University Of The Professional Guilds: Operations

Re-design and re-vector the system of education towards producing universal protection rather than universal industrialization. This will take time. There is no political solution. There is cultural solution and behind that religious solution.


Credo Ut Intelligam

My purpose is to sketch a new system of education for a new national mission. It is not my purpose to add to the present system of education or present national mission. As discussed earlier, the nations’ mission has changed from global prosperity to global peace. This includes the mission of The United States.

The mission of global prosperity required a system of education which made and operated a system of universal industrialization. The mission of global peace requires a system of education which makes and operates a system of universal protection. We have global prosperity. We require global peace to protect global prosperity, and we shall have it.

Public Schools and Liberal Arts Universities comprised the system of education that accomplished the mission of global prosperity by way of producing universal industrialization. Homeschool and University Of The Professional Guilds comprise the system of education that accomplishes the mission of global peace by way of producing universal protection. Education for universal industrialization reared a child to labor in industry. The child’s spiritual development was of little interest to teachers in Public Schools and Liberal Arts Universities. Education for universal protection rears a child to cultivate their practice of love and equanimity, train up to serve in militias for county, state, and federal jurisdictions, and skill up to practice a profession(s).

A child’s primary instructors are their natural parents. In the absence of a natural parent, a child’s primary instructor should be an adult near relative, by blood or marriage, of one of their natural parents. A child’s first condition in life is that of dependency. A child cannot protect themself. The natural mother’s womb, protected by the natural father’s arm, are a child’s first and fundamental protection. Thus the natural parents are a child’s primary instructor.

As the nations’ mission switches from prosperity via industrialization to peace via protection, the nations’ families re-emerge as their top priority. As families re-emerge as the nations’ top priority, neighborhoods re-emerge as governments’ top priority. Neighborhoods protects families and are protected by governments. This includes The United States and her governments.


Labor Improbus Omnia Vincit

The system of education built to make and operate global prosperity via universal industrialization worked from the premise of scarcity. Industry made scarcity disappear. The premise was sound. Now there is abundance. The system of education built to make and operate global peace via universal protection works from the premise of abundance. This premise is sound. Abundance encases and backstops the nations’ desire to protect their prosperity.

As fair and reciprocal commerce promoted global prosperity, fair and reciprocal communication promotes global peace. Trade with all equally, love all equally. This is what students must learn by practice. Students brimming over with that truth become adults who produce universal protection.

God throws into existence persons fated to fulfill the various duties required of life as individuals and life in communities. Worry that persons with this or that skill may not be available to a family, neighborhood, city, or country is irresponsible. Who needs to be here is here. God’s love sees to that abundance of human capital in all times and all climes. If the same appears deplete, one’s expectation of its presence and nature is defective.


1- Each child is a precious asset to themselves, to their family, their neighborhood, their city, and their country.

2- Fruition of the asset each child is is the duty of each child, their parents, their neighborhood, etc.

3- That duty, well-performed, yields the skills society needs for smooth functioning as well as the experience of divine sweetness which slakes the individual’s thirst for happiness by filling body, mind, intellect, and heart with its own bliss.

Their parents’ wishes mixed with their personal inner necessity lead a child’s education. What the parents want the child to learn and what the child wants to learn interact, one might say dance kissing. In a child’s early years, parents’ wishes predominate as for subjects to study and how. Gradually, over many years, the child’s wishes predominate in this regard.

At least by the age of twelve years, a child will want and seek adult guidance beyond the ability of their parents to provide. Even younger children benefit from adult guidance additional to that provided by their parents. Every parent knows this. Still, the natural parents and the child themself chart the child’s education almost exclusively until about the child’s twelfth year of age.

Homeschool structures the learning day using the botanical rather than the industrial metaphor. Where the interest lies, the seed is planted. Where the sapling stirs upward, nutrients are brought to it. When weeds threaten, parents and other adults pull and destroy them. The growing plant, the child, is kept free from pests until their growth itself is sufficient to repel them.

At Homeschool, a child pursues mastery of their own interests as well as what their parents lay down for them. If a subject occupies a child’s attention for five minutes, five hours, or five days, during that timeframe they are not asked to refocus on a different subject unless their parent or other adult of standing as teacher requires it.

At Homeschool, there are no bells (factory start and quit times), classes (product assembly stations), or time schedules (production goals). Those practices are inspired by Horace Mann wanting to mimic in America Germany’s system of education, which used the industrial metaphor. At Homeschool, using the botanical metaphor, subjects are pursued so long as a student’s interest in them persists or until their parent or other adult of standing as teacher requires another subject to become their focus.

At Homeschool there are no grade levels, no stations on a production line. Age no more correlates with wealth of learning than prestige does with wealth of family.

