Afro-Carib Imperialism / BLM

BLM is the old Afro-Carib imperialism out of Africa by way of the French Caribbean. It has always been aligned with Afro-Mohammedan Imperialism. Think Franz Fanon, Frank Marshall Davis.

Black Americans for a century and more have been experimenting with the Afro-Carib idea of overwhelming Indo-European culture and nations by way of direct attack (urban riots, mayhem, pop culture) and indirect attack (ramp grievances, demand accommodations). Basically, a double envelopment of Indo-European speakers and their institutions, contemplating their complete annihilation.

Black Americans who think as Indo-Europeans use their careers to observe that Afro-Carib Imperialism is a negative for Black Americans. Think Thomas Sowell, Clarence Thomas, Ward Connerly. Events bear them out. Black Americans, particularly of senior generations, see that they do. What, after all, has Islam / Afro-Carib Imperialism done for Black Americans besides pack them in with hostility and stupidity?

Dear —,

I read this morning that — School District will have a “Black Lives Matter Month of Action” in February.   I understand that February is Black History Month in the United States and recall learning a great deal about African-American history during that month as a child.  American history is complex and African-Americans are an integral part of it; it is necessary and correct to understand African-American history as best we can to better form an understanding of American history.

Black Lives Matter (BLM) is a racist, communist, anti-family organization that seeks to destroy the United States of America.   They have chosen an excellent name; to make the statement that I just made is to be easily labeled racist, for how could I say it without implying that black lives don’t matter?   Of course I mean no such thing.   I make a distinction between BLM, the organization, and the statement “Black Lives Matter.”   The former seeks the destruction of my family and my country; the latter is an unnecessary but true statement similar to “Murder Is Bad,” “Hitler Was Evil,” or “The KKK Is Racist,” and is used now more as an in-group/out-group identifier than as a signifier of critical thinking or action.

I will not have my 8-year old daughter exposed to an ideology that reframes current or historical events in the context advocated for by BLM.   She is eight years old, after all, and should no more be exposed to a racist ideology like that of BLM than she should sit down and read Mein Kampf.   She has not yet developed an internal model of herself and the world that can withstand assault by such thinking.  It is my sincere hope that — learns of black/African-American history and its place in the greater context of American and world history.   Black history is a rich field of study – one simply cannot imagine the United States without African-Americans – and I hope that she finds it as rewarding as I have found it.

My concerns with BLM in public education are similar to my concerns with –‘s newly-passed Comprehensive Sex Education (CSE) bill.   I’ve read one of the CSE-approved K-12 curriculums and can only say that I was shocked and disturbed.   Were I to have only stood and read directly from that curriculum to a group of 8-12 year olds as recently as 10-15 years ago I would be charged with all manner of crime; now, I am expected to understand that the same will be taught to my child.   I am happy that parents may opt-out of elements of CSE.   My question, then: may we opt-out of any elements of African-American history education, whether directly or indirectly provided curricula, that in any way are sourced from BLM or BLM-associated entities?

I wish we did not live in such troublesome times and am sorry to put you on the spot in this way but I see no other way of answering my concerns.   I would have sent this letter to Principal — but could not find — email address.  Please forward it to — if you would like.

Thank you,

Remember always that it is easy to do what is pleasant; but it is difficult to be engaged in what is beneficial. Not all that is pleasant is profitable. Success comes to those who give up the path strewn with roses, and brave the hammer-blows and sword-thrusts of the path fraught with danger. As a matter of fact, no road is strewn with rose petals. Life is a battlefield, a Dharmakshethra, where duties and desires are always in conflict. Smother the fiery fumes of desire, hatred and anger that rise up in your hearts; it is sheer cowardice to yield to these enemies that turn you into beasts. When obstacles come, meet them with courage. They harden you, make you tough. The best way to get rid of weakness is to strike at the very taproot of the tree – the mistaken notion that you are the body, with this name and this form, these senses, this intelligence and this mind. These are all only the luggage you carry.

Donald Trump won the 2020 election for POTUS going away. He is POTUS until 20 January 2025 and presently in exile. That is the truth. Just stick to it and all will be well.

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