
Your vote is your vote, not a measure of your authority in this world. The measure of your authority in this world is the depth of your reverence for the homeschool and respect for the five professional guilds.

The public school is no object for reverence. Itemize the plant uses for public school properties. They are many.

The richest, most powerful person in the world is God Almighty. Why would any sensible person appeal to any court, legislature, prime minister, president, parliament, executive, mob boss, teacher, lawyer, priest for justice or understanding?

Don’t you say, “my nose, my mind, my hand, my reason”, just as you say, “my book, my umbrella?” Who is this ‘I’ that calls all these ‘mine’? That is the real ‘you’. It was there when you were born, when you were sleeping forgetful of all else, forgetful even of your body with all its equipment, internal and external. That ‘I’ cannot be harmed; it does not change, it knows no death or birth. Learn the discipline that makes you aware of this Truth and you will be ever free and bold. All men have to reach the goal, travelling along the path of wisdom. This knowledge comes as soon as you look into yourselves and analyse your own experience. But, in order to get the craving for that analysis, you have to educate yourselves into the attitude. Developing good habits, avoiding bad ones, mixing in the company of the pious, being active in good deeds, serving those in distress – these are all steps that will lead you into the glorious path of Self-knowledge.

Donald Trump won the 2020 election for POTUS going away. He is POTUS until 20 January 2025 and presently in exile. That is the truth. Just stick to it and all will be well.

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