We Need A Miracle

The force of the power of evil setting upon the nations is beyond mere human ability to confuse and defeat. We need a miracle.

It impresses me that perhaps the most remarkable feature of The French Revolution, which as all know birthed Communism, is that the French aristocracy were so stupid as to cause and allow it.

A parallel today is that the American aristocracy (de facto, I know, not de jure) are so stupid as to cause and allow a junta comprising bedlam residents to lay hands on mechanisms of government that protect their liberty.

Before reaching obvious miscreants in the American aristocracy, I blame prelates and pastors. They abandoned and reprobated the counsel of Apostles, Fathers, and Doctors of The Church, they who laid in foundations of Western Civilization, better denominated as The Latin Church. As over the stabbed body of The Latin Church I lay Antony’s curse on said prelates and pastors.

DeSantis and Hawley are preaching defeat. They say, take a stand, hold the line. They counsel defending a fixed position. Remember what Patton said about holding (defending) a [fixed] position? No warrior holds a fixed position. He advances only, holding his enemy by the nose and kicking him in the ass.

CPAC is a UniParty event. Were they serious, they would talk and plan maneuver politics, hit UniParty in flanks and rear. How would that look? What would that entail? CPAC is boozing and wenching, waiting to get hit in flank and rear instead of hitting in flank and rear.

There is no legal or political solution to this evil that is upon us. There are cultural solutions, and, more important than those, there are religious solutions. How many CPAC attendees homeschool? That number as a percentage of all attendees measures the seriousness of CPAC as a force to liberate Americans from UniParty oligarchs.

There are five fingers in every hand. If each finger points towards its own peculiar direction, how can the hand hold or manipulate any article? If they come together and stay together, the hands can accomplish whatever they plan. Similarly, when one of you turns your head away at the sight of another, and ten people insist on ten diverse directions, how can any deed be done? You must all be equally alert, active and co-operative. Why must you compete and quarrel? Nothing in this world can last as such for long. Buddha diagnosed this correctly. He declared, “All is sorrow, all is transient; all are but temporary contraptions of ephemeral characteristics.” Why should you be fatally fascinated by these finite things? Strive to gain the eternal, the infinite, the universal. One day you have to give up the body you have fed and fostered. How long can you keep all that you have earned and possessed with pride?

Donald Trump won the 2020 election for POTUS going away. He is POTUS until 20 January 2025 and presently in exile. That is the truth. Just stick to it and all will be well.

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