Veterans Of American Military Service

One God – One World
One Race – One Caste

I urge you to consider offering to serve your country and countrymen through an elected American civilian legislative or executive office. Wherever you live now, the responsibilities of town or city Mayor, state Legislator or Governor, and/or US Senator, Representative, or President exist within reach of the force of your character and skill sets, to discharge well and faithfully. Decide which office and go from there.

Americans and America — and citizens of other countries — are happiest, most cheerful, when stewardship of their affairs rests in the hands of their military retirees and other veterans of military service.  Our best civilian leaders have been veterans of military service. Career politicians Americans do not trust and respect. Career military officers and enlisted personnel, and even those who just served a hitch in uniform, Americans do trust and respect.  We know instinctively that military training conduces to good character and that good character conduces to civil tranquility and moderation.  This feeling is evident around Americans’ first POTUS.  It is also human nature.

The qualities resident in leadership families matter.  Good character tops the list.  Party does not really matter.  That would be your preference.  At the moment, Democrats heave and sigh under the thrall of criminally-minded families more than do Republicans. However, both parties stand today in pleading for scions of proper American leadership families to conduct governance of our country. Good governance proceeds from good character.

You are or likely are such. Which is it?

Furthermore, you live, likely, in a gold-mine of retired officers and NCOs as well as civilian military veterans of good character who would be eager to support and staff your decisions in this regard. Money, protection, and other support comes to those who are right for the job.

Morally and mentally, persons of military training and experience are best prepared and best able to steward their country’s affairs.  The Soldier — not the Clergy, Doctor, Teacher, Lawyer, or Businessman — has inner structure of personality and proclivity best suited to lead nations and govern men, women, and children.

You belong, most likely, to a fine American leadership family.  I urge you, treasured friend, to consider deploying your treasure in service to your countrymen and country — and, indirectly, to citizens of other nations — as an elected American senior civilian legislator or executive.

Sadhana (spiritual efforts) must make you calm, unruffled, poised, and balanced. Make the mind as cool and comforting as moonlight, for the Moon is the Deity holding sway over the mind. Be calm in speech, and in your response to malice, cavilling and praise. You complain that others are disturbing your equanimity; but you do not know that though your tongue does not speak, your thoughts can unsettle the equanimity of those around you. Detachment, Faith and Love – these are the pillars on which peace rests. Of these, faith is crucial. For without it, all Sadhana is an empty rite. Detachment alone can make Sadhana effective, and love leads one quickly to God. Faith feeds the agony of separation from God, detachment canalises it along the path of God and Love lights the way. God will grant you what you need and deserve; there is no need to ask and no reason to grumble, be content. Nothing can happen against His will!

Βασιλεία του Θεού

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