Global Leadership Belongs To The Family: India USA Russia

As usual, Kurt misses the point. Destroying sovereignty altogether is the point, not tolerating violence until it reaches one’s door. Soi-disant elites have a positive motivation, not a laissez-faire or proximately tolerant one. They are using misery and ripping to fulfill a desire they have: to reduce human population to a bare minimum, themselves, and…

The Army Is A National Statecraft Asset

The Army is not a global governance asset. Men and women fight to protect their own countryman, their own national assets, not foreigners and their assets. In order to induce The Red Army to fight The German Army, Stalin appealed to The Red Army’s patriotism for Mother Russia. His communistic world domination, global governance ideology…

Thandava XXIV

Two are Puget Sound, two are Bay Area, all four are West Coast, all four operate in the same industry, all four straddle global comms, all four are less than fifty years old, all four comprise red diaper children and grandchildren, all four depend on privatizing a public utility (internet), two are run by Indians,…

Profile Of A President

The Party The UniParty Atë, come hot from hell, Clergy, lawyers, and bankers are no more able to arrest their impulse to murder President Donald John Trump than were their First Century Judaean counterparts able to arrest their impulse to murder Jesus of Nazareth and God. That the consequence of their counterparts’ murdering Jesus —…

1 Meeting, 2 Reports, 9 Observations, 1 Summary

Late in the afternoon of 18 December 2020, a Friday, a meeting occurred in the Oval Office of the White House and then moved to another portion of the building. Here are two accounts of that meeting: 1- From Jonathan Swan, Zachary Basu for Axios: Bonus episode: Inside the craziest meeting of the Trump presidency…

Replace Them, Do Not Resist Them

One God – One WorldOne Race – One Caste . . . a nation unprepared for war election fraud. . . . the nation experienced a form of internationaltreachery treason like no one had ever seen. Parallels between families operating the Imperial Japanese General Staff and their attack against Americans’ sovereignty at Kaneohe and Pearl…

Where’s The Boss?

As Is The Feeling,So Is The Result. Where’s The Duty Officer? Our Hindu-Christian white supremacy, systemically racist Constitution has done better at protecting inalienable rights than anything coming out of Africa or the Caribbean, so I think (1) it’s a keeper and (2) more Hindu-Christian white supremacy and systemic racism are emphatically indicated. The endowed…

Afro-Carib Voodoo Seasoned With Islam

As Is The Feeling,So Is The Result. Call it not a battle for but rather an attack upon the American soul, which, our law embodies ever so adequately as the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment to The Constitution Of The United States, or in a word, fairness. The attack against our soul by…

Thandava – XXVIII

As Is The Feeling,So Is The Result. Reynolds awakes: Okay, let me just spell this out a bit more: The typical thing to do — and what critics would have expected Trump to do — is return hate for hate. All the white-people bashing at the DNC, with the platform mentioning white people 15 times,…

There’s A Criminal Conspiracy In There

As Is The Feeling,So Is The Result. Criminal conspiracy indeed. Flynn was/is? the door to revealing it. It is American elected, appointed, and hired decision-makers embedding the Moslem Brotherhood, their cloud of Salafi fronts, fellow travelers, and IRGC allies inside DOJ, DOD, DHS, DOS, CIA, Treasury, White House and virtually all agencies. In other words,…

From Riot To War

As is the feeling,So is the result. This has evolved from demonstration to riot to war, from law enforcement to [what should be] shooting [to kill] rioters to ordinary [lethal] military operations. The law enforcement component now is to arrest principals of Democracy Alliance on suspicion of inciting riot and other unlawful activity and to…

Memorial Day 2020 And JFK, Again

As is the feeling,So is the result. The political left and organized crime are one and the same personalities. Their interests and activities can be identified from their behavior and specifically from how they spend three resources all have to one extent and another: time, money, and energy. The political left, organized crime spend their…

On Purifying And Creating Institutions

The One Is Indivisible The Truth Is The Whole The answer, sufficient if not complete, is the family — husband, wife, children — the primal structure of existence, who make the whole perishing thing work and happily. The family is the indicated and necessary ecclesial polity, the one persisting ecclesial institution.  It is monastic.  There…

Christian Families And Monasteries

The One Is Indivisible The Truth Is The Whole The Church is embodying in a freedom movement presenting as national patriotism, meaning, honoring the parents both physical and spiritual. The Great Trump Awakening for national sovereignty contrasts with and outruns The Great Clinton/Bush/Obama Transgressions for global governance. No games.  No appeasing tyrants.  Never lose faith…

Mau-Mauing Stampede

AUM NAMAH SHIVAYA Upon occasion, in human affairs, it becomes necessary to remind functionaries that they are not proprietors.  This observation has reference to that Euro-American mélange of colossal dummies who self-identify as the foreign policy establishment (FPE) as well as to their tools, practitioners, who call themselves the intelligence community (IC). For generations, Progressives Transgressives — aka…


AUM NAMAH SHIVAYA Upon occasion, in human affairs, it becomes necessary to remind functionaries that they are not proprietors.  This observation has reference to that Euro-American mélange of colossal dummies who self-identify as the foreign policy establishment (FPE) as well as to their tools, practitioners, who call themselves the intelligence community (IC). The tragedy inside their whole outlook…