SitRep: CIA’s Junta

POTUS is in exile. A civilian-military junta, CIA’s own, installed by them, controls Washington D.C. — government, all branches, and social scene — as well as the nation’s corporation-based communications, to include banks and NGOs, who function as CIA fronts. Using guile and trickery, their stock-in-trade, CIA now ride the United States with a version of banana republic they are accustomed to imposing, for decades, on other nations.

CIA have done their thing here now, on top of their [supposed to be] own country, demonstrating that CIA comprise now attitude, genetics, and operations more foreign than American.

CIA most definitely are not a nativist — their term of art, meant as derision — agency cultivating the welfare of Americans and America. Nor are they alone in the saddle they threw up on the back of Americans. Intelligence and wet operators from PRC, Great Britain, Russia, Israel, France, Italy, Germany, Canada, Ukraine, Mexican Cartels, and other NGOs share CIA’s perch there with a view.

This is known as globalism and global governance. Its actuality in The United States is D-R UniParty oligarchy.

Austin Bay:
Uncle Sam Needs You for a
Counter-Psychological Warfare Strategy

CIA and allies’ junta want everyone to think they are the Government of the United States. They are not. They are a junta, installed — not inaugurated, installed — by scurrilous machinations, plots laid, inductions dangerous, to seize offices they do not deserve, did not earn by winning, and with powers they do not and cannot own. This is the truth. The CIA’s junta are usurpers, are this Biden-Harris rat works. To such low tactics they must reach to get what they want, and even then they do not own the prize because they have to cheat to get even the appearance of having it in possession.

What The Almighty means to do about this — which cannot be other than His devising in the first place — I do not know. Nor will I try to guess beyond saying that He adores proper conduct and that His Grace flows downhill, like water, to those parched by harm from others and hurting from actions by the same agency.

I will say, also, that situations such as this are not novel. This one here and now in the United States is novel. Historically, however, these situation are known, though never with the same particulars and therefore never with the same opportunities for redress of grievances.

  • David R. Graham Answer locally the CIA’s junta, who control Washington D.C. — government, all branches, and social scene — and the nation’s corporate media. Revere the homeschool and respect the five professional guilds. Mothers, teach your children daily to ask God to help them become persons of good character. And do the same on your own behalf. Fix the home. The restoration will spread from there.
  • subotaibahadur  The key point to remember is that once you achieve banana republic status, there pretty much are NO ways to return to normal government by conventional politics. Once more than say 10-15% of a population renounce conventional politics for seizing power by any means necessary, conventional politics is just a way of losing life and liberty. There are far more than 10-15% of the population who are Democrats or openly farther Left. Subotai Bahadur
    • David R. Graham to subotaibahadur Subotai, I take your point, but I believe it is not entirely applicable here, now. The junta / banana republic bit is. The never recover bit is not. Revere the homeschool and respect the professional guilds. God has His ways, and getting us into this mess is one of them, do not forget.

      When we are all ticket-y-boo we say God is with us. When nasty-ness overtakes us we say God has abandoned us. Neither is the truth. The truth is God is us, come rain, come shine.

      Fix the home. The restoration will spread from there.

Only, Glenn, it is Democrats and Republicans
who are scared of Donald Trump.
Lee Smith, above, has the details.

Glenn, it is not Democrats and Media,
it is UniParty and Media.
Also, UniParty is a social circle thing
and CIA controls that with funding
and terror information operations.

Lee Smith’s essay is long and comes to the same picture I am seeing, except I see CIA as the more efficient cause than he does. Lee gets the social scene part of it, and the very end of his essay is good for a healthy chuckle. Very long but worth it, lots of detail which I am sure is all accurate because I remember it and have been watching things for a long time now.

Anyhow, these matters are not that complex. Anyone willing to take time to think them through can figure out what is going on overall, security clearance or no.

Lee does not broach the salient question: did CCP overtake CIA or did CIA undertake CCP? Who done it? Who is the efficient cause of American leader families becoming anti-American oligarchs? CCP sirens or CIA wormwoods? The question is germane to solving the problem, namely, to exit the crisis that is upon us. This is the question of the hour.

Someone manufactured the crisis. Who? This crisis is not a natural event. Who killed Colonel Snap-Weather in the basement sitting parlor?

