Memorial Day 2020 And JFK, Again

As is the feeling,
So is the result.

St. Thomas Episcopal Church, Medina, WA
St. Thomas. Episcopal Church, Medina, WA
St. Thomas Episcopal Church, Medina, WA

The political left and organized crime are one and the same personalities. Their interests and activities can be identified from their behavior and specifically from how they spend three resources all have to one extent and another: time, money, and energy.

The political left, organized crime spend their time fornicating, their money consuming, and their energy dominating. Fornication, consumption, domination are behavioral tells of the political left and organized crime, which are the same personalities.

The political right and organized religion are one and the same personalities. Their interests and activities can be identified from their behavior and specifically from how they spend three resources all have to one extent and another: time, money, and energy.

The political right, organized religion spend their time laughing, dancing, and singing. Jollity, movement, and forbearance are behavioral tells of the political right and organized religion, which are the same personality.

In the 1960s, I was confused regarding who assassinated POTUS John F. Kennedy and why but felt a conspiracy mixing government and organized crime was involved. By the 1980s, I was certain the political left did it and also that organized crime did it, but how, why, who? What was the connection? I did not cognize it then. In 2013, I observed regarding the assassination of POTUS John F. Kennedy that the political left and one guy did it. In 2016, I observed that the questions of who did it and specifically why are open although I remained convinced that the political left did it and that organized crime personalities were in the mix of causation and purpose, somehow.

The questions of who and why regarding the assassination of POTUS Kennedy are germane to knowing how, where, and when to loose the Aegean, so to speak, to run through the branches and agencies calling themselves the Government of the United States of America. The answer to the question of how, specifically, the assassination was done is fairly straightforward: crossfire and quit the country, a textbook mob hit.

Although it propounds fiction regarding numerous and important details of the assassination, I remain convinced the movie Ruby answers accurately the question of the assassination’s operational specificity.

My current summary: the assassination of POTUS John. F. Kennedy was ordered by organized crime leaders, specifically Sam Giancana, Carlos Marcello, and Santo Trafficante, and approved, before and/or after, and/or covered up by personalities in agencies of the US government, specifically J. Edgar Hoover’s FBI and John A. McCone’s CIA.

Human interest note: the character Candy Cane played by Sherilyn Fenn in the movie Ruby represents the stripper Candy Barr, a friend to Jack Ruby. The movie conflates Candy Barr with Judith Exner, the fornication partner/messenger between POTUS Kennedy and Sam Giancana. The movie gets Jack Ruby in numerous places he belongs but for a reason opposite to why he was there. Jack was a gangster ordered to kill the patsy Oswald to prevent him from talking. Then, just before he went to a second trial, Jack himself was killed in federal prison.

The why of the assassination is simple and straightforward. Kennedy frères welched on a deal Kennedy père made with Sam Giancana and, by implication, principals of La Cosa Nostra (LCN) and The Commission. The deal was: a President Kennedy would remove the irritant of congressional and executive branch investigations (stone in the shoe) into criminal organizations in exchange for Giancana and The Commission delivering Illinois’ electoral votes to Democratic Party Candidate for POTUS John F. Kennedy.

Giancana kept his end of the deal and John F. Kennedy ascended to The Oval Office . . . fraudulently, be it noted.

Then, famiglia Kennedy did not keep their end of the deal. POTUS Kennedy appointed his brother Attorney General. Bobby Kennedy continued what he did during the 1950s as assistant counsel to the Senate Government Operations Committee and then chief counsel to what became the Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations of the U.S. Senate Committee on Government Operations. He bore down on The Commission and LCN using DOJ assets.

In addition, Bobby’s brother John was reckless. He acted, frequently, as though he thought he had a personal guarantee of perpetuity from the Recording Angel — or — was going to die anyhow, so, WTH, let’s live! Examples abound.

Alan Seeger’s* famously influential poem I Have a Rendezvous with Death was a favorite of POTUS Kennedy’s that likely also inspired a famous line of POTUS Roosevelt’s, from 1936: This generation of Americans has a rendezvous with destiny. A man of appetites, to include those discreetly referenced by les très gentille as gallantry, John F. Kennedy tempted fate even in the face of known danger. It was his style and pleasure so to do. He was that sort of man, and the trait endeared him to many.

* Alan Seeger belonged to a prominent New England/New York
family who included his brother Charles, his nephews
Pete and Mike, and his niece Peggy.

POTUS Kennedy welched on a deal his father made to get him [fraudulently] elected, a deal with people who do not abide welchers. He exposed himself and paid for the welch.

The truth is, POTUS Kennedy died in a grubby filthy textbook gangland revenge killing covered up and obfuscated by grubby filthy personalities resident in all three branches of the United States government as well as by his own family and certain Roman Catholic prelates. It was sordid from start to finish. A word given, then broken, and a predictable outcome when the guilty party lives in bad company and recklessly. Very easy to get to him. Utterly déclassé. The Kennedys are, after all, as the saying goes, up from the lace Irish.

