I Rise In Support Of President Trump

From The Desk Of

Citizen Graham

Madam Speakeasy and Leader Shoveler,

I rise in support of President Donald John Trump, who, we all know, won the 2020 election for POTUS and remains POTUS until 20 January 2025.

You object that I address you in terms of abuse, derision. I answer that, inasmuch as you have spent careers earning them, these are proper terms of address to you.

I rise to affirm the extraordinarily good and high character of President Trump, and his hugely loving heart, and to thank you for these impeachment proceedings, which illuminate, once again, this great man’s achievements as well as the rat works you and your counterparts in Congress, the Judiciary, and the Executive Branch have made of United States statecraft.

There are ordinary men and women. There are extraordinary men and women. President Trump numbers among the latter. Extraordinary men and women are found in all walks of life. Few and influential, their light startles some, soothes others, and terrifies many. Ordinarily, extraordinary personalities keep in the background of public life, for their own safety as well as that of others.

Occasionally, an extraordinary man or woman obeys an inner call from their Maker to perform a public service, to fulfill a duty in public view. Always, that duty is to reestablish proper conduct in and among families and nations. The discharge of that duty occasions strong feelings: devoted gratitude and impassioned anger.

Impassioned anger at POTUS Trump by you and your counterparts, and at his duty to restore United States statecraft to cleanliness, makes clear to yourselves, to his countrymen, and to denizens of the fourteen worlds the extraordinarily loving nature of President Trump, his huge competence at the duty given him, and the high propriety of his actions to restore respect for The United States in family-and inter-nation affairs. I thank you and your counterparts for your joint service in this regard, albeit done by you in a posture of churlish pique.

The Rev. David R. Graham
The United Church Of Christ
02 February 2021

Learn lessons from the Sun, the Moon, clouds, sea – all are great teachers imparting to us the prime importance of discharging one’s duty, without complaint. Trees distribute their fruits and their shade to everyone, even to those who lay the axe with an intention to destroy them! Mountains suffer heat, rain and storm without demur, and are plunged in meditation for ages. Birds do not hoard for years together, the wherewithal for food or shelter; they do not lament for they do not lavish affection on their progeny, more than absolutely necessary for their survival. Nature (Prakriti)is your school, your laboratory, the gateway to liberation, and the panorama of God’s manifold majesty. Seek to know the lessons it is ready to teach; all things in Nature are as divine (Brahman) as you are! So, any act is Divine; any work is Divine worship. Build the mansion of your life on the strong foundation of the faith that all this is Brahman.

Donald Trump won the 2020 election for POTUS going away. He is POTUS until 20 January 2025 and presently in exile. That is the truth. Just stick to it and all will be well.

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