While Ogresses Fasten On Piffle

As is the feeling,
So is the result.


One of those important matters going on while media masses focus on piffle: John Ratcliffe confirmed by Senate as Director, ODNI.

Moslem Brotherhood/Obama used USIC to deform US.  USIC mostly went along, being already fruity with the idea from being play-Commies.  Richard Grenell has cut holes through the wall holding the Aegean at bay.  Ratcliffe will blow the wall away.

This reverbs through all military 2, 3, and 5 shops.*  ODNI Ratcliffe (TX) and White House CoS Mark Meadows (NC) are former House and now admin colleagues.

Someone engineered Richard Burr’s (R, NC) stepping down as chair of Senate Intelligence Committee, the most corrupt of all congressional committees, and that opened the way for confirmation of Ratcliffe, very quickly.

This accomplishes what LTG (R) Michael Flynn wanted to do: remove the USIC as blocker of intel needed by COCOMs and their subordinate commanders.

How Russiagate Began With Obama’s
Iran Deal Domestic Spying Campaign

Lee Smith

* 2 Shop = Intelligence, 3 Shop = Operations, 5 Shop = Plans.

Spiritual learning (vidya) instructs you to remember yourself first.  After transforming yourself, try to reform others: that is the advice offered by spiritual knowledge.  The delusive attachment to the objective world can be uprooted by means of selfless service rendered as worship to the Lord.  Devotion to the motherland, love of the motherland — these are to be reckoned as far less than love and devotion towards all mankind.  Genuine spiritual devotion (bhakti) is characterised by love for all, at all times, everywhere.  The characteristic of nature is “to manifest as manifold”; the characteristic of the Divine is “to absorb into unity”.  So, those who dislike or hate another or demean and denigrate another are indeed fools, for they thereby dislike, hate, demean or denigrate only themselves!  But they are unaware of this truth.  Spiritual knowledge instructs one to become established in this truth and demonstrate the underlying Divinity.

Sathya Sai BabaVidya Vahini, Chapter 8  /  Daily Email, Sai Inspires: Subscription

Βασιλεία του Θεού

Eli Lake: The Railroading of Michael Flynn

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