Replace Them, Do Not Resist Them

One God – One World
One Race – One Caste

Warmest Thanks to Michael Quine/Las Vegas Review-Journal for this video!

. . . a nation unprepared for war election fraud.

. . . the nation experienced a form of international
treachery treason like no one had ever seen.

Parallels between families operating the Imperial Japanese General Staff and their attack against Americans’ sovereignty at Kaneohe and Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, 1941, and families operating the D-R UniParty and their attack against Americans’ sovereignty at elections, 2020, are notable.

We are attacked again, this time by our own families. Their bombs, ballots. Their bullets, bits. Their devastation against this and other nations, unparalleled in American history. Victory they shout with their war cry: DIVERSITY !

Race, class, and sex have nothing to do with this situation. Lawfulness and lawlessness are the descriptors of moment. These families are not just criminals. They are traitors.

A consortium of American leadership families turned themselves, gradually over decades, into a conspiracy of American crime families, traitors to their country and countrymen. Race, class, and sex have nothing do with our situation today. Trump-Freedom Movement supporters in huge numbers belong to all classes, all races, religions, regions, all around the globe, and both sexes. Everyone knows this.

Americans did not vote the way American crime families — D and R traitors — wanted them to vote. So, American crime families resorted to foul play so enormous it presents as treason. They had no choice. Americans’ love of freedom is so great. Really, humanity’s love of freedom is so great.

Paul Bedard: Constitution does not require hasty Electoral College vote, check fraud first

Glenn Reynolds: The effort to silence critics is an admission that the silencers’ programs can’t withstand criticism.

There is a way to fix this situation, to restore to Americans their sovereign freedom: produce a fresh and patriotic consortium of American leadership families.

And there is a way to do that too. Everyone can go for it and should. It starts with practicing The Fatherhood of Love, which is to say God, and The Motherhood of Common Sense, which is to say Purity of Heart.

There are ways to do that too, to love God and to purify the heart, methods straightforward, free of financial prerequisites, and guaranteed of success. The methods can be learned but must be practiced if they are to take effect, which is to say, if they are to produce a fresh and patriotic consortium of American leadership families.

Spiritual practice and patriotism are peas in a pod. They go together, co-exist, naturally. For this reason, of course, American criminal families, who embody treason, conspire to attack spiritual practice, to include by mimicking it. Ecclesial institutions present today in this condition: they are led by criminal families who subvert and mock spiritual practice (Sadhana in Sanskrit) by promoting counterfeits of it, sentimentality (liberals) or legalism (conservatives) mainly.

Spiritual exercises prescribed by saints and sages, and codified in classical ecclesial liturgical and monastic practices, are methods for purifying the heart. Humanity has great and long experience in this regard, trustworthy experience. Find method(s) that fortify your self-confidence, self-satisfaction, and eagerness for self-sacrifice (aka crucifixion of ego).

In these times, the easiest and most speedily productive method of purifying the heart is simple: repetition of a Name of God, any one from their myriads that you like. Ramanam this is called in Sanskrit. Pray Without Ceasing St. Paul calls it. Make it loud, quiet, or silent, but make it sincere. To a tune is best but not mandatory. Guaranteed success. And speedily. Once you have selected a Name to recite repeatedly, stick with that one. One Name of God is not more efficacious than another. All work equally well to summon Him. All names, after all, are His.

When God’s Name is called sincerely, just as when you call a friend on the phone, He answers and so draws near. No different.

Teach children how to purify their hearts — Augustine: The innocence of children is in the weakness of their limbs, not in their will. — and the reasons for doing so. Just so you rear a fresh and loyal consortium of American leadership families who sweep away the fetid American criminal families clawing to consume Americans’ wealth, equanimity, and cheer.

It is said that the CCP are the most evil and effective monsters attacking Americans today. There is evidence to support argument for this assertion. On its face, however, the assertion is not accurate. The most evil and effective monsters attacking Americans today are their own parents, the ones teaching American children to harbor and act on evil impulses infecting their hearts rather than teaching American children to purity their hearts.

A human personality’s telos, their destiny, is to be pure, clean, hollow of ego, self-effacing, always considering their own faults large and reprehensible and others’ faults small and inconsequential, mind hard as diamond, heart soft as melted butter, hands skilled as the finest craftsmen.

Today, Americans’ chief enemy are their own criminal families posing as American leadership cadre but, in fact, conspiring to steal Americans’ very lives.

Replace these. Do not resist them. Replace them. Foster Love and Common Sense and that will happen, you will do it. Love and Common Sense lead the way.

Schooling is a waste, if children do not learn lasting virtues and do not develop strength of character, as a result of the process. Now they learn a number of copybook maxims; but do not put a single one into practice in daily life! They must learn reverence for parents, teachers, and elders. Even as children, they must learn the glory of God who is their inner Reality; they must understand that they are not the body, but they are the one dehi (indweller), who is the dehi in all. Through bhajan (singing devotional songs) and shravana (listening to tales of God’s Glory), these elevating truths can be handed to them by teachers and parents who are themselves aware of these and are practicing them in daily life. Learn your own news, before getting excited about the news of others. Learn A,B,C,D of your own alphabet and then, you will be better able to guide others, in their learning and life! 

Βασιλεία του Θεού

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