ways to implement them. Doing that would be a real public service.

For example, the central necessity may be said to consist in rearing a generation or five of children having good character. This takes conceptualizing, creating, and testing a system of education designed for that purpose. What would that look like?

These are studies writers could undertake and present on public/private forums such as Instapundit and PJM did but their owners, editors, and contributors hike up their skirts and go to work as is actually needful.

Not to worry over my kid brother spinning in his grave. He is not mounted on a spit.

Christianity Today never has been where Christianity is today.

Tish Harrison Warren is where she wants to be, doing what she wants to do.

Democrat-run can be made more specific: Afro-Carib-run.

Additionally, it is germane that the six cities used to swing the election — Atlanta, Philadelphia, Detroit, Milwaukee, Phoenix, and Las Vegas — are Afro-Carib-run directly or indirectly by intimidation.

Also it is Afro-Carib imperialism [BLM, CIA] — heavy-laden with French Communism and its Islamic clone (Fanon, Obama) — who have industry, education, church, and government in a stampede to suicide by Critical Race Theory.

Elimination of state and local governments is in the mix of things CIA and their capture-and-confine Party have in mind. NYT and academics are merely messengers. The sender is the CIA, and they are co-extensive with the social circle who include the NYT, the professoriate, and the NGO minions.

Ultimately, this is a social circle thing, a sorority-fraternity thing, referenced commonly now as The Party or The UniParty. CIA is the governing council of The Party, the hooked-up, intersectional sorority-fraternity: oligarchic families resolved to capture and confine global affairs.

An interesting facet of the picture is that roughly the same oligarchic families that formed and led their social circle fifty years ago are still doing that, albeit through their progeny and such new blood as they marry into or otherwise hook up with.

Only, whereas fifty years ago these families mostly respected America and Americans — although they did not want to be around the latter, a common posture of a guilty conscience — their children (Boomers) and grandchildren (Millennials), sieved as they were through a rebellion they though was against one thing, and rightly should have been — industrialization — but was really against another — US sovereignty — a rebellion, be it noted, conducted jointly by KGB, PLA, and CIA, went 180 on their parents’ patriotism and religion, deciding that both were against their interests.

In other words, KGB, PLA, and CIA jointly won the Battle Of The Sixties. Their Party, their families, their sorority-fraternity, their social circle, their idolatry, controlling D.C. as a rat works, now must keep extending their sovereignty in order to feel they are winning the War against proper conduct. That War they will never win, unless they 180 again and fight for proper conduct instead of against it.

A proper mother tells her sons and daughters to pray to God to make them good people, and she enacts her own counsel on behalf of her own destiny. Americans encourage and liberate. We do not capture and confine.

Good, this man (and here) is knowledgeable and sensible, a fine combination. Here is an in-progress collection of studies out ahead of where this man is writing but in the same direction and to the same purpose, in this case regarding a University Of The Professional Guilds.

I have been pushing ahead to try to discern what needs doing in the culture domain in order to fix the mess in the political domain. The gist of it is reconstruction of the system of education, starting with reverence for the homeschool and respect for the five professional guilds: Theology, Medicine, Military Arts, Law, and Pedagogy.

This observation led to the thought of University Of The Professional Guilds (UPG).

And curriculum reorganization (Quintivium) to that effect.

A set of studies on this direction of thought (Homeschool, UPG) is here.

A true second party is coming along. Americans of all backgrounds will know its leader(s) when they hear their voice(s).

Here is a useful mental exercise: profile a true President Of The United States (POTUS) and how he gets into position to execute that responsibility.

Preliminaries complete, on to profile a President Of The United States (POTUS).

  • Man
  • Christian
  • Farming family, family with farming experience, or, direct farming / gardening predilection and experience
  • Successful (victorious in battle) ground combat commander / line officer, at least Company and Battalion strength, revered by his commands
  • Predisposed to, naturally wired for, protecting (Military Arts) and building (Pedagogy
  • Husband and father with wife and offspring, or, widower with offspring
  • Enjoys unqualified support from the women of his family
  • Offspring are intelligent, discerning citizens, compassionate, simple, approachable, drug-free, and love-filled
  • Does what he talks about and does not talk about what he cannot do
  • Treats his role in life as God and his labors therein as worship
  • Is serene under stress, stable in struggle
  • Loves his country, countrymen, and countrywomen

Prayer for some benefit or gain should not be addressed to God. For, it means that God waits until He is asked! Surrender to Him; He will deal with you as He feels best and it would be the best for you. God does not dole out grace in proportion to the praise He receives! When you pray for a thing from God, you run the risk of condemning Him, if for some reason the prayer is not answered the way you wanted it to be, or as quickly as you wanted it to be! This contingency arises because you feel that God is an outsider, staying in some heaven or holy spot, far away from you. God is in you, God is in every word of yours, in every deed and in every thought. Speak, do and think as it befits Him. Do the duty that He has allotted to the best of your ability, and to the satisfaction of your conscience. That is the most rewarding puja (worship).

Donald Trump won the 2020 election for POTUS going away. He is POTUS until 20 January 2025 and presently in exile. That is the truth. Just stick to it and all will be well.

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