Rationality And The Assassination Of President John F. Kennedy

In the Name of The Father, and of The Son and of The Holy Spirit, Amen.


Many if not most at and about my age recall where they were when first hearing of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.  We and most other Americans carry a wound from that news, one way and another, seemingly forever.  We – I – have been confused, searching as if blindly, frustrated, knowing cover-up is occurring but not knowing the who, which would reveal the why, never finding the seemingly irrefutable, always feeling someone was keeping it from us, even if only our own lack of assiduity in the search.  We heard and tested conspiracy theories.  None settled the questions.  Each seemed to have kernels, at least, of truth, but not a complete picture that would satisfy yearning for the whole truth and nothing but that.

A few years ago – I forget exactly when, but it was after we settled in Washington State – I did figure out that, contrary to the universal witness of officialdom and conspiracy theories, the assassination of President Kennedy came from the left, not the right formation of ideological-political scrapping.  Since realizing that, I have never felt cause to think otherwise.  No doubt arose.  The left-wing origin of that assassination I knew as unassailable fact, reliable and satisfying, an anchor for further study and rumination.  Years of analysis and testing yielded that data point.

But I had not, until this past fall, seen the details.  Not until I saw this interview (transcript) of James Piereson by Peter Robinson at Hoover Institution.  After digesting that, I feel the search is over, the whole truth laid out for all to see.  The wound can heal and the perpetrator can be run down and put down.  And he will be.  Of that, too, I am confident.

Note on 22 November 2020: Oswald was a patsy, as he said he was.  He shot, true, but the kill was from LCN crossfire executing a CIA contract.  In the Pierson-Robinson interview, above, one can hear CIA talking through NYT’s Jimmy Reston to lay the assassination to domestic policy (right wingers) rather than foreign policy (left wingers, includes CIA, academe, ecclesia), where it was.  Pierson gets part way home but not all the way.  All the way home is to the professors and clergy who instilled the idea of Realized Eschatology in the domestic and foreign leader cadres, especially intelligence-foreign policy establishment, who since 1963 at the latest have united to overwhelm US national sovereignty.

Update 1: Related: from 08 July 2016

Update 2: Dorothy Kilgallen:


World Trade Center, 2000
World Trade Center, 2000
A Russian Bear
A Russian Bear

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