The serious 1940s-50s version of that question was, as asked by numerous United States General Officers, Admirals, and civilian patriots: Who lost China? The answer, suppressed as often then by corporate media responding to CIA, State Department, or FBI information operations, was: CIA and US State Department.

Roman Catholic prelates put up Senator Joseph McCarthy to make that point but sent him out of the chute prematurely, so to speak, before he could get a grip on the bucking rope, the compelling evidence.

Today, even still, China is a weak player of inter-nation statecraft, weak for numerous reasons, mostly indigenous, even when compared to stupidly self-hobbled practitioners of United States statecraft.

Also at that time — 1940s-50s — and showing the primacy of CIA over CCP, a primacy which persists, is this: that CIA missed — or more likely sat on — NORK intent to invade south and PLA intent to do the same when NORK went down.

In those days, the Korean Peninsula was State Department territory, one might even say property. SCAP (MacArthur, in Tokyo) had no responsibility there. Notwithstanding, MacArthur’s G2, Willoughby, on his own, picked up and reported to SCAP NORK and later PLA buildups that presaged attacks southward. MacArthur passed along Willoughby’s reports to SecDef Marshall and JCS.

The PLA commander, Peng Dehuai, stated, later, that no general embarks on a peninsular campaign without guarantee that his root — in this case, bridges across the Yalu River — would remain safe from attack. And so it went. Marshall gave MacArthur permission to drop the Yalu bridges but only in such a way as to avoid overfly of PRC airspace. His air chief, Stratemeyer, showed MacArthur, on a map, how that could not be done. Marshall of course knew that when he gave permission to do it.

Ordinarily, such an operation would be within the discretion of the theatre commander, in this case MacArthur.

The bridges, Peng’s root, remained safe from attack. They remained intact for Peng’s use attacking American, ROK, and UN formations. CIA and/or State Department — most likely CIA but with State Department knowledge and approval — assured Peng before he struck southward that his root would remain intact to support his peninsular campaign.

The answer to today’s version of the question — Did CCP seduce CIA or did CIA cultivate CCP? — is the same as previously: CIA is the head, CCP is the tail. If CCP can seduce the American social scene — academic, media, finance, government — that is because CIA, who control the American social scene, wants them to seduce the American social scene. This is how things work there, right now.

It were as easy for Silicon Valley and The Ivy League to control the CCP as it is for the CCP to control Silicon Valley and The Ivy League. But that is not how CIA wants affairs to play out. They want CCP to control Silicon Valley and The Ivy League because they, CIA, control CCP as well as Silicon Valley and The Ivy League, but quietly, out of sight and mind. Their junta is installed in Washington D.C. to do exactly that, the poor dumb bastards.

Since CIA created and maintain the social circle who does these things, these groups and persons are effectively faces of CIA.  No other agency here or abroad can pull off this level of psyops success — assassinate one president and de-elect another, buffalo all three branches of federal government — and all on a black budget, unaccountable.

This is CIA’s party.  They are the only people able to pressure all three branches of government, big banking, the big NGOs, the professoriate, Hollywood, big media, big law, Madison Ave., big corporations, and big crime, the churches, and numerous foreign countries all at the same time.

Politicians, judges, media, and bureaucrats never call for accountability at CIA.  Their budget is black.  Their activities are black.  Their goals are black.  All assume CIA operates and should continue to operate on their own without supervision, check, or audit.  They call this national security, a cruel jest.

Mine is the first comment in this string to mention CIA as the puppeteer.

Lloyd Billingsley: How the CIA Failed America on 9/11 – But now successfully meddles in domestic politics

Alan Macleod: Geopolitics, Profit, and Poppies: How the CIA Turned Afghanistan into a Failed Narco-State

While trying to get the best out of nature’s gifts, you must first be equipped with humility and simplicity; otherwise, you will only be dragged along into ruin, through many unfulfilled desires. Ravana desired Nature (Mother Sita was found as a child in a furrow of ploughed land) but he had not chastened himself enough through the sadhana of seeking God; that is why he met his downfall. Desire leads to anger, when it is foiled; anger weakens the body. It impairs the digestive system and chases one fast into old age. Remember, when Prema (Divine selfless Love) is installed in the heart, jealousy, hatred and untruth will find no place there. Do not seek Prema from others when you refuse Prema to others. This is not one-way traffic! Live in Prema, live with Prema, move with Prema, speak with Prema, think with Prema, and act with Prema.  This is the best and the most fruitful Sadhana (spiritual effort).

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