And he welched on a very big deal. That was the heart of it, although others, especially in the USIC, had their own reasons to celebrate the POTUS’ death. Those perfidious soi-disant Americans and their pernicious descendants prevailed until today, when there is, finally, an opportunity to wash them away along with their sins and entire frame of reference.

Why did personalities resident in all three branches of the United States government as well as POTUS Kennedy’s own family and church cover up and obfuscate his assassination? There were numerous reasons all tending to the same end: the assassination revealed the dirtiness of the company kept by JFK , his family, certain prelates of the Catholic Church, and personalities resident in all three branches of the United States government; ERGO, memory hole the who, why, and how of the assassination and raise in its stead a story line of shimmering titillations intimating lost opportunities which can, somehow, someday, be regained. A vision that perpetually seduces and never satisfies because its base is no-where.

Public relations narrative supplanted the truth. Politics is a dirty business.

A lone shooter narrative was spun out in order to absolve the FBI and other USIC agencies of blame for not seeing and stopping the plan to assassinate and also to hide those agencies’ easy commerce with organized crime. In the same way, and until POTUS Trump arrived in town, FBI and other USIC agencies spun out Jihad attacks on US citizens and properties as lone wolf operations, meaning, unconnected to organized Islam and not the FBI’s or other agencies’ fault for not stopping before they happened.

On account of all of which, POTUS Kennedy’s wife marries a Greek gangster, his brothers self-disgrace, his son takes on the looks and manners of a gangster along with his father’s recklessness, and his daughter devolves into a grotesque, royalty-pretending parody of an American president’s daughter. It is easier, more flattering respectable, and less expensive to just tell the truth.

The patriarch was a gangster who consorted with gangsters and carnival people entertainers. The offspring could have made an effort to float like a lotus above the muck yet chose to remain under it, with the partial exception of John himself.

Toward the end of Reminiscences, GA MacArthur writes hopefully of POTUS Kennedy based on his assessment, from personal interviews, that the President wanted to (1) refocus US foreign policy onto enhancing US sovereignty and (2) point the better part of US investment of time, money, and energy west across the Pacific instead of east across the Atlantic. The General passed away four months and a few days after the President did, I would imagine with something of a broken heart despite the grandeur of his accomplishments.

GA MacArthur read POTUS Kennedy as a patriot, not a barker for anti-American politics and criminal behavior. At a distance, I read him the same. GA MacArthur was, as President Roosevelt said of and to him, the conscience of the American people.

The patriot the General saw in the President was less stable a character trait that he wished it would be, but it was there, I saw it too, and I can vouch for its presence. That patriotism’s loss impelled the deep, ineffable sorrow suffered by patriotic Americans upon hearing of the President’s assassination as well as the ecstatic joy experienced by perfidious soi disant Americans and many foreigners upon hearing news of the same event.

The integrating realization, the truth to recognize in this incident, is that crime and leftism are one and the same personalities. Politics and crime. They’re the same thing . . . .

Religion and rightism are selfless service.

The following dialogue occurs early in a forgotten movie named The Formula staring George C. Scott and Marlon Brando:

SS Captain: Your orders come from Reichsfuhrer Himmler. Do you understand them?

Wehrmacht General Helmut Kladen: I am to take a truck of secret documents to the Swiss frontier.

SS Captain: Correct. These documents represent our last chance to negotiate. We hope to trade our top secrets for American amnesty. If we are successful, we will save the German nation from the Soviet hordes.

Wehrmacht General Helmut Kladen: All my life I have served the German nation. Your service has been to yourself and the party.

SS Captain: I have great respect for you, General. God be with you.

Wehrmacht General Helmut Kladen: Since when did you believe in God?

Update 1: Commies gonna commie. The only way to stop them is by killing them, or beating them into submission. And in the latter case, they still don’t give up for long.

Update 2: K. T. McFarland: If anything, I am now more convinced than ever that what we are experiencing now is not just a group of Democrats, Never-Trumpers, and the liberal media who have made common cause in their efforts to get rid of Trump. It is an entrenched self-perpetuating Washington Establishment locked into a battle with the American people over who is sovereign. Is it the American electorate who voted for populism and nationalism with Donald Trump as their flagbearer? Or does the ultimate power rest in the hands of the entrenched Administrative State and the governing class who are using the system to get rid of Trump and everything he stands for?

Islam means surrender to God. Islam teaches that God’s grace can be won through justice and righteous living; wealth, scholarship and power cannot earn it. Pure Love alone pleases the Lord. Islam insists on full co-ordination between thought, word and deed. Really speaking, all those who live in a spirit of surrender and dedication, and in peace and harmony, follow Islam. Muslim holy sages have emphasised that we must inquire into the validity of the ‘I’, which feels it is the body, and the ‘I’ which feels it is the mind and reach the conclusion that the real ‘I’ is the Self, yearning for the Omniself, God. The Ramzan month, fast and prayers are designed to awaken and manifest this realisation. Every religion emphasises on unity, harmony and equal-mindedness. Therefore cultivate love, tolerance and compassion, and demonstrate this truth in your daily living. This is the message I give you with My Blessings.

Βασιλεία του Θεού

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