At Homeschool there are no certificates of graduation. Life-long learning means just that. One’s birth certificate attests matriculation at the university of life just as one’s death certificate attests graduation at the university of life.

At Homeschool there is no production schedule. The plant grows at its own pace. This builds into a child redundancy, resiliency, fortitude, and breadth of awareness. A factory product, by contrast, has a narrow purpose subject to surprise and catastrophic defeat.

At Homeschool there are no special honors at either birth or death or anywhere in between those events which bracket one’s existence in this breathing world.

At Homeschool there is no vacation or, more to the point, recreation. Learning proceeds at all times and places through every activity. Recreation is a change of work to a different study or practice. Rest itself is a form of work.

Let a student’s own nature throw into existence the triple thread of life — involution, evolution, devolution : seer, seen, sight — rather than submit them to assembly at work stations along an industrial production line meeting a delivery schedule called school. School is the universe. The universe is didactic enterprise. Learn from the birds, the seas, the clouds, the trees, the mountains, the winds, the elephants and cows, snakes even.

Only you can do what you
came here to do.
So do it.

Starting no later than eleven years of age and lasting for about two years, a student — whether boy or girl — should begin stage one training in the military arts. This cycle might comprise four three-month sessions at intervals of three months. For example:

January through March — Basic Training

July through September — Squad-Level Training

January through March — Platoon-Level Training

July through September — Company-Level Training

Starting no later than fifteen years of age and lasting for about two years, a student — whether boy or girl — should begin stage two training in the military arts. This cycle might also comprise four three-month sessions at intervals of three months. For example:

January through March — Squad-Level Training

July through September — Platoon-Level Training

January through March — Strategic Studies

July through September — Statecraft Studies

Starting no later than sixteen years of age, a student should choose or be assigned to a squad in a county-level militia under command of the county sheriff. Until they are about eighteen years of age, their duties should be in service and service support, give or take, in accordance with their physical, mental, and emotional strengths. Those strengths increase between ages sixteen and eighteen under the stress of responsibility in action.

The U.S. Army Combat Fitness Test is the benchmark of physical conditioning for a student between eighteen and sixty years of age. For students younger than eighteen and older than sixty years of age, physical conditioning is adjusted from that benchmark as appropriate to the age of their body. Physical conditioning for a student should commence no earlier than six years of age and continue in a manner and to a standard appropriate to their body’s age.

Physical conditioning starts with a simple vegetarian diet. It includes regular fasting and consistent prayer.

Militias are for home (civil) defense service: repel invasion, quell riot, savage insurrection. Life-long militia duty is mandatory on all citizens except cripples, habitual criminals, and the mentally defective (lame, lazy, or crazy). Militias are not for foreign service. They operate inside and for three domains of jurisdiction: county, state, federal. They answer to a sheriff, a governor, or a POTUS. A state militia comprises county militias. A federal militia comprises state militias.

Unlike service in federal Armed Forces or state National Guard, who are voluntary, militia service is mandatory of all citizens from approximately age sixteen to death. Sheriffs maintain and governors and POTUS may mobilize militias in their jurisdiction for service in home (civil) defense.

The basic militia maneuver unit is the
Civil Defense Battalion
attached to a county sheriff.

Civil Defense Battalions should comprise Multi-Function Teams (MFTs) for general use and Fusion Cells for specifically intel generation.

Starting no later than sixteen years of age, a student should commence specific training for a profession that appeals to them while also continuing general studies that appeal to them or that a parent or other teacher successfully commends to their attention. More and more over time, training to a profession(s) will take the student outside their home because their parents cannot and should not be expected to host it.

By this age of sixteen, a student is accustomed to seeing opportunities which pique their interest. These are offered into a student’s view by others or discovered by them during their own labors. Most people are in fact eager to speed the work of one eagerly learning. This is human nature. Even thieves help one another.

This age then, sixteen, is about the time a student molts, so to speak, from the parental learning guidance to begin test flights on their own into the educational universe life is. At this point in their mundane career, a student deserves gradual surcease of parental guidance as they seek gradual immersion in what here is named University Of The Professional Guilds (UPG).

The student is on their way to finding a profession(s) at which they want to excel and prosper, thus to pay for their own food, clothing, and shelter, enjoy a spouse and family, perhaps, and foster tangibly the general welfare of neighbors and countrymen.

There is a myriad of professions all equally honorable if not equally remunerative. A student is able to find their way to skill-up for practicing the profession(s) which resides inside them waiting to go to work. Some early in their years find it, some later. A student who by age twenty eight has not found the profession which resides inside them will not find it in this birth except by severe action in train of the definite partiality of Almighty God.

Starting no later than sixteen years of age, then, a student is leaving Homeschool to enter University Of The Professional Guilds. UPG is both concentrated and diffuse, centralized at some locations and decentralized at every location. UPG’s inner rhythm is the regularity of activity described in The Rule Of St. Benedict: prayer, study, labor, prayer, study, labor, prayer, study, labor, etc.

The Benedictine motto is Ora Et Labora.
In truth, Labora Est Ora.

In concentration, UPG comprises three hundred or more acres of land, most of it given to agriculture, the ground of existence, and an artillery range, the ground of peace. UPG comprises five schools: Theology, Medicine, Military Arts, Law, and Pedagogy. Each school rests on its own campus and the whole is laid on the ground pentagonally. Curriculum may be deemed Quintivium.

In diffusion, UPG comprises mixtures of land supporting persons and buildings whereby and whereat occurs skilling-up to practice a profession. Extant career-specific teachers and schools who train up students to practice this and that profession already comprise UPG in diffusion. Apprentice programs, trade schools, national service academies, other engineering schools, medical schools, law schools, theology schools, etc., comprise UPG in diffusion.

UPG in diffusion exists. Only our way of seeing needs adjustment. The treasure is there, a universal asset, a smorgasbord, so to speak, of opportunities to quench students’ desire to learn how to live and why. UPG in diffusion may be compared to a forgotten a stack of money hidden in a book on a shelf against the day of need. We put the treasure there, after all. We made it. It is ours to use as needed. Our system of education is private, technically, but actually it belongs to all, as air does.

Parents and public and private K-12 schools often are a culprit. During a student’s childhood, the wrong chunks are chipped away from the marble, the student, making the sculpture, the adult, ugly and useless rather than sublime and inspiring.

Public school properties are owned by their districts’ parents. They can be shuttered and made public arbors, religion parks, commercial properties, affordable housing, jails and prisons — modern public schools are purpose-built to that use — and town and county facilities, to include shooting ranges.

Private school properties are owned by investors: alumni, bettors, NGOs, and/or parents. They are more likely than are public schools to stumble into helping students skill-up to practice a profession. However, their for-profit disposition clouds their judgement. Their reliance on high fees for service hobbles their sense of right and wrong.

Underneath it all, behind it all, above all, University Of The Professional Guilds calls parents to perform their duties for their offspring, to serve as primary instructor through their child’s most formative years as a young saplings in the field of life. A parent’s duty to their child lasts from the child’s conception to about their sixteenth years of age.

UPG also calls everyone to see a system of education as fostering global peace via universal protection rather than only ramping global prosperity via universal industrialization.

Finally, UPG calls neighborhoods and countries to let students learn where and what they want to learn, trusting God to provide thereby skilled persons to make and operate society’s support systems.

Let education be for a student, not a job. When a student is well brought up, no job will go missing and no student will go jobless.

Times have changed. The nations’ mission has changed. They have prosperity. They want peace to protect what they have, and they are right to want that. Educate and train for protection. Prosperity via industrialization we have, it works, and it must be protected. Auspiciously and serendipitously, the nations’ want for peace via protection, along with unique educational prerequisites as sketched above, coincides with innate human yearning for rest in God’s beauty and sublimation therein of the world’s sorrow.


Si Vis Pacem Para Bellum

At Westphalia the nations resolved to produce global prosperity via universal industrialization. That mission is complete and we see these obvious insanities bouncing around because the nations are seeking a new mission. We are like a fleet in a doldrums between a fresh breeze that blew its way to its end and a freshening breeze to blow us, the nations, father along on our journey together.

The nations’ new mission is to produce global peace via universal protection. As the breeze of this new mission for the nations kicks up, the flies and hornets afflicting us during these doldrums will be blown out to sea and drowned in it.

The Abraham Accords signal the start of that freshening breeze. There the nations are resolving upon a new mission, to produce global peace via universal protection. The Abraham Accords are the nations building on their previous success for global prosperity at the Peace of Westphalia.

The universe is permeated with God and God is love. This is the most important lesson for a child to learn and an adult to practice.

God cannot be identified with one Name and one Form. He is all Names and all Forms. All Names are His; all forms are His. Your names too are His, you are His Forms. You appear as separate individual bodies because the eye that sees them seeks only bodies, the outer encasement. When you clarify and sanctify your vision and look at them through the Atmic eye, the eye that penetrates behind the physical (with all its attributes and accessories), then you will see others as waves on the ocean of the Absolute, as the “thousand heads, the thousand eyes, thousand feet” of the Virat Purusha (Supreme Sovereign Person) sung in the Rigveda. Strive to win that Vision and to saturate yourself with that Bliss.

Donald Trump won the 2020 election for POTUS going away. He is POTUS until 20 January 2025 and presently in exile. That is the truth. Just stick to it and all will be well